The online racing simulator
Quote from JTbo :Grip has gone towards arcade, imo.

It has more grip but it still slides so easily, tires don't bite as in reallife, now it is practically impossible to spin with XR GT and such car in reallife is surely spinnable and when it starts to spin at corner entry it is nothing like in lfs

That is naturally just my opinion, but I feel that tires slide too well.


Oh I have to totally disagree.. I think you are used to broken physics..

LFS is so damn spot-on right now.. it's great. You can spin the car, it just takes more, like it should. Cars in real life aren't always trying to go backwards, they are designed for stability, even racecars. If you want a loose setup- make one and I am sure the tail end will be all over the place.

Of course I need to do more testing myself, but from what I have seen, LFS just took a HUGE leap into the lead in the physics department.. Congrats to the devs.. a fine job indeed.
Tried my standards test setup of FXR on Aston Cadet Reverse. On the first try, i beat my usual average by a second and within a couple of laps i was 3 seconds up. Main difference was being able to downshift more agressively (without the the engine braking being stronger than traction and causing a spin) and coming out of turns more agressively. IMHO, a lot more like slicks should grip. My only experience with slicks is in a 914, but i can tell you it that that traction is more than capable at overcoming any engine braking that the transplanted flat-6 could muster. But even my Falken Azenis give me more traction at autocross than the FXR used to provide in the slow turns.

I like the patch.
Anyone tried the last hairpin at KY Long yet? Particularly in the GTRs/F08?

Dying to know how it feels.
Very impressed....physics are much better I.M.O. The BF-1 is a blast.
Quote from JTbo :Grip has gone towards arcade, imo.

It has more grip but it still slides so easily, tires don't bite as in reallife, now it is practically impossible to spin with XR GT and such car in reallife is surely spinnable and when it starts to spin at corner entry it is nothing like in lfs, it is much more brutal and faster episode.

I have to disagree. My daily driver is a 2300lb car with 210bhp and it's got a 36/64 weight distribution. So at best it should be more tail happy than the XR GT. However, when i try a hard turn in second, the traction usually chokes the engine that I plow more than understeer. The only way I can easily make the rear step out is to do start in 1st and slip the clutch into 2nd to stay at the upper range of the RPMs. (Or come down a straight too fast and unbalance the car slowing too fast going into a sweeper -- that felt nasty)

Anyway, the XR GT is similar to my car in power/weight but better balanced. In pre-S it would step out at low speeds in 1st and second without any effort. In S it now has a tendency to plow a bit if you do the turn starting in the low-to-middle range of RPMs in 2nd.
#31 - JTbo
Quote from BWX232 :Oh I have to totally disagree.. I think you are used to broken physics..

LFS is so damn spot-on right now.. it's great. You can spin the car, it just takes more, like it should. Cars in real life aren't always trying to go backwards, they are designed for stability, even racecars. If you want a loose setup- make one and I am sure the tail end will be all over the place.

Of course I need to do more testing myself, but from what I have seen, LFS just took a HUGE leap into the lead in the physics department.. Congrats to the devs.. a fine job indeed.

If you count reallife to broken physics maybe then I'm used to broken physics, sliding just feels more stable and now it is even slower than before, it feels just wrong and slow motion, can't help it...
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Anyone tried the last hairpin at KY Long yet? Particularly in the GTRs/F08?

Dying to know how it feels.

F08 is up 5-10kph and much less inclined to spin up the back wheels. The BF1 is a treat at this track really is a GP track (banked section not withstanding).
#33 - JTbo
Quote from sdether :I have to disagree. My daily driver is a 2300lb car with 210bhp and it's got a 36/64 weight distribution. So at best it should be more tail happy than the XR GT. However, when i try a hard turn in second, the traction usually chokes the engine that I plow more than understeer. The only way I can easily make the rear step out is to do start in 1st and slip the clutch into 2nd to stay at the upper range of the RPMs. (Or come down a straight too fast and unbalance the car slowing too fast going into a sweeper -- that felt nasty)

Anyway, the XR GT is similar to my car in power/weight but better balanced. In pre-S it would step out at low speeds in 1st and second without any effort. In S it now has a tendency to plow a bit if you do the turn starting in the low-to-middle range of RPMs in 2nd.

My car is similar to XR GT even very close to same weight balance. Problem is not start of spin or anything of that, it is when you are already spinning/sliding, there is problem as it has been before this patch.
The bmw very very very very nice, hav'nt tried other cars yet. AS nationall 1.29, dont no if thats good well its better than 1.43 in the fox, nice work the devs.
well im no longer fast anymore on the demo server (cant get low 1.11's)but the new car and grip it nice, but loveing speed of the f1 car.

when u think there will be sets out for the cars for this new patch?

like with othere patch u could go to a certain site and dl setups.
Quote from JTbo :It has more grip but it still slides so easily, tires don't bite as in reallife, now it is practically impossible to spin with XR GT and such car in reallife is surely spinnable and when it starts to spin at corner entry it is nothing like in lfs, it is much more brutal and faster episode.

That is naturally just my opinion, but I feel that tires slide too well.

I think you have good point. It's still maybe too easy to slide, I presumed spinning would happen now much instantly and brutally but it would happen less often.

The grip physics probably still aren't 100% optimal (but what game is?! ) but huge step if you compare this to the previous version. I haven't played LFS really since January (just some random laps), I had to even test the old version. I suggest you to that too and make a compare with same cars. I've been playing mostly the road cars and LX6 which is easier with default (!) set than LX4 was with easy race setup in the 0.5Q. I think the default or race_s sets aren't that much better than before, of course sets feel better because overall physics are better. Bob Smith just got unemployed (referring to the easy race setup pack ).

RAC feels still a bit... weird.

And the BF1 has amazing sound in LFS-scale. I couldn't believe that it sounds more like F1 than food mixer. Too bad they haven't improved other cars' sounds, even the annoying crashing sound seems to be still here.
#37 - Jakg
why wouldnt there be?
I just love the sound of an engine at 15k RPM plus. I think the BF1 sound is another testament to LFSs sound modelling instead of using samples. Sure, it isn't quite as visceral as the real thing, but it behaves properly. I found myself just doing up and down shift practice to hear that high pitch symphony so familiar from watching F1.

If there is one thing that I miss in the sound model is that it currently doesn't seem to include the transmission. When I did my engine swap, I removed all the sound deadening between my rear seats and the engine and now on top of the engine sound, that dips and rises with gear changes i have the constantly rising whine of transmission. It's the closests i come to high pitch with my engine redline of only 7k rpm.

While on the subject of sound, while the turbo whine is in there and very reminiscient of my MR2 Turbo days, one thing I noticed with my sound deadening removed is that even on naturally aspirated cars you can hear the sucking sound of air rushing through the intake when you put the pedal down. It's not just a Turbo noise and would be nice to find in a future version of LFS.
Quote from Resound :F08 is up 5-10kph and much less inclined to spin up the back wheels. The BF1 is a treat at this track really is a GP track (banked section not withstanding).

I'm loving it! And I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy LFS sooner!!!
Well if I had a CC i would have but luckily I found Skynet who was so kind to lend me his CC
I Need Help
I've downloaded the new patch but am not very sure where about to save the file so it will work can someone tell me
LFS just got a lot easier. I'm not an expert but the tire grip feels more realistic. Tried the FZ50 on South City and there you can really see how, in a slow left corner, the front right tire gets squeezed as the car tilts a bit to the right. I think it is a wonderful impression of how the tire is stressed. This was really missing before and I like it very much. Also the FZR on Aston (which is more detailed now) is nearly glued to the road compared to before. Much more tolerance for small driving mistakes (braking too late, accel. too early, etc.)

Question: The framerate seems to be lower in replays. Is it because of the haze that is now visible? Does anyone "see" the haze when driving?
Quote from nicolson10 :I've downloaded the new patch but am not very sure where about to save the file so it will work can someone tell me

Put it in your LFS Folder, right click, select "extract to here".

Then run LFS, after it has extracted.
#44 - Gunn
Quote from nicolson10 :I've downloaded the new patch but am not very sure where about to save the file so it will work can someone tell me

Just unpack the zip file to your main LFS folder.
(Vain) DELETED by Vain
Sorry but ....
i have done wat u said and i still don't seem to ave the update how do i get the new car
lemme guess...u created a dir inside the lfs dir...

or maybe u didnt unlock it yet?
wat do u mean
what do u mean unlocked it yet. I haven't made any new folders ether
#48 - JTbo

Take a look at this replay, pay attention specially to 180s those just look slow to me, how does it look to you?

It may of course be that changes are made parts more real but because there still is underlying problem those changes have negatice effect to realism? Or maybe inertia is just wrong and keep pushing car too much when sliding, don't know, anyway something makes slomotion feel special in those 180s, imo.
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I've just done my first LX-4 ride with new patch. Oh man that was a car that I always tried to avoid but now it's just great. Had so much fun with it
Quote from nicolson10 :what do u mean unlocked it yet. I haven't made any new folders ether

Once you have successfully updated the game, you have to reunlock it to get out of demo mode