The online racing simulator
Learning to drive with MOMO wheel
(60 posts, started )
#1 - _@lex
Learning to drive with MOMO wheel
Hello! I hope there isn't such a theme around here At least, I didn't find it.
I've bought MOMO wheel a week ago, and it's my very first computer wheel.
I'm racing FBM at Blackwood, and I'm doing around 1.19.00. With keyboard I was 1.15.00 and even less. I can't drive now Everything that worked very well with KB makes me spin and slip now. How do I learn to drive? By the way, in other sims and arcades I experience the same problems...
Thanks for paying attention!
Just be smooth with your movements. Post a replay of yourself driving so we can help out in a more informed way.
i have MOMO and i suggest to use Force Feedback and after about 2-3 weeks you'll be quicker than with a keyboard, don't stop trying you just got to start feeling the wheel(use FF). It takes time to use pedals properly and it would be good if you post a replay o your driving, then i could point out the points you need improving...
yeah, i've improved my BL1 pb over a second from 1.14.6 something to 1.13x and getting better all the time, you'll get used to the Wheel.
It was just the same for me, it took me long time to get the hang of the wheel.
Can I also suggest you try using the 4 key to put the racing line on the track. I know you may think this is for beginners and I know the suggested line and braking zones aren't perfect but it helped me when I went to wheel. If you haven't used this before just remember Red area = Braking zone Orange/Lt. Green = No throttle or partial throttle Solid Green = Full Throttle.
Quote from JackSun :Can I also suggest you try using the 4 key to put the racing line on the track. I know you may think this is for beginners and I know the suggested line and braking zones aren't perfect but it helped me when I went to wheel. If you haven't used this before just remember Red area = Braking zone Orange/Lt. Green = No throttle or partial throttle Solid Green = Full Throttle.

i usually ignore the colors and just try to hit the right line.
the colors just look nice to me
#8 - _@lex
Quote from sk8line69 :i usually ignore the colors and just try to hit the right line.
the colors just look nice to me

This line makes me crazy I just can't stick to it in some corners (in 3 turn, for example).
I'm very grateful to all of you, who spent their time for such a newbie like me.
I'm planning on making practice session today, so I'll post replays a bit later.
Thanks again.
P.S. Sorry for my English. As you may have already noticed I'm from Ukraine, and I didn't have much practice in this language.
Also you need to have a properly configuration on the logitech profiler. I have a MOMO too, my config in profiler is this.

Sensitivity: 15%
Dead Zone: 0%
Range: 100%

Acelerator and Brake
Sensitivity: 5%
Dead Zone: 0%
Range: 100%

Global Configuration
Global Intensity: 100%
The rest is in 0%

Pedals with separated axis on profiler, and LFS.

The FF in LFS, it depends on your taste, try diferent FF intensity
OK, here's a quickly recorded KB replay. I should say it's rather good than ordinary, especially considering some of my mistakes and good summary lap time. _@lex_BL1_FBM_37.rar
Here's replay with the wheel. Notice how I'm almoust get spinned in T1 - that happens often.
Wheel - Turn 1.rar
And finally - full wheel replay. The driving is very good, as for me. I've set wheel PB here.
_@lex - Wheel.rar
Attached files
_@lex - Wheel.rar - 50.3 KB - 186 views
Wheel - Turn 1.rar - 17.3 KB - 177 views
_@lex_BL1_FBM_37.rar - 31.8 KB - 175 views
Quote from O.Varela :Also you need to have a properly configuration on the logitech profiler. I have a MOMO too, my config in profiler is this.

Sensitivity: 15%
Dead Zone: 0%
Range: 100%

Acelerator and Brake
Sensitivity: 5%
Dead Zone: 0%
Range: 100%

Global Configuration
Global Intensity: 100%
The rest is in 0%

Pedals with separated axis on profiler, and LFS.

The FF in LFS, it depends on your taste, try diferent FF intensity

Hm, I've made almoust the same settings, except for my sensitivity is 50%. I've got to try your settings, thanks for advice!
#12 - Dmt
Well.. watched your replay and as far I know I had the same problem when I got my wheel.. It took me week or so to get used to it.. so its very normal.

Maybe try to watch WR replay.. it might help you because you dont feel where is the right place to make a turn.
Quote from Dmt :It took me week or so to get used to it.. so its very normal.

I'm already racing a week.
Quote from Dmt :
Maybe try to watch WR replay..

I did. I can't understand it. When I try to repeat I just get spinned. The only thing i realized is he never turns a wheel for big angles, but he slips in some corners...

My main problem for now is I'm not consistent. I can't just drive lap by lap with nearly equal times, like I can with KB.
#14 - Dmt
Oh, and learning wheel can be hard on fbm.. well it was for me.

One guy suggested me to race XFG@BL1 till I get .33
Well I did that and I was much beter.

Try it out
Quote from _@lex :I'm already racing a week.

Это нормально - когда я купил себе руль, я тоже привыкал около недели.
Рекомендую тебе тренироватся на XFG или XRG а не на FBM, к ним легче привыкнуть.
Такж попробуй пройти все демо-тренировки (в главном меню пункт Trainings) на уровне Pro.

Hope your Russian is better than English
Quote from Shadowww :
Hope your Russian is better than English

Believe me it is
Shadowww, Dmt - I'll follow your advice, thank you!

Well, I did some improvements, and I'm finally under 1.17.0 and under 0.56 after sector two. But I'm still up to second slower in sector 1 than with KB. The worst is I don't understand where exactly I'm loosing time, considering I have the same speed after S-shaped turn:
Attached files
_@lex_BL1_FBM_11654.rar - 51.9 KB - 168 views
#17 - Dmt
Your racing line sucks.. you lose so much time.. now just practise.. you wont get fast with few hours..
Quote from Dmt : Your racing line sucks.. you lose so much time.. now just practise.. you wont get fast with few hours..

Thanks for support I know i won't get fast even in 1 week, so I'll just practice.
P.S. I'd like to put WR's raceline on track instead of built-in...
And thanks to O.Varela - I feel better with lower wheel sensitivity
#20 - Dmt
Quote from _@lex :Thanks for support I know i won't get fast even in 1 week, so I'll just practice.
P.S. I'd like to put WR's raceline on track instead of built-in...

Why? You cant even race standart race line...
Quote from Dmt :Why? You cant even race standart race line...

True, but standart seems... uhm... strange in some places.
Well, here is my 0.2 hryvnia (2 cents US) -

I drove with a controller for years (big caluses on my thumbs - I looked deformed) and when I switched to a wheel it took me 3 months to get back close to my controller pace ......

Like you, I already knew the racing lines, so obviously the slower times with the wheel were because I couldn't "control the controller" (wheel) - not because I was a noob that didn't "know". You just need to learn the "feel" with the different kind of controller .....

To get that "feel" of the wheel and pedals, what worked for me was to drive quite a few different cars and NOT worry too much about lap times ..... just have fun, "toss" the car around, play with the lines, do things like it was "Bump and Jump". Maybe even battle with the AI in races.

For example, when learning with the wheel, you brake and just don't "feel" the car's deceleration. You brake, you look and then have to think: "Am I slowing? How much am I slowing? Am I slow enough now to start turn?" Your mind is relying on more than the visual (I see I am slowing down) - you need to learn that feel with the wheel almost as if you had never driven with some other controller. Same applies to the steering and gas.

IOW, you already know how to drive - you need to learn the new feel so that you sense the changes in the car's behavior more accurately and without having to "think".

Stick to it - you will get there. And the experience of immersion is so much better once you are comfortable with the wheel.
I switched from mouse to G25 months ago, after gazillon years of mousing in LFS (at least 2 years demo before S2, but not continuous).

I have yet to beat my mouse pbs in the slower cars... I am now coming close to them but still missing a few 10ths here and there.

So 5 months, and not quite there yet talk about a slow learner! I'm sure you can do better

On the other hand I do not race that much - maybe 2 hours a week.
Quote from easyed :just have fun, "toss" the car around, play with the lines, do things like it was "Bump and Jump".

Thanks for advice and for spending your time to write such a long post.
Really, it's not so hard to drive, let's say, 100 laps a week, and it helps. But It's difficult to make yourself experiment on the track, search and test another approaches and so on. I think, this way one can lern quicker and more effective than by simple driving lap by lap.

P.S. BTW, 2 cents equals to 0.17 hryvna The worldwide crisis shows itself, in summer it was 0.1, so everything that is priced in dollars became much more expensive. I hope, those of you who live in western Europe or across the ocean do not suffer so much as we do here from the crisis.
My retirement account is worth about half what it was a year ago and I'm 59

My superfluous verbiage is habitual ... I'm in therapy for it, really

Thanks for taking the time to read it

Learning to drive with MOMO wheel
(60 posts, started )