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What did you buy your mother?
(92 posts, started )
#51 - DeKo
flowers, chocolates and a card. simple but effective.
I have two moms (not they are not gay, I also have a dad who isn't divorced with one of them), and I got my mom where I am at a few candles and cards. My mom where I am not at I got her a bible, candles, and cards. This doesn't count, but I bought headphones from my mom where I am at. 8 bucks, too.
I got my mum a card and then mentioned her on the radio
I keep reading this thread as 'Where did you bury your mother?'

Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :I have two moms (not they are not gay, I also have a dad who isn't divorced with one of them), and I got my mom where I am at a few candles and cards. My mom where I am not at I got her a bible, candles, and cards. This doesn't count, but I bought headphones from my mom where I am at. 8 bucks, too.

haha, that sounds really confusing
Quote from Crashgate3 :I keep reading this thread as 'Where did you bury your mother?'

hmm now u mention it
I didnt get her anything, because i have no clue when mothers day is...
I didn't buy my mother anything.

I did get your mom a pearl necklace though.
#58 - AMB
Quote from (SaM) :I didn't buy my mother anything.

I did get your mom a pearl necklace though.

Har Har, I gave yours an angry pirate
** not implied at anyone **
actually i gave yours ... hmm wait 9 months tell me if i done good
What? Did you buy your mother?
#61 - 5haz
#62 - th84
Oh come on guys. I agree that most holidays are nothing more than a bad attempt to get people to spend money, but if you are ever going to take one seriously, make it this one.

One day a year show your Mom/Mum/Mother/Mommy/Momma etc etc, some appreciation for putting up with your little snotty nosed ass. You dont have to buy a damn thing, just give her a hug and tell her that you love her. Maybe even do some of her "chores" for her. Even if she has never done anyhting for you, she did give you life.

Damn, Im getting old..
Quote from th84 :
Damn, Im getting old..

Yes you are. Not everyone lives in the fairytale, families are often more stressful then the angelic ones you see on some TV shows. 'sides, they don't give us anything for Sons/daughters day so **** them!
#64 - 5haz
Quote from th84 :Oh come on guys. I agree that most holidays are nothing more than a bad attempt to get people to spend money, but if you are ever going to take one seriously, make it this one.

One day a year show your Mom/Mum/Mother/Mommy/Momma etc etc, some appreciation for putting up with your little snotty nosed ass. You dont have to buy a damn thing, just give her a hug and tell her that you love her. Maybe even do some of her "chores" for her. Even if she has never done anyhting for you, she did give you life.

Damn, Im getting old..

But I do that every day, for fear of what might happen if I don't.

There be no fury like a women's scorn.
#65 - th84
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Yes you are. Not everyone lives in the fairytale, families are often more stressful then the angelic ones you see on some TV shows. 'sides, they don't give us anything for Sons/daughters day so **** them!

You poor soul. Everytime you post I think less of you. I've read all your sob stories about your relationship with your mom..... GET OVER IT AND GROW UP!!!! Of course, Im sure your the only one in the world that grew up within a strained relationship with thier parents...., again, GROW UP!

What does a fairy tale have to do with showing some appreciation for the one who gave you life? Do you really think I would compare real life to that which is on TV? You really are a tool.

Your a typical little shit, 'I didnt get anything, so neither are you'. You really sound like a spoiled liitlle 10yr old.
My mum came over to visit me when I didn't expect it which was nice. I got to give her my £10 mother's day card that I bought from clinton's card shop! Didn't have a present to give but I made her a nice coffee and gave her a cake!
Quote from 5haz :Who thinks up all these different 'days'? I'd like to have them shot.

The one that makes me laugh is Non-Smoking Day.

It took a non-smoker to think of that.
Quote from Gills4life :I got to give her my £10 mother's day card that I bought from clinton's card shop!

Wow... You managed to buy a card that is both naff and overpriced

Gotta agree with th84 there. Mabye your attitude is why you don't get along with your mum. Mabye I'm lucky that I get on well with my mum...mabye it's because I show appreciation for what she does. No son's day? I might sound like someone's mum here, but that does seem to be pretty much every day! She may do some sh!tty things to you, but I bet she's doing a lot more nice things to you than you are doing to her. Just be nice to her for once, see what happens...and you know what a good excuse to be nice to your mum is? Mother's day!
Quote from JO53PHS :Wow... You managed to buy a card that is both naff and overpriced


Lol! It was well worth the monies because it made her laugh! Laughter is priceless my friend
#71 - AMB
Ah well everyone knows my attitude isn't the best

I get on ok with parents most of the time but for some reason the last 6 months i've had a short temper with people and i'm not usually the type of person to lash out (not on LFS, Real life like college etc) don't really know why either.. just when something bad happens in your life you have to think about other peoples life aswell not just your own.
Quote from th84 :You poor soul. Everytime you post I think less of you. I've read all your sob stories about your relationship with your mom..... GET OVER IT AND GROW UP!!!! Of course, Im sure your the only one in the world that grew up within a strained relationship with thier parents...., again, GROW UP!

What does a fairy tale have to do with showing some appreciation for the one who gave you life? Do you really think I would compare real life to that which is on TV? You really are a tool.

Your a typical little shit, 'I didnt get anything, so neither are you'. You really sound like a spoiled liitlle 10yr old.

I wasn't even refering to my case, but whatever. The fact one was born was not asked for. The fact your parents are biologically related to you doesn't mean you have to love them/get on with them, so I indeed think you're the tool. Really, are all Americans this ****ing retarded?

And sorry you take everything for literal fact. I'm in fact very generous. But then you wouldn't know about that. I infact do not believe in the "give to me I give to you". I believe in giving what you are willing to give and in turn receiving as such. If I gave someone a present and they didn't give me anything I wouldn't hate them.
#73 - AMB
I think we need Jerry Springer to sort this one out
#74 - th84
You're always refering to your own case, you are an atttention whore, no doubt about it. But the thing is.. no one cares.

If Im retarded, whats that make you? Come on, be honest with yourself.

Really, are all Brits attention seeking, 'woe is me', someone please beg me to stay, tools? I dont think so. Why even ask such a stupid question? Your problem is with me, not all Americans. Dont be so moronic. All I can really say to you is, GROW UP, CHILD!

AS for your edit, you always talk big until someone calls your dumb ass out. Really, Jamie, grow up dude.

AMB, he doesnt need Jerry, more like Chuck E. Cheese.
#75 - 5haz
Quote from Becky Rose :The one that makes me laugh is Non-Smoking Day.

Whaat? Thats just daft.

My favourite is National Talk Like a Pirate Day, yes, it is real.

What did you buy your mother?
(92 posts, started )