i have a dell 19 1280x1024 and just got an acer 24 1900x1200 the dell is off to the right side and i can't get lfs set to run on both with out it being off center and all messed up looking. i tried softTH but i can't figure out the settings to get it to work in lfs, it just beeps and closes (my guess would be can't render graphics error) what im i missing here.
thank you for any and all help
gfx card is a evga gtx 260 (still waiting for my gtx 295 step up)

thank you for any and all help
gfx card is a evga gtx 260 (still waiting for my gtx 295 step up)

; SoftTH configuration file
; by Kegetys <kegetys[ät]dnainternet.net>
; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor.
; secondaryWidth/Height: Left/right monitor resolution, set to -1 to use same as middle screen resolution
; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left/right monitors
; secondary16bpp: Use 16bit colour in left and right monitors, this cuts the required bandwidth in half
; antialiasing: Level on anti-aliasing, use this instead of driver enforced setting
; anisotropic: Level of anisotropic filtering, you can also use driver enforced setting
; borderSize: Size of frame border between monitors that is discarded
; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use
; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide
; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution
; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth
; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game
; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card
; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head
; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied
; noHotkeys: Set 1 to disable all hotkeys
; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir)
; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes
; doHooking: Enable/disable all hooks
; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly
; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates
; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3)
; Must be last in this file
0.000 SoftTH: SoftTH v1.08 by Kegetys (D3D8)
0.000 SoftTH: Module: E:\lfs z\d3d8.dll ("E:\lfs z\LFS.exe")
0.015 SoftTH: Loading configuration C:\Users\louis\SoftTH.cfg
0.015 SoftTH: Loading configuration E:\lfs z\SoftTH.cfg
0.453 SoftTH: Right monitor ID autodetected as 1
0.453 SoftTH: Added auto resolution 1920x1200 60Hz
0.453 SoftTH: loadConfig return
0.453 SoftTH: Activating Win32 hooks...
0.0000 STHook: Hooks: Attached
0.469 SoftTH: Direct3DCreate8 (ver 220)
1.156 SoftTH: Adapter 0: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 with SoftTH v1.08 by Kegetys (D3D8)
1.203 SoftTH: Adapter 1: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 2852x600 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 3524x768 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 4292x960 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 4292x1024 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 5252x1200 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 3992x700 f16
1.203 SoftTH: Added mode 6212x1200 f16
1.219 SoftTH:
1.219 SoftTH: CreateDevice 1024x768 75Hz 23bf 77df 8/0ms
1.219 SoftTH: Focus window: 'Live for Speed'
1.219 SoftTH: Requested mode 1024x768 not triplehead
1.219 SoftTH: 1 backbuffer(s): 1024x768
1.219 SoftTH: SwapEffect 1, PP Flags 00000000, Behaviour Flags 00000080
2.140 SoftTH: Storing function pointers...
2.140 SoftTH: Empty device reference count: 1
2.140 SoftTH: Standard mode: 1024x768
2.140 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...
2.140 SoftTH: Releasing devices...
2.281 SoftTH: Video memory used: 1.50MB
2.297 SoftTH: InitStuff done
2.297 SoftTH: CreateDevice return (1024x768)
9.906 SoftTH:
9.906 SoftTH: Reset main device (2852x600)
9.906 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
9.906 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
9.906 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (2852x600 0Hz), enabling TH
9.906 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
10.422 SoftTH: Reset OK
10.422 SoftTH: Creating additional device windows
10.422 SoftTH: Monitor left: 800x48
10.422 SoftTH: Monitor right: 800x48
10.422 SoftTH: Focus window: 5308986 'Live for Speed'
10.422 SoftTH: Creating window (pos 800x48, size 1280x1024)
10.453 SoftTH: Creating window (pos 800x48, size 1280x1024)
10.484 SoftTH: Creating device right..
11.109 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
11.109 SoftTH:
11.109 SoftTH: Reset main device (800x600) FOO
11.109 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
11.109 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
11.406 SoftTH: Reset OK
11.406 SoftTH: Reset return main device (800x600) FOO
11.406 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
11.453 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
11.453 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
11.453 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (2852x600, f22, ms8-0)
11.453 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (2852x600, f77 ms8-0)
11.453 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (1952x600, f22)...
11.453 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
11.453 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexB (2560x1024, f23)...
11.453 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 800x600, sr: 1280x1024
11.578 SoftTH: Video memory used: 1.83MB
11.594 SoftTH: InitStuff done
11.594 SoftTH: copySurf: Initializing
11.594 SoftTH: Reset return main device (2852x600)
11.594 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 7
13.234 SoftTH:
13.234 SoftTH: Reset main device (3524x768)
13.234 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
13.234 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
13.234 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3524x768 0Hz), enabling TH
13.234 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
13.719 SoftTH: Reset OK
14.031 SoftTH: Creating device right..
14.765 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
14.765 SoftTH:
14.765 SoftTH: Reset main device (1024x768) FOO
14.765 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
14.765 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
14.937 SoftTH: Reset OK
14.937 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1024x768) FOO
14.937 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
14.984 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
14.984 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
14.984 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3524x768, f22, ms8-0)
14.984 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3524x768, f77 ms8-0)
14.984 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2400x768, f22)...
14.984 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
14.984 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1024x768, sr: 1280x1024
15.109 SoftTH: Video memory used: 3.00MB
15.125 SoftTH: InitStuff done
15.125 SoftTH: copySurf: Initializing
15.125 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3524x768)
15.125 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
15.140 SoftTH: createQuad: Creating new buffer 0x0 - 2560x1024 (0/8)
15.140 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice increased by 3
16.594 SoftTH:
16.594 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
16.594 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
16.594 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
16.594 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
16.594 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
18.062 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
18.062 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
18.062 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
18.062 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
18.062 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
18.062 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
18.078 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
18.078 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
18.078 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
18.812 SoftTH: Creating device right..
20.719 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
20.719 SoftTH:
20.719 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
20.719 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
20.719 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
20.890 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
20.890 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
20.890 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
20.890 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
20.890 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
20.890 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
20.890 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
20.890 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
20.890 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
20.890 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
20.890 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
20.984 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
20.984 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
20.984 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
20.984 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
21.000 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
21.000 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
21.000 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
21.125 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
21.156 SoftTH: InitStuff done
21.156 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
21.156 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
21.156 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
21.156 SoftTH: Right device lost! D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET (valid)
21.297 SoftTH:
21.297 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
21.297 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
21.297 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
21.297 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
21.312 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
21.312 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
21.312 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
21.312 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
21.312 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
21.312 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
21.312 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
21.312 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
21.312 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
21.312 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
22.047 SoftTH: Creating device right..
23.937 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
23.937 SoftTH:
23.937 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
23.937 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
23.937 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
24.078 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
24.078 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
24.078 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
24.078 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
24.078 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
24.078 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
24.094 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
24.094 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
24.094 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
24.094 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
24.094 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
24.172 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
24.172 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
24.172 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
24.172 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
24.172 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
24.172 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
24.172 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
24.297 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
24.312 SoftTH: InitStuff done
24.312 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
24.312 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
24.312 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
24.359 SoftTH:
24.359 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
24.359 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
24.359 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
24.359 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
24.359 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
24.359 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
24.359 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
24.359 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
24.359 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
24.359 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
24.359 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
24.359 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
24.359 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
24.359 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
25.047 SoftTH: Creating device right..
26.828 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
26.828 SoftTH:
26.828 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
26.828 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
26.828 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
26.969 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
26.969 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
26.969 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
26.969 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
26.969 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
26.969 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
27.000 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
27.000 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
27.000 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
27.000 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
27.000 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
27.078 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
27.078 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
27.078 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
27.078 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
27.078 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
27.078 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
27.078 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
27.219 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
27.234 SoftTH: InitStuff done
27.234 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
27.234 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
27.234 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
27.265 SoftTH:
27.265 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
27.265 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
27.265 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
27.265 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
27.265 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
27.265 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
27.265 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
27.265 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
27.265 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
27.265 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
27.265 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
27.265 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
27.265 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
27.265 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
27.906 SoftTH: Creating device right..
29.625 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
29.625 SoftTH:
29.625 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
29.625 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
29.625 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
29.765 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
29.765 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
29.765 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
29.765 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
29.765 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
29.765 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
29.781 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
29.781 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
29.781 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
29.797 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
29.797 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
29.875 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
29.875 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
29.875 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
29.875 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
29.875 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
29.875 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
29.875 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
30.000 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
30.015 SoftTH: InitStuff done
30.015 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
30.015 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
30.015 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
30.031 SoftTH:
30.031 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
30.031 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
30.031 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
30.031 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
30.031 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
30.047 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
30.047 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
30.047 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
30.047 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
30.047 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
30.047 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
30.047 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
30.047 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
30.047 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
30.719 SoftTH: Creating device right..
32.406 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
32.406 SoftTH:
32.406 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
32.406 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
32.406 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
32.547 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
32.547 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
32.547 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
32.547 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
32.547 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
32.547 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
32.562 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
32.562 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
32.562 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
32.562 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
32.562 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
32.625 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
32.625 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
32.625 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
32.640 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
32.640 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
32.640 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
32.640 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
32.750 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
32.765 SoftTH: InitStuff done
32.765 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
32.765 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
32.765 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
32.812 SoftTH:
32.812 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
32.812 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
32.812 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
32.812 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
32.812 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
32.828 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
32.828 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
32.828 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
32.828 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
32.828 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
32.828 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
32.828 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
32.828 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
32.828 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
33.484 SoftTH: Creating device right..
35.219 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
35.219 SoftTH:
35.219 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
35.219 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
35.219 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
35.375 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
35.375 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
35.375 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
35.375 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
35.375 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
35.375 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
35.390 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
35.390 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
35.390 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
35.390 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
35.390 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
35.469 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
35.469 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
35.469 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
35.469 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
35.469 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
35.469 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
35.469 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
35.594 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
35.609 SoftTH: InitStuff done
35.609 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
35.609 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
35.609 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
35.656 SoftTH:
35.656 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
35.656 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
35.656 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
35.656 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
35.656 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
35.656 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
35.656 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
35.656 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
35.656 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
35.656 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
35.656 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
35.656 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
35.656 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
35.656 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
36.312 SoftTH: Creating device right..
38.094 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
38.094 SoftTH:
38.094 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
38.094 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
38.094 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
38.265 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
38.265 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
38.265 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
38.265 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
38.265 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
38.265 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
38.281 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
38.281 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
38.281 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
38.281 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
38.281 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
38.344 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
38.344 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
38.344 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
38.344 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
38.344 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
38.344 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
38.344 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
38.469 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
38.484 SoftTH: InitStuff done
38.484 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
38.484 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
38.484 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp
38.500 SoftTH:
38.500 SoftTH: Reset main device (3992x700)
38.500 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
38.500 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
38.500 SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3992x700 0Hz), enabling TH
38.500 SoftTH: Using application set antialiasing (level 8/0).
38.515 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
38.515 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
38.515 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
38.515 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
38.515 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
38.515 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
38.515 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
38.515 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
38.515 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
39.172 SoftTH: Creating device right..
40.765 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
40.765 SoftTH:
40.765 SoftTH: Reset main device (1180x700) FOO
40.765 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
40.765 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...
40.922 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
40.922 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:
40.922 SoftTH: res: 1180x700 0Hz, f22, count 1
40.922 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0
40.937 SoftTH: Windowed: 0
40.937 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000
40.953 SoftTH: Window: Live for Speed (Fullscreen)
40.953 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Disabled (f4D)
40.953 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump
40.953 SoftTH: Reset return main device (1180x700) FOO
40.953 SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done (B)
41.015 SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
41.015 SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
41.015 SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3992x700, f22, ms8-0)
41.015 SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3992x700, f77 ms8-0)
41.015 SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2712x700, f22)...
41.015 SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...
41.015 SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1180x700, sr: 1280x1024
41.156 SoftTH: Video memory used: 8.79MB
41.172 SoftTH: InitStuff done
41.172 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3992x700)
41.172 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 6
41.172 SoftTH: WARNING! D3DCall fail line 2918, C:\Util\c++\SoftTH2\d3dfunc.cpp