The online racing simulator
Learning to drive with MOMO wheel
(60 posts, started )
Quote from _@lex :P.S. BTW, 2 cents equals to 0.17 hryvna The worldwide crisis shows itself, in summer it was 0.1, so everything that is priced in dollars became much more expensive. I hope, those of you who live in western Europe or across the ocean do not suffer so much as we do here from the crisis.

In Latvia dollar was ~0.48 in summer, now it's ~0.56

Edit: ~0.56 was week ago, now it's 0.549
Quote from easyed :My retirement account is worth about half what it was a year ago and I'm 59

So there's not much difference between situation here in Ukraine and the rest of the world I hope things will get better, but it may take years...

My scholarship was >$100, now it's <$70 (And it didn't change in national currency).

Quote from easyed :
My superfluous verbiage is habitual ... I'm in therapy for it, really

Continue then, looking forward to your next replies! Thanks for spending time.

Can someone post his replay for me to watch and learn?
Your driving was fairly good, you just need to smooth it out a little.

Turn in earlier and more gently. Try to use less steering lock. Be prepared to use opposite lock on corner exit at T1. If you smoothly turn the wheel to straight and stay on the gas to keep it slightly sideways, the FBM will turn well there and not spin.

Try to keep the wheel as straight as possible on straights. You're losing time by moving back and forth.

Here's a quick lap I just did. I ruined the last corner, but watch T1 - a bit of oversteer is easy to counter for on the exit. From there it's about straightening out the chicane as much as possible for good speed onto the backstraight.
Attached files
basiclap.spr - 72.4 KB - 235 views
Quote from _@lex :I'm already racing a week.

I did. I can't understand it. When I try to repeat I just get spinned. The only thing i realized is he never turns a wheel for big angles, but he slips in some corners...

My main problem for now is I'm not consistent. I can't just drive lap by lap with nearly equal times, like I can with KB.

You should always bring yourself to the level of the WR holders by practising and going up in speed one stage at a time. If you try to get near the WR times without first learning the car and the track at those kinds of speeds you'll only crash and find it harder. Work up in small steps and always be thinking about what you're doing and how it affects the car.
Quote from Lateralus :Try to use less steering lock.

Steering lock is max, 20 degrees.
Quote from Lateralus :
Be prepared to use opposite lock on corner exit at T1.

Sorry, I don't understand this sentence Could you say in other words?

Thanks for advices, I'll try to be more smooth and make less moves. I'm really turning too late, but I can't find points where to break
Quote from S14 DRIFT :You should always bring yourself to the level of the WR holders by practising and going up in speed one stage at a time. If you try to get near the WR times without first learning the car and the track at those kinds of speeds you'll only crash and find it harder. Work up in small steps and always be thinking about what you're doing and how it affects the car.

So, seems like I should just practice, searching where I can improve my result bit by bit, and trying to feel the car and the track.
Yup, exactly.
Quote from _@lex :So there's not much difference between situation here in Ukraine and the rest of the world

BTW, my mother's former colleague now lives in SAR, and he says crisis doesn't affect this country much, because they try to produce everything they need to reduce import. And they try to control the rotation of foreign currencies within the country and across it's borders.

1. Be consistent
2. Learn the track, drive some laps slow so you can see the braking points and the lines.
3. Be gentle with the steering, don't turn a lot, just a little so it can take the turn right.
4. Don't block wheels aka control the brake pedal.
5. Use the 2 basic rules : Slow in - Fast out; Inside-Outside-Inside-Outside,etc.
when i was a demo racer and got my g25 i made in my first 5 lap race a 1 15... Same day 1 14... Pb back there was a 1 14 5... Maybe the ffb of the g25 is too good lol
Quote from _@lex :Steering lock is max, 20 degrees.

No, I mean in terms of driving, not in the options. Turning the wheel causes the car to become unbalanced, and scrubs off speed. The less you turn the wheel in the corners, the faster you can go.

Quote from _@lex :Sorry, I don't understand this sentence Could you say in other words?

Opposite lock means to counter a slide by steering in the other direction. Watch me take T1 in that replay. On the corner exit as I apply the throttle, the back of the car starts to slide. I counter this slide by steering left, even though the corner is a right-hander. Driving fast is about anticipation - predicting events before they happen. With practice you'll be able to feel a slide happening very early, so you'll be able to countersteer for it more quickly.

Quote from _@lex :I'm really turning too late, but I can't find points where to break

It just takes practice. Practice on a single track with a single car and do many laps in it. Learn the braking points so that you just do it without thinking.
Quote from Lateralus :No, I mean in terms of driving, not in the options. Turning the wheel causes the car to become unbalanced, and scrubs off speed. The less you turn the wheel in the corners, the faster you can go.

Opposite lock means to counter a slide by steering in the other direction. Watch me take T1 in that replay. On the corner exit as I apply the throttle, the back of the car starts to slide. I counter this slide by steering left, even though the corner is a right-hander. Driving fast is about anticipation - predicting events before they happen. With practice you'll be able to feel a slide happening very early, so you'll be able to countersteer for it more quickly.

It just takes practice. Practice on a single track with a single car and do many laps in it. Learn the braking points so that you just do it without thinking.

Thanks, I understand now
And sorry, I'm demo, so I can't view your replay It's FXR, right?
That's why I only use FBM - the only fast car in demo.
Quote from Andrei221 :Tips:

1. Be consistent

Easy to say...

Such tips are easy to understand and realize, but hard to implement in practice. I know that from learning to drive real car. maybe I'm too stupid. I'll try... Thanks for advices!
No problem , maybe we will meet on some server so i can show you some things
Quote from Andrei221 :No problem , maybe we will meet on some server so i can show you some things

I'd like to... But, llike I said, I'm demo So, it's unlikely that we'll meet untill I'll buy S2(which is unlikely, too while I'm a student).
What view do you usually use? I've always driven with the view from outside the car, but when I've installed the wheel, after 10 laps of spinning in every turn, I changed the view to the cockpit, and now I can do many laps without going off; but my trajectory changed dramatically. I tried to race with KB and cockpit view, I'm loosing about 1 sec. I need to search for points where to break and to turn the wheel, my previous experience doesn't work with cockpit view...
Can someone please post BL1 FBM replay? I expect lap time 1.14.5 to 1.13.5 so that I can repeat in in near future
Thanks in advance.
Lateralus - sorry again for I can't watch your replay.
Thanks a lot, man!
I did use google, but found nothing. Shame to say, I didn't know that's called "hotlap"
I've even added my own KB replay, so I'm now in honorable 549'th place
And 33'th among the racers with KB
Quote from SilverArrows77 :you now have a new goal to aim for, higher placing in KB rank drivers.

No, I want higher place among wheel drivers
That's what I bought wheel for (and started this topic).
Thanks again for help!
Quote from SilverArrows77 :lol yes i know i said KB because you said you uploaded a KB lap

Good Luck!

But now, when I got my MOMO, I don't feel like keeping practicing with KB
Can anyone please post .smx file for Blackwood? I don't want to download a huge pack for all tracks via Dial-Up
Hello again!
I've made some minor improvements in my driving style, and this is my typical lap for now:
I would be grateful if someone will look this and give me some tips, for example where I can improve time more easily.
I'm feeling especially slow and unstable in sector 1, and last turn is quite tricky for me. I've watched many replays, and it helped but now I don't know which part of track to concentrate at.
Thanks in advance.
Attached files
_@lex_BL1_FBM_11635.rar - 55.9 KB - 233 views
I remember when i first got a wheel. I dumped the wheel and just used the pedals and continued to steer with the mouse as i found it faster! After awhile i thought i better try the wheel again and i havent looked back since! It does take awhile but all you need is lots of practice. Helps when you have more cars and tracks to practice on as well
Still cant drive momo? Call "mom, mom, mom ... halp - halp !"

Learning to drive with MOMO wheel
(60 posts, started )