sometimes i try complete my Project2 alfa(PATHCER) it have 2 modules serverP and clientP. This tool may check and fix (if not correct) byte in memory every 1 sec; read from memory and send to serverP or once write to memory byte
- off map
- off SHIFT_N
- off text info on screen SHIFT_F
- change filename signal5 to siren (siren.wav must be in folder of sounds) and send press SHIFT_W for restore sounds.
this tool i make for our cruise server. if client not connected to serverP this not access to cruise server
all data in memory of game you can read and operate with this as you want
i think only with like this tool can block save layout
- off map
- off SHIFT_N
- off text info on screen SHIFT_F
- change filename signal5 to siren (siren.wav must be in folder of sounds) and send press SHIFT_W for restore sounds.
this tool i make for our cruise server. if client not connected to serverP this not access to cruise server

all data in memory of game you can read and operate with this as you want
i think only with like this tool can block save layout