The online racing simulator
All I can say about the patch is WOW!
The tyre physics changes have helped a lot with driving the LX6 and RA, which have always been hard to control, and also make the rest of the cars much better to drive.
The BMW Sauber , IMO, is a step in the right direction for the Devs. The data from the F1 team must have helped in general with the tyre updates, and the car itself is excellently done.
The digital font could do with a little improvement, as the times are a little hard to read off, and it can distract from racing, but other than that the font is good.
The new aston configs are brilliant, Grand Touring is excellent for driving the BF1 and the GTR's round, and North is good for the FOX and the XFR. All in all, I'm happy with them.

The whole patch is excellent, and it's very much the way to go for the sim, and let's hope the Dev's do as good a job on the clutch pask and AI
I like the new patch a lot as well, it's a good advancement for the game. The way the tyres react is now much more realistic (to me anyway, with my limited racing experience). There is still room for improvement, but I'm sure future updates will address these things, which has always been great thing about the way LFS is developed.

The BMW F1 is a lot of fun and I had a good blast at it last night, but I don't see myself driving it too much to be honest, I prefer the close races you get with the slower cars. A welcome addition though.

I've been playing LFS for two years nows, the changes which have come over the game in that time have been really prolific, but it's held on to that great fun element which made it so attractive in the first place. Still the best thing on four wheels...
Initial reaction to the physics is they seem a lot better, will make a better judgement after putting on more miles and getting the BF1 up to pace.

Is there any point upgrading to patch T if I'm not getting CTDs on patch S?
Quote from deggis :Unfortunately no, it's just a graphic effect currently. Clearly made for future feature where there would be real different tyre brands.

edit: doh, I'm too slow

why should there be differently bahaving brands in the future? everybody would just choose the best one...
Quote from janm :My impressions about the xf gti:

I'm still a demo and i find the new xf gti phyisics just crap.
Maybe new setups are needed, but the car's reaction to wheelturns is just awful imo. Suddenly i have to wait for the nose to come around the turn longer,as if it were a rwd. The steering much to sensitive imo, also the car is slower, doesn't accelerate as fast as it used to.
Also what's bugging me, is the feeling of a better grip at low speed, but a worse one at higher speeds through the turns...:scratch:
The skinny digits also don't give my eyes a pleasure. I wish there would be an option to make it thicker...The car also feels lighter and not as powerful.
I don't get the speed feedback i got in the previous patch. Really funny it's changed that much...

I realise we're still in the early stages of getting to know the updated phyisics, so i won't be jumping to conclusions here. I'll rather wait and see what's the feedback gonna be like..


The XFG seems to be the only car they made worse. I just hate its slowness and handling now.
@janm: the xfg now has a few hp less than before, but the xr gt is a little lighter than in patch q, maybe you give that car a try now because it is now more fun to drive. they changed some cars values this way so they behave more different than expected i guess.

peace mo
Quote from vladimir :why should there be differently bahaving brands in the future? everybody would just choose the best one...

the question is, which brand is the best for which track, which car, driving style and the race strategy. for league races this could be quiet interesting especially if you had to settle for a certain brand you'd have to use the entire season. you could also make regulations where the decision for the tire brand would have to be team based instead of driver based.
Quote from ajp71 :Is there any point upgrading to patch T if I'm not getting CTDs on patch S?

Yes, the S crash could affect everyone, with 100% certainty, if the situation comes up - usually when you witness a pile-up at T1. It's not hardware specific. Everyone should be on patch T, not S.
Quote from Scawen :Yes, the S crash could affect everyone, with 100% certainty, if the situation comes up - usually when you witness a pile-up at T1. It's not hardware specific. Everyone should be on patch T, not S.

Out of intrest then, how come it was made a fully compatable patch considering that it's a patch which is most advisable to download?
Quote from Scawen :Yes, the S crash could affect everyone, with 100% certainty, if the situation comes up - usually when you witness a pile-up at T1. It's not hardware specific. Everyone should be on patch T, not S.

Is it then possible to release a S -> T patch which is smaller? I've about 800mb of bandwidth left for the month (3GB a month cap here) and I'd much rather spend it driving around than re-downloading textures because the patch is about 10000000000x better than I expected it to be and my expectations were already high.
Seggons : Because I'd prefer to advise you to get the patch, rather than disabling the old one and forcing you to get it.

It only affects the person who crashes. If they don't want to spend a minute installing the fix, and so risk their LFS crashing online in the middle of a race, that's up to them. If it affected other people then I would have had to take it out of service completely.

EDIT : Axus, or anyone else who has bandwidth problems and wants to upgrade to S from T, I've attached the exe to this post - it's all you need.
Attached files - 811.5 KB - 215 views
Quote from Scawen : EDIT : Axus, or anyone else who has bandwidth problems and wants to upgrade to S from T, I've attached the exe to this post - it's all you need.

Thanks for the speedy reply
I Love the patch

Great woork there devs
Quote from arco :The XFG seems to be the only car they made worse. I just hate its slowness and handling now.

yup, indeed im only drifting around cant get a normal lap (yea already tried normal tyres as well ).
Anyone know a good lawyer I think my wife is going to leave me Have not stopped playing it I LOVE it
Quote from Scawen :Axus, or anyone else who has bandwidth problems and wants to upgrade to S from T, I've attached the exe to this post - it's all you need.

Woo, thanks a lot! Now I don't have to drive to my friend to get the full patch (cause it would kinda last ages downloading it - 56k here )
Quote from Tim Verrinder :Anyone know a good lawyer I think my wife is going to leave me Have not stopped playing it I LOVE it

LOL! Your wife is more important haha~
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Scawen :It only affects the person who crashes. If they don't want to spend a minute installing the fix, and so risk their LFS crashing online in the middle of a race, that's up to them.

Takes a little bit longer than a minute when you're on dialup (27 mb file)....

Quote :EDIT : Axus, or anyone else who has bandwidth problems and wants to upgrade to S from T, I've attached the exe to this post - it's all you need.

...and our wonderful dev pulls through for us .
I love this new patch, great work!

The MRT was fun previously, since it required so precise and consistent handling. Getting several clean laps in South City was very rewarding. The MRT is even more fun now, whole new level. While not so punishing anymore, it gives more freedom and with freedom comes speed.
I always loved the LX's and now they're perfect.

Used the "patch Q era" setups in UFR-SOSprint1 combo and while the setups were clearly "wrong" I managed to beat my best time by over a second. This new patch brings a nice addition: setups has to be built again. Me likes

Also few things I don't like about. It seems that wheelanimation has to be enabled in open wheelers (not mrt) to see gear-rpm-speed info. I have kind of a "mid-to-low end" computer, so I liked to race without wheel animation and add few fps's. Still, I think I like it better this way in perspective of simulation. This is no biggie. Another thing is that I miss the "clutch on while holding gear shift button down". Now I can't rev excessively without reaching the keyboard
Quote from mrodgers :Takes a little bit longer than a minute when you're on dialup (27 mb file)....

If you search Scawens posts, you will see he posted just the exe for people to upgrade from S to T.

This is definately a big step up for the progress of LFS.

You definately seemed to fix one "flaw," if I could call it that, with the tire work. FF is very much improved. It feels so much more accurate, instant(up to speed), and you can feel everything. Precision feels better, more dead on. The speed was one thing that always used to feel off, alway seemed to be behind what was happening. Now it feels completely in sync with the frames you're looking at on the screen. The wheel pulls as the car bobs and shifts around, oh so nice. You can now feel bumps, dips, even air time. You can feel the weight of the car and how it pulls you around from the g-forces. You can actually point out specific flaws in suspension tuning easier. You can actually feel car movement, tire traction or lack there of, absolutely amazing.

Car speeds seem to be pretty similar, but yes, a feel of more grip. However, I think it's deceiving to some extent as the overall feel is now different, more viceral, dead on, and "as it should," thus seeming easier. I didn't really notice lap times varying much, grip, drift, whatever. I'd have to play around a little bit to really notice a difference.

I guess if I could gripe about something, I'd say the slip angle of the tires(say Supers) are pretty gentle till you get them overheated. Now with some real life tires, this may be dead on. Some real life tires are very fogiving and smooth in and out of slip and overall very easy to use. Others...well they can be a pain. Slip and grip can be a pretty sharp line as well as the difference between making and breaking traction. Some are just figity like that. When the tires in LFS get hot, they get a bit closer to this kind of feel. Maybe we just get some really forgiving tires.

The gripping, biting type of feel(the state where the tire switches back and forth from grip and slip) could be more abrupt. I'd like to feel some sort of edge to this static/kinetic friction transition, something I don't really feel with the Supers I'm running. Again, this is quite tire dependent as we know all real life tires very greatly in feel and behavior. We're just given one particular brand/model of a wide virtual selection.

(something I've alway wanted to see in LFS)
Maybe we could see a variety in models, not only tread pattern and orientation towards certain surfaces but also include the aspects of tire construction, things like number of plys, construction materials, various design aspects to create a certain goal for the tire. This would translate directly to the feel of the particular tire: stiff or soft, crisp or sloppy handling, ability to absorb or even transimt bumps, tendency to roll over or wear excessively along the shoulder or maybe a design to promote the lack there of through tread area stiffening. You may have 5 tire brands offering a R compound tire, each with their own construction design and design goals towards a certain end result. The feel and behavior would be different for each brand, and we the driver would have to design which brands/models fit us best for which particular situations and personal driving style. It would be neat to have this level of choice and feel, especially when tires play such a large roll in the feel and behavior of a car. Of course, this would be asking a lot for a game at this point in developement. ...maybe S3 or beyond, especially if we introduce other surface types like rain, mud, snow, ice, different levels of surfaces like smooth tarmac to rough tarmac to sandy tarmac, etc...

This isn't really a gripe but rather a direction of advancement I'd love to see, to actually get to that level of detail and choice would be beyond words.
Quote from seggons :If you search Scawens posts, you will see he posted just the exe for people to upgrade from S to T.

Er, yea, guess you didn't notice the second part of my post (quoted below)

Quote from mrodgers :
Quote from Scawen :
It only affects the person who crashes. If they don't want to spend a minute installing the fix, and so risk their LFS crashing online in the middle of a race, that's up to them.

Takes a little bit longer than a minute when you're on dialup (27 mb file)....

Quote from Scawen :
EDIT : Axus, or anyone else who has bandwidth problems and wants to upgrade to S from T, I've attached the exe to this post - it's all you need.

...and our wonderful dev pulls through for us .