That is the nature of everything Tomba, people always want what is coming and never what they have. The world has become so fast paced we've stopped living in the present, people 'want want want'.
I am sure LFS will continue for aslong as it fits right with Scawen's life, S2 will at some point in the next few years reach a stage of completion. I am absolutely sure there are times when Scawen wants to just say "Final" and be done with it and walk away, I meen, who wouldnt after years working on the same program?
The thing is, LFS continues to potter on, earns him a reasonable income, and when it gets too much he can take a break. Does it matter if it's called 'in development' or if its called a 'patch' ? Really the fact that S2 is Alpha is because Scawen is essentially honest and as i've joked before, basically the capitalist equivellent of a raving communist, which i'm sure frustrates Victor on ocassion, who strikes me as much more business orientated
We might never get S3, does it matter if we do or dont? As a consumer i'm utterly satisfied with the product and i'm fairly confident that my forum musings over the years have sucked more than my £24 fee just in bandwidth for that, let alone what I got out of the game itself.
Whether the program is considered final or not is really just a case of how much of an idealist you are. The fact Scawen doesnt see LFS as finished simply shows he has more ideas that he wishes to implement than has been done. It doesnt change the fact that it is a great game already.
The Scirocco is a classic case, the devs didnt leak the information that we where getting it. It was found by an LFS'r elsewhere and posted here, then confirmed as true by the devs. There's been clamouring demand for it ever since, because we all 'want want want', but releasing it as a matter of priority was never on the original game plan, and as has always been the case in LFS the devs will do what the devs will do, and lately that's not been surfing you tube, it's been decorating...
I dont know about you, but I dont begrudge the way LFS is made. If anything i'm envious that some people have done the hard work necessary to achieve that. Personally I was way too interested in drugs in my youth to ever build a solid business, now i'm older I can look at what the devs of LFS have done and say, 'good job guys' and use them and their story as an inspiration for planning my future which i'll get around too one day as soon as I stop wasting time making aimless forum posts patting them on the back...