The online racing simulator
BMW Sauber car confirmed!
(172 posts, started )
Quote from DEVIL 007 :LFS hardly use high ammount of polygones and with todays graphic cards its not problem at all.
It even wouldnt be a problem for even older cards.

Another approach is bump mapping....LFS cant do that sadly.

Bump-maps are automatically generated (for the environment - not the cars) when textures are loaded.
Gone down to 2 days but no new updates
Quote from axus :Bump-maps are automatically generated (for the environment - not the cars) when textures are loaded.

You can have bump maps on any object you want if the 3d engine can do that and show that.
Quote from axus :Bump-maps are automatically generated (for the environment - not the cars) when textures are loaded.

Sounds like you are thinking of mip-maps, not bump maps. I've seen no evidence to suggest that bump mapping is currently implemented in LFS.
Quote from colcob :Sounds like you are thinking of mip-maps, not bump maps. I've seen no evidence to suggest that bump mapping is currently implemented in LFS.

Quote from axus :I see the countdown page says "Drive the BMW Sauber F1.06 in 3 days" still... so I guess we are still getting something later.

I believe your browser still has the old 3-days-left site cached. Press Ctrl+F5 to freshly reload the page.
Quote from colcob :Sounds like you are thinking of mip-maps, not bump maps. I've seen no evidence to suggest that bump mapping is currently implemented in LFS.

I was speaking about another approach which can make grooves looking like 3d and saving time when programming.So I was speaking about bump maps.Mip-maps cant create 3d visually.
LFS doesnt have this currently implemented as far as I know.

It would save time when re-coding a tyre onfly generation which is done in LFS.Tyres in LFS are not pre-loaded 3d models.
There's no point in grooving the tyres, they will look perfectly find in LFS!

As they are generated on the fly, I'd imagine that it would cost quite a bit more CPU to work out the deformations if there are real grooves, rather than a texture.

Of course Scawen could do this, but it might hurt FPS for some of the slower GFX cards out there
Isn't it displacement where the texture creates the 3D form - dont think you would see between the grooves on a bump map
Quote from Djbob :Isn't it displacement where the texture creates the 3D form - dont think you would see between the grooves on a bump map

Thats true but thats too power hungry.Bumb maps create just illusion of 3D. Scawen wouldnt have to re-code tyre generation which is made on fly if we used bump maps.

The 3d engine would need to be updated for bump maps though.

Displacement mapping would create real 3d look.

Hope its more clear now to all
Quote from Screeny :it says 2 now. but nothing else changed.

Bar the grin on my face, how hyped up I am. And the wet patch. Yes nothing changed.
bump mapping what?! parallax occlusion mapping ftw!!111
does someone need some bridgestone tire set?
Attached images
Attached images
I noticed while skinning the car that I can't change the color for the camera on top of the car. I would like to be able to do that... or actually, each team member to do that so you can easily identify who is in what car.
Did anybody see anything different? Can the camera be "skinned".
Well the Logo might disaapeard because maybe the deal is between Sauber/Intel and LFS devs and not BMW so the BMW logo must be taken down.
Who has property for Sauber F1 car? Is it BMW or Sauber it self?
BMW only give motors to Sauber?

There is many ??? I dont the answer to so it might be the reason.
when will be updated the dedi-server?? we need it to play in servers tomorrow
Quote from DeXteRrBDN :why has the BMW logo disapeared?

hmm interesting maybe BMW are pulling the plug, no more bf1 in teh patch lol... maybe when the devs changed the 2 to 1 the logo screwed up? ormaybe bmw asked for it to be taken down tho not sure why they would...

devil007 has an interestin point. above !
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Well the Logo might disaapeard because maybe the deal is between Sauber/Intel and LFS devs and not BMW so the BMW logo must be taken down.
Who has property for Sauber F1 car? Is it BMW or Sauber it self?
BMW only give motors to Sauber?

There is many ??? I dont the answer to so it might be the reason.

bmw is the owner of sauber, but the name is sauber-bmw or bmw-sauber xDDD
I hope we can get official answer from SCAVIER why the logo has been taken down if it was not just a mistake.
We usually do that by wing-mirrors in our team, but the camera would have been a nice alternative. In no way a complaint, I hasten to add! The fact that the camera is there will make in-car videos easier to position, for replay movies etc. Nice reference point!!
BMW bought out Sauber but kept the name to appease fans. But for all intents and purposes, that is the BMW factory team.

And FYI there is still a BMW logo above the spinner video.

BMW Sauber car confirmed!
(172 posts, started )