racing trucks in lfs?!
(35 posts, started )
racing trucks in lfs?!
wouldnt it be nice to have one of these trucks in lfs? Thats the only onroad motorsport lfs doesnt have yet...

and on top of that, I (and be sure not just me) just LOVE these f***** monsters on wheels

look here:

ps. I know MBTR...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#3 - Scoop
i know i sugested it i think arround summer of 2004 got some positive replies but i think the devs didn't like the idea to much
cause we have nowhere to race them right now; if the rally patch comes out.... THEN we will have a truck surely
lol, i race these things as 5th scale modelcars
Quote :Thats the only onroad motorsport lfs doesnt have yet...

LFS doesn't come close to covering all the onroad motorsports. But aside from that, I don't see any problem will having some trucks in the game.
would love them. What happens when they flip?
truck`s yes plz , would love to race them , u know how good trucks r to race . if u have played MBTR on the pc.

October is A funny month - if you are a keen Racer , It`s the month you discover your mrs left you in may!!!!.
well heck

you still have


TOP FUEL & funny drags

Stock car

midget racing


and well i cant name them yet

but i always picture guys in flanel shirts and Baseball caps drivng those trucks around with a giant steering wheel pointed straight up talking on the C.B radio
Yes! We want trucks!

They would be quite cool on the short tracks.
we are waiting, and it s a no brainer.
Drag racers howerever are a different story aren't they?

Does anyone havea clue what i am looking for in LFS? hint Big Diesel Turbo, very fast (to 160kmh! ha ha FIA pooo! two stage [FIA and none] speed limiter for these please in the set ups for gearing please!)

oh the sweetness, and MBTR is great fun- but it is not LFS, which is why we need trucks in LFS
I wish we had those in LFS. I had so much fun driving them in Toca 2. I know, a bit arcade'y game but the feeling of driving a huge massive monster was very intense. And that sound of turbo charger .....
Quote from Tanuva :wouldnt it be nice to have one of these trucks in lfs? Thats the only onroad motorsport lfs doesnt have yet...

and on top of that, I (and be sure not just me) just LOVE these f***** monsters on wheels

look here:

ps. I know MBTR...

You guys come out with anything lol... I would like them but i dont think it would be practical against a road car in a race :jester:
Quote from spsamsp :You guys come out with anything lol... I would like them but i dont think it would be practical against a road car in a race :jester:

But what an idiot would race UF1000 seeing those trucks on the track? illepall
I would like to see these. But first the crash physics must be improved. I can imagine what would those billion kilogram monsters would do when touching wall or cars and bugging.

edit. Those really dont fit to the garages we have now btw
Quote from Blackout :I would like to see these. But first the crash physics must be improved. I can imagine what would those billion kilogram monsters would do when touching wall or cars and bugging.

edit. Those really dont fit to the garages we have now btw

Well, e.g. supertrucks ain't that big. They're just small truckies acting huge monsters but if you face it IRL, you can't believe..
5tons as far as I know (for race trucks)

i think i was the one that suggested including trucks like those
OLD. Madman CZ has a truck model made in max ready and waiting.
#19 - mysi
Trucks YES !
We want trucks ! We want trucks !
Quote :I would like to see these. But first the crash physics must be improved. I can imagine what would those billion kilogram monsters would do when touching wall or cars and bugging.

I think trucks would be a bit of a laugh, but here is the problem. Currently the LFS crash physics need some tweeking anyway but trucks present a particular problem. The real things are speed limited as it is because they're fully capable of going through conventional restraining barriers (even with the speed limiters), their weight and mommentum, and their very unique weight distribution and aerodynamic breezeblockness would mean the LFS physics model might need quite a lot of adaption to get them working.

In could be quite a lot of development work for quite a minor new feature that's just, "that would be fun" rather than "this is part of racing".

ive raced a Caterpillar sponsored Edited/hacked vehicle/truck/...on Sports Car GT a long time ago....raced it against GTQ with tall gearing....620 HP....outran them....
#22 - nubz
That'll be soo awesome, trucks. That takes alot of skill, the slow reaction steering, slow accelerating, slow everything. But that woudl be pretty cool. i just replied to show my vote for it.
#23 - JTbo
Those are suprisingly fast, speed is limited to something like 160kph, but they don't take too long to accelerate to that speed.

Drifter truck
these things go 0-160KPH in under 9 seconds...remember the FIA Racetruck class and supertrucks run around 1200 HP and 2000-3000 nm torque , they get to the top speed very fast, most tracks are shortened sprint verisons (except Lausitz and Jarama i think) with the weight and the brick (UF1000 aero) i think these can be slotted in very well. the drafting would cheat the speed limiter a bit, if it is attached to gearing rather than a speed sensor signal after many truckers get penalties for Exceeding the 160KPH limit which i can imagine is only done by slipstreaming. of course Formula Truck in Brasil has similar set up, but they run unrestricted a s far as i now so they can be much faster, but the have a single turbo rule to cut back on power, and weights vary per engine size- form the 9 litre Mercedes to the 14 litre Scania. quite a variety. the racing however is close and furious on both continents, and this could e great in LFS, as fun as BF1 is, the UF1 races are always closer and more whiteknuckle, as in the open wheel classes people get spread out much more, as mistakes are more costly than in touringcars, or Trucks
Bring on the SuperTucks bring Os Camionhes
bring on Camiones,
Quote from XCNuse :cause we have nowhere to race them right now; if the rally patch comes out.... THEN we will have a truck surely

Rally Patch? Did I miss something? But I would like to have such patch, ralllying in lfs isnt that cool right now...

racing trucks in lfs?!
(35 posts, started )