Alexilon: your post includes a lot of goodies . LFS is a great game, including a lot of possibilities, what other sim games didn't have. (i.e. you can drift, drag, cruise, race, you can make your own car skin, own layouts, etc.), and the car physics are very realistic.
It's a great sim program, but how others have already said, the upgrades are coming very slowly. IMO if new tracks and cars were appearing 1 or 2 times a year, the LFS community's increase will be bigger... Yes yes yes, i know, it's easy to talk, but it's a hard to make something new and perfect, but i just can not understand the devs philosophy about the lfs upgrade. Or if the 3 dev (or how many devs are now ) is pure for this lot of upgrades, why they don't recruit some talented programmers..My opinion is that it's better to earn 10dollar from 100 that to earn 2 dollar from 6. (just an example, and i didn't reffered that they have to increase the price of the licence, i refered to the increase of the new licence buyers).
Once again sorry for my bad english, and i hope that you got what i wanted to say...
yes, i got what you wanted to say, and your english is everything but not bad in my opinion.

all i can say is, let the dev`s take their time. even if they give a little less feedback about the developing of LFS tot the community, don`t forget the S2 Z1-Z10 Test patches! there was a lot of improvement, think of the rotating brake discs, seems to be a small step forward but also small steps can take a lot of time! and even if i repeat my post from above, i think they are working on a few things more than only the scirocco at the moment! and if they would give us info about the whole content they are working on, the screaming from the community would even get louder, so they cut it a bit to keep it low. and don`t forget: there is and must be a life beside LFS for both sides, dev`s and community! LFS is NOT everything for me and shouldn`t be for anyone of the community! so come down a bit all you screaming people, sit back and enjoy the high quality product we are already able to use for a very low price! and i personal hope and pray for the dev`s to keep their line and NOT to cooperate with a big publisher just for making big money and not caring about the quality of the final product...

And about the question about more developers all i can say is a phrase:

too many cooks spoil the broth...

That`s what in my mind in this case!

Keep on racing!

P.s.: what do you think of my sig? :-)
sig test...

Quote give you a good patch early in 2009.

coming soon..... testing Scirocco :banana: no?

See u
Today is Friday the 13th.
Quote from Alexlion :
i personal hope and pray for the dev`s to keep their line and NOT to cooperate with a big publisher just for making big money and not caring about the quality of the final product...

That's what I didn't want too. I was just thinking about 1 or 2 talented programmer, who can join in the team, to increase the speed of the upgrades. Nowadays monthly is appearing a new sim game, or a new update for a sim game, and on the LFS we got 1 new car in 1-2 years. (plus some patchs including some good changes on the game, like ABS, rotating discs, and etc..). It's a lot of work to do that things, but in comparation of other sims, it is a bit far from enought... You can say now that GO SANCHEZ and play another sim game then, but IMO this is not the right way. It's a forum, where you can write your opinion about the game.
Quote from ASR Sanchez :That's what I didn't want too. I was just thinking about 1 or 2 talented programmer, who can join in the team, to increase the speed of the upgrades.

Yes but 2 people more in a team, and it takes longer for the pot to turn around.
Sorry, kidding, but I just pictured the scene...this is pure fiction of course..." Damn, I told you not to hire a new dev, man, now when the thing comes back it is already half smoked, this is bad for vibes man".
But I like the pot...

Well, maybe you guys are right about the thought of letting 1 or 2 TALENTED programmers join the dev`s, but it still is their decision, so let`s wait and see...they are reading the forum i am sure, and maybe they think:"......hmmmm.......maybe this idea is not too bad......hey, where did the pot go?!"

and yes, this is a forum for everybody to post their opinion, so.......we`ll see!

Keep on racing!

Quote from Alexlion :...Well, maybe you guys are right about the thought of letting 1 or 2 TALENTED programmers join the dev`s, but it still is their decision, so let`s wait and see...they are reading the forum i am sure, and maybe they think:"......hmmmm.......maybe this idea is not too bad......hey, where did the pot go?!" ...

Alexilon, another good opinion . We'll see...I hope that we'll see soon. BTW we can get a lot of new fun with the rocco, and i think, that when it will appear, the most of the championship organizers will include on a champ, or will start a new champ based on rocco.
Back to devs, 1-2 new dev is ok in my opinion, but we have to congratulate to Victor, Eric and Scawen for what they done. The physic of the LFS is one of the bests atm, while The NFS's physic is the work of a lot of programmers, and look how it is....
(Gabriel B.) DELETED by Gabriel B.
you call that catastrophic something in the actual, simply different coloured NFS versions physics?! well, i can`t take 90° corners at a speed of 2 billion miles an is just a game for the masses, and the masses get what the masses want, not only in games but (nearly) also in all other publications....where will this world end at?

well, of all the NFS games that have been published in all the years, my all time favourites are NFS1SE, because it was my first one and had great point-to-point tracks in it and acceptable physics and NFSU2, because it had nice cars, a free drivable "city", nice tuning options and....well, the physics were not real physics but they were some kind of drivable and the sounds had been the same for some cars but they were quite some cars....i have to say that, eve if the game is crappy the sounds of NFSMW are nice and realistic....i can say that because i have been driving and racing an SLR a few times already and yes, it sounds like this and it is just an awesome car but it is way too heavy for being a real racy richard hammond said:" a little too much mercedes and a little too less mclaren." you are right richard, and even the SLR Stirling Moss final edition, which is told to be a real racer is too heavy.....mercedes will always be mercedes, and will always be MY favourite brand, even if they (yet...) can`t beat a porsche or similar roadcar on the track...but the way is the right one, as seen on the various Black Series versions...even the actual SL 350 with the new, optional direct steering is a really huge step forward compared to the previous system, the steering is much better than the standard, lot of sharper after the first 2,5 degrees of turning and of an astonishing directness, except the feel in the steering wheel is a little too less, but that is not that much important. A Mercedes has other, very nice and good capabilities. Oh, i am off the track, no, topic again...

Keep on racing!
Quote from Alexlion :But I like the pot...

Well, maybe you guys are right about the thought of letting 1 or 2 TALENTED programmers join the dev`s, but it still is their decision, so let`s wait and see...they are reading the forum i am sure, and maybe they think:"......hmmmm.......maybe this idea is not too bad......hey, where did the pot go?!"

and yes, this is a forum for everybody to post their opinion, so.......we`ll see!

Keep on racing!


Learn to read! -_-

Quote from Scawen :And by the way we don't "need" to employ more staff so we can release more stuff and make more money. As most people know, the reason for the existence of LFS is because we decided to leave a game company and work in a completely different way. We have seen before and don't wish for the responsibility of employees and running a company, with all that would bring and the inevitable consequences of turning LFS into a full-blown commercial product where money would become the most important thing. There is no problem here, LFS development simply continues, it takes a while but gradually gets better over time, and that's fine! We are quite happy with it!

Quote from ASR Sanchez :That's what I didn't want too. I was just thinking about 1 or 2 talented programmer, who can join in the team, to increase the speed of the upgrades. Nowadays monthly is appearing a new sim game, or a new update for a sim game, and on the LFS we got 1 new car in 1-2 years. (plus some patchs including some good changes on the game, like ABS, rotating discs, and etc..). It's a lot of work to do that things, but in comparation of other sims, it is a bit far from enought... You can say now that GO SANCHEZ and play another sim game then, but IMO this is not the right way. It's a forum, where you can write your opinion about the game.

I can't wait untill today's 18:00 GMT
I want to clearify my point of view, because i agree with Scawen on the post what is quoted by Amynue. I don't want to see the LFS becoming a money factory. I'm just ---> a little bit about the speed of the upgrades. That's why I posted my opinion from the increasing of the dev's team.

How a big Mercedes Fun is saying:

Keep on Racing!
Quote from rockclan :Probably something really cool

Probably not, I wish all the Scirocco threads were locked and people weren't allowed to talk about it. Would make this place a much nicer one!
It's comforting to know that no matter what will happen, it will be not the release of Scirocco patch.
when is this car getting released?
I'm a bit bored of the cars now
Quote from harjun :when is this car getting released?
I'm a bit bored of the cars now

Only Scawen knows, and if your bored with all the other cars now then I can't see one new one bringing you back to LFS with huge enthusiasm...
This thread is closed

[MERGED] Scirocco enquiry threads
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