The online racing simulator
Hey all.

New S2 racer here looking for some beginner friendly servers to race on. Most of my limited experience is with the two demo cars on Blackwood, but I've been playing with the FXO on Fern Bay Gold since I purchased S2.

I've found the [AKM] Racing UK server/thread for beginners but the server I joined said I did not have a fast enough personal best to race there and I didn't see any other [AKM] servers. Any other servers or perhaps teams to train with? Thanks for any help.
Hello, after 3 years with demo I today finally decided to join the world of S2
It is good to drive a car, that actually accelerates
Hi from Texas. Just got my S2 this weekend. The game is so good that broke down and bought a G25 today on amazon. I've been playing GTR2 and EVO for a short time with a momo force offline. I hope the new wheel will help me with my fear to race online.
Hey Eveyone,

I'm an 17 (almost 18) year old Energy Drink and Racing addicted player from Belgium.
I played S1 demo back in 2003 till end of 2004 but quit playing.
But now I saw much has improved and I'm might getting a S2 license very soon
Quote from jdgracing :...I've found the [AKM] Racing UK server/thread for beginners but the server I joined said I did not have a fast enough personal best to race there and I didn't see any other [AKM] servers. Any other servers or perhaps teams to train with? Thanks for any help.

i dont know these servers but i guess you can do your pb on another server since they are all connected with lfsworld, where your pb and other stats are saved. when you have a good time you probably can race on the AKM servers too.

@Yasko, well... all i can say is that the online racing is quite better in LFS then in GTR2/evo :P
Quote from Energy-Drink :Hey Eveyone,

I'm an 17 (almost 18) year old Energy Drink and Racing addicted player from Belgium.
I played S1 demo back in 2003 till end of 2004 but quit playing.
But now I saw much has improved and I'm might getting a S2 license very soon

Welcome back
Enjoy your stay!

Watch out for some people on the forums, and drive safe.
Then u'll be fine
Oh dear Rockclan, I do feel for you mate. Can I ask why you chose a Belgian Flag??

Anyway mate good things come to those that wait keep smiling.
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE
HELLO HELLO! after two years i bought S2 License!
made the purchase... cant stop... just ordered my wheel and pedals after a day playing the demo.. my life has been taken over
Quote from jvalley201 :made the purchase... cant stop... just ordered my wheel and pedals after a day playing the demo.. my life has been taken over

Hehe! You sound like me when I stumbled across LFS, I took a sicky of work the day my wheel arrived....and yes your life has gone


Yesterday i have bought an S2 license. I have played the demo for 3 years, and now i have bought S2. I hope that i have an good time with s2!~

Greetings (sorry for bad English)
Hi all,

I play LFS for 1,5 years, now I want to know; is S2 mutch nicer than demo. I like to drift with XRT and i heart s2 got verry nice tracks. I'm looking for a new computer at this moment, and when i found, I wanna buy S2.

If someone can give me advice about buy S1, S2 or maybe S3 when its out, TNX!

CU, Hollandia

sorry too for bad english
week ago I bought S2 licence, I`m glad to joining your community
hey only on 0.5x curently ...i love mah xrt!!!...but need w aheel really bad curently on keybord
Quote from naparnikas :Hi,
week ago I bought S2 licence, I`m glad to joining your community

Nice to see so much lithuanians joining our community. Good luck
Welcome to the new folks

Hey Old Navy you never did tell me who won that S2 voucher
Hehe, hai there doodz, /me saiz ohhai first time after he got teh s2.
Quote from Shadowww :Hehe, hai there doodz, /me saiz ohhai first time after he got teh s2.

I still dont believe you
i m new in here
Nice username you have there.
hi i am not exactly new though.
yeahh i know

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )