Hello Master.

But then new ideas were coming in and it was not possible anymore just to add some makeshift code into your application. So I started experimenting with LFSLib by Arne Claasen, trying to make it work and slowly a completely new application was emerging. I was processing more and more InSim events, creating more and more variables for different purposes, you know how it goes.
The application got its name in time, Airio, and I was working on it very hard - add new code, test it, put it online, see what bugs there are, and run the whole circle again with something new. I started to use external configuration files, came with "live" update idea, then user messages localization possibility, large graphical interface to make it user-friendly, and such. Latest substantial change was moving the whole application into my own InSim library (Christmas time well [?] spent) called Aegio (contained inside Airio), so that now I have complete code under my control.
Currently Airio cotains over 500 thousands characters of source code, you may also add to this number 150 thousands characters of the Aegio InSim library. It is huge. Sorry for this introduction, I hope it helps me to answer your two questions:
As I said several times already, I've spent large amount of time developing the application. I was neglecting my real work in an unbelievable fashion for almost the whole of 2008. Naturally I've directly lost lots of money I could earn doing something else.
Still, I'm offering most of my work to the LFS community in the FREE version. Its limitations comparing to FULL version are not substantial (connecting "only" four servers at once), there is just a few advanced user features missing (soft splits, race progress), and some admin stuff (remore FTP, IRC).
With all this I hope to get some money. I realize this may be a touchy subject, but I need to feed myself and my family, that's clear. I'm pretty sure I'll never get back all I invested. Still I hope there'll be enough people in the LFS community (both admins and racers) that would like Airio and that may donate a few dollars, euros, or pounds to support further Airio development. It takes lots of time to add new things. FREE compile is for anyone to use, I'm just asking people to seriously consider some donation if they like the application and intend to keep it or require some updates.
The FULL version is currently running only on AirAttack servers. It exists as a small incentive to see what else can be done. It is not available for free, but as I say in the docs anyone can get it for "sufficient donation".
Natural question: "What is a sufficient donation?" Airio is a server tool. One copy is used by many people, and also by several servers at the same time, everyone should realize that. Would you consider getting the FULL version for 5 or 10 euros? Good. Convince 19 other people from your team to donate the same amount and you'll have it on all your servers immediatelly.
All in all, 90 percent of Airio is free for anyone (with optional donation). If you want something better or special, then it may not be for free, simply because there's too much effort in the development.

I do not plan to release the source code. One reason is contained in my answer to question 1 - I do not offer some portions of the code for free, so I may not make it available.
The other reason is that I'd like to have it under control. I'm not sure how many people would actually burry themself in the source code, coming with new ideas and implementing them for their servers, creating custom versions. For now I prefer this: Give me your ideas, I'll try to implement them as options, then make them available. This reason is close to why LFS developers do not create track/car editors.
The last reason is that I consider myself a lousy programmer. Experienced eye may probably see in the code many areas that could be improved, generalized, refactored, optimized. I'm not going to give people reason to laugh at me.

Thanks, I'll try. Anyone should realize though that he himself may help to make the application better and keep the development going on. FYI: Donations for continued Airio development received up to date - total of 55 dolars... Note that I'm not money-hungry, but you should not make me die of starvation.

Take care and see you around!