After a 2 hour heated discussion with Kenn Cramer,
I decided to put the pictures up and let people have there say,
This is my opinion:
Accidents happen and going on the grass can sometimes not be avoided, but what do you do when u see someone cutting the corner EVERY lap ?
I belong to the host, NARAARR>Racetrack for G25/Porsche wheel users only,
The Location of this topic is at ASTON - AS1
We all know the down hill S section just before the last corner.
I believe That a race car driver should Keep his car on the track at all times.
The track I believe is the Tarmac section, and Ripple Stripping.
Ripple stripping also contains ripple support sections, (green at aston) these are attached to the ripple strip, but extend out to the grass.
Although ripple extensions are questionable to drive on (you can end up with no part of the car on the tarmac) for the sake of Gameplay I dismiss this.
If a user ends up with wheels on the grass, it should be by accident. in real life, a driver would be black flagged, if they went on the grass to cut a corner repeatedly.
The Ripple is there as a last resort, The extension is like Dire straights, and the Grass, is simply off limits, it is not part of the track.
Red = Kenn Cramer's line,
Green = Correct line

Kenn believes 2 wheels on the grass anytime for how ever long u like is ok, while the other 2 wheels are riding on the ripple extension. (see pic above)
LMAO, He Actually asked me to take away the cones, cause they were disrupting him from getting onto the grass, Crazy talk if you ask me.
Im sorry, but ive never seen a car race, where drivers do this, throwing up grass and dirt everylap on the same corners just doesn't happen, thats why racetracks are made of hard stuff lol
So now because of drivers who lack honesty, integrity and the ability to keep there car on the track at all times, our track looks like Old Mcdonlds, farm.
(1 second penalty being built soon for touching grass and objects will be removed) Objects are placed there to protect the scoreboards from Cutters.
The sad solution , to stop cheaters like this ?

Anyway, this is a forum, If u think Kenn is right, and we should all start fitting Knobbly tires to our cars to handle the offroad action, then have ur say.
If you think your car should be on the racetrack (the hard part lol) at all times feel free to say so too.
Im just tired of doing it the right way, only to have all my good work undone by people who just want to win, rather than feel a true driving/racing experience.
I decided to put the pictures up and let people have there say,
This is my opinion:
Accidents happen and going on the grass can sometimes not be avoided, but what do you do when u see someone cutting the corner EVERY lap ?
I belong to the host, NARAARR>Racetrack for G25/Porsche wheel users only,
The Location of this topic is at ASTON - AS1
We all know the down hill S section just before the last corner.
I believe That a race car driver should Keep his car on the track at all times.
The track I believe is the Tarmac section, and Ripple Stripping.
Ripple stripping also contains ripple support sections, (green at aston) these are attached to the ripple strip, but extend out to the grass.
Although ripple extensions are questionable to drive on (you can end up with no part of the car on the tarmac) for the sake of Gameplay I dismiss this.
If a user ends up with wheels on the grass, it should be by accident. in real life, a driver would be black flagged, if they went on the grass to cut a corner repeatedly.
The Ripple is there as a last resort, The extension is like Dire straights, and the Grass, is simply off limits, it is not part of the track.
Red = Kenn Cramer's line,
Green = Correct line
Kenn believes 2 wheels on the grass anytime for how ever long u like is ok, while the other 2 wheels are riding on the ripple extension. (see pic above)
LMAO, He Actually asked me to take away the cones, cause they were disrupting him from getting onto the grass, Crazy talk if you ask me.
Im sorry, but ive never seen a car race, where drivers do this, throwing up grass and dirt everylap on the same corners just doesn't happen, thats why racetracks are made of hard stuff lol
So now because of drivers who lack honesty, integrity and the ability to keep there car on the track at all times, our track looks like Old Mcdonlds, farm.
(1 second penalty being built soon for touching grass and objects will be removed) Objects are placed there to protect the scoreboards from Cutters.
The sad solution , to stop cheaters like this ?
Anyway, this is a forum, If u think Kenn is right, and we should all start fitting Knobbly tires to our cars to handle the offroad action, then have ur say.
If you think your car should be on the racetrack (the hard part lol) at all times feel free to say so too.
Im just tired of doing it the right way, only to have all my good work undone by people who just want to win, rather than feel a true driving/racing experience.