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What did you buy your mother?
(92 posts, started )
#1 - AMB
What did you buy your mother?
So it's the day wondering what you guys brought your mums,
mine got a card obviously and a Royal Doulton Firgurine she wanted for a collection.
I think here is mother's day in may.
crap. forgot
Attached images
Mothers' day is on the first Sunday of May here.
#5 - AMB
Ah crap well unlucky to all the people who forgot
You have to buy something?
#7 - AMB
Well normally a card, but yes normally you buy something
don't you have to?
A card, and later I'm taking her out to a posh ice-cream place.
#9 - AMB

I want vanilla please
My Mum wanted some Steven Segal dvd's so I got her some.
Buy her a paper bag like Smart
Uhhr some flowers and some music for her i-pod (She doesnt know i get it for free )
I got her a card but she hasn't been in touch for a while. It's a nice card though!
#14 - AMB
Quote from Gills4life :I got her a card but she hasn't been in touch for a while. It's a nice card though!

Who did you send it to, my mum or yours? lol
Heh here its the second sunday of May :P.
My mum of course!

I left your mum change instead... oooh :jawdrop: :haha:
#17 - AMB
Quote from Gills4life :My mum of course!

I left your mum change instead... oooh :jawdrop: :haha:

You bitch!
As it's a commercial holiday, I'm gonna buy nothing.
#19 - 5haz
Quote from Gills4life :
I left your mum change instead... oooh


I bought my mum a feather duster.

I didn't really.
#20 - CSU1
Nothing, my mother is a bitch from hell.
That isnt nice.. Atleast buy her something even if it is a bullet in the head..(its the thought which counts)
oo sh*t brb
For a moment I almost had a hearth attack but then I saw that it's in May over here. Saved!

What did you buy your mother?
(92 posts, started )