I'm not one of those that are crying all time for Scirocco, but today is the 1st of April, and we haven't news about a patch fixing bugs and Scirocco in months (supposedly released in early 2009), I think it's a bit worrisome, No? supposedly, Scawen started to work on it again on February or March. I don't think that it is necessary so much time to fix some bugs of a patch that is almost finished (for a programmer that really knows what he do). Yes, I know, he was moving house, but in his post he said that he would be back in second week of February (or third, ok... forth would be too...).
Does he connect to the forums? Is he allright?? That I hope

I know that LFS developing is very very slow, but not so slow. Tell us something, tell us when you think release the next patch or how it's going, do it for all racers that payed a S1 and S2 license
