made a few edits to my friend, hope you like it
Quote from TAT :made a few edits to my friend, hope you like it i like it, are this skins private?
Quote from Riders Motion : Nice pic! Can you give me a link for those lights? Can't find them from anywhere anymore, i mean the rx7 rearlights
I dont remember where I got them but here's the file. Attached files - 1.3 MB - 548 views
Sixth picture looks like the car has much more lock than usual. Cheat-o-matic? Very nice pictures though.
Nah, I took those pics from an online session. Its just that the front is pretty messed up so the car look like it has a lot of lock.
Quote from G!NhO :Its not shaming, i just thought he took credit for making it but T.J. is the creator.... You didn't understand it. :S
You dont understand it, because he doesnt care if i say he made it.... and as long as he doesnt post the mod here, it is fine.
Quote from popsy :any problems.. deal with it. The only problem is that you think peoples care that you have a shitty mod so you feel the need to post a shitty pic and you think peoples will give a damn about it. We saw you now, you're cool. Happy? Zeug: WTF you quit [newbs]? O_o
Quote from popsy :me drifting at aston, personal mod. any problems.. deal with it. First one who kills him get's a prize!
Quote from BOSCHO :mine EEK!! That is just... uh... nah, can't find any suitable words. Quote from feat :First one who kills him get's a prize! Heh? Kill him in order to steal his mods?