BF1 Racing, how it should be
(84 posts, started )
BF1 Racing, how it should be
This is how BF1 racing should be.

Take a look at this replay (BF1 STYLE) and look at the first and second driver *me* nothing but pace racing, times nearly the same, and not a driver to spoil it. I most certainly enjoyed that race. Now I can understand that its only 2drivers, but you can see that both of us were driving appropriatley and fairly. I can understand that its only come out on Friday, but surely just after a few days of driving the same car, you would be adapted to the TC, the braking points, and the high speeds of this car?

Not like this in blackwood. (BF1 TWITS) - the title is not to insult members, but as a joke, because I was laughing my head off when I saw the accidents. I was twit myself when I took the first corner, and missed a gear and spun off into some poor sod.

Just shows how bad it can be, at the beginning, expecially with lots of newbies on board. Now I can understand that there are so many drivers dying to try out the BF1, but shouldn't we practice on the slower formula cars, to adapt to the open wheelers, before taking part in the BF1. These cars are so fast, that you would have no idea, when to turn, when to brake, and when to put the foot down again. The BF1 isn't going anywhere, and you can use it anytime you wish, but shouldn't you practice on the slower cars first, to get the feel of things, before actually moving on to the fastest car of the game?

It is going to be very hard to get a good race going for everyone involved the BF1, if drivers don't have the experience to deal with the BF1s. It is recommended that all drivers, even experienced ones, should drive on the Formulas, V8s for a while before driving the BF1. I have done that myself.
Attached files
BF1 Style.mpr - 668.7 KB - 450 views
BF1 Twits.mpr - 561.4 KB - 358 views
I havent watched the replays, i dont see the need, the thing is, its great posting something like this, and I totally understand what you have posted, but labling people "expecially with lots of newbies on board" and the replay Twits...

Remember you are also new, just like everyone else. Its new to us all, and it will take some time to get into things. Relax, chill and be patient with us newbies.
Mkinnov, people who lack the ability to drive the BF1 adequately, much less race it properly, should practice somewhere else than in online races. Also, being a newbie and being new to BF1 are very different things.
Quote from Batterypark :Mkinnov, people who lack the ability to drive the BF1 adequately, much less race it properly, should practice somewhere else than in online races. Also, being a newbie and being new to BF1 are very different things.

Agreed. I have already got used to the TC and speed of the F1 car, the difference is, that they have no clue of experience about braking points, turnings. I'm just repeating waht Batterypark has said here.
No offense to any of the new players out there, but it might be best to learn a car other than the BF1 as your first car. BF1 is NOT easy to drive quickly, and small mistakes can make you crash (moreso than other cars, because it's so bloody fast and it can be difficult to make corrections in a split-second). I think the FOX would be a good starting point if you like open-wheelers. It'll also teach you some throttle control, which helps a lot, TC wont do ALL the work, believe it or not.
very true travbrad, i do believe unless you have expereince with FO8 for a while or other experience, you shouldnt start out with the BF1 if your a newbie to the game. I do really get a little mad when I see cars flying full speed in a turn, I just dont get how they think they can get through at full throttle. It is pretty funny seeing how you can just use that left pedal, and you wont wreck as many people. It makes things pretty dangerous, and pretty annoying if you want to have a good race. I do think they should practice in other cars. I knew the moment this car came out, there would be flying Saubers because the amount of people that like the car far outways their skill. I have pretty much stopped the oval completely as well for the sake of patience, I just cant do a race when they are wrecking from the speed. It takes a lot of skill (believe it or not) to take these to the oval, much more than the FO8. The racing is closer and much faster. Either way though, I do enjoy these cars on the circuits as it should be much more (newbs or not)...and I'm afraid my oval days are as done as PatchQ. See you around the circuits (Aston most probably! )


I do what I like, and I don't want or need the likes of you to tell me what to do. I raced at BW the other night. I crashed lots, took people out and all of it my fault. Not ONE person was immature or stupid enought to call me a noob. Mainly cos they (like you) would be hypocrits. This patch came out on Fri, and you want people like me to stay offline untill I can do a 45.00 at Blackwood? Well, I won't. get a life and get some perspective. It's ONLY a GAME.
We ARE all noobs once, and I doubt very much whether you stayed offline until you could do 50 laps of Aston North with your eyes shut.
#9 - richy
also note that not all players are getting experience in the BF1 as the rest of you who sat there refreshing waiting for the patch. not saying i didnt :P
Quote from HugeF1 :I do what I like, and I don't want or need the likes of you to tell me what to do. I raced at BW the other night. I crashed lots, took people out and all of it my fault. Not ONE person was immature or stupid enought to call me a noob. Mainly cos they (like you) would be hypocrits. This patch came out on Fri, and you want people like me to stay offline untill I can do a 45.00 at Blackwood? Well, I won't. get a life and get some perspective. It's ONLY a GAME.
We ARE all noobs once, and I doubt very much whether you stayed offline until you could do 50 laps of Aston North with your eyes shut.

But to be fair, why go and wreck a load of peoples races by crashing into them?! I practiced offline until I was consistant. There is absolutely NO point in 'racing' on a server when all you can do is smash into everyone at the first corner. And where do you get the idea that you can 'do what you like'. It's a free world yes, but we all need to abide by a few basic rules so we all get along.

I know it's only a game, but can you not see how annoying it is when you've invested 15mins of your life in a race at Blackwood, pulled out a 20s lead and then have somone who has no clue what they're doing try and overtake you into the first corner of BL from 200m back and write your chassis off!...and for what. I don't generally get angry with the people because there is often no point, but it doesn't mean I'm not damn pissed about it.

I'm afraid to say that I personally think until you can do consistant 58s laps or under round I don't think you should race in the same race as people doing 56s, 55s, and 54s. The Super Aguris are 4-5s secs slower per lap in F1 and you can see how much of a hassel those are to the leaders. I don't know any motorsport where there would be such a huge gap as there is in LFS sometimes. I've been on servers recently where someone sets a fastest lap of 55.xs and the slowest person sets a 1min20s lap! You'd be faster and safer doing it in an FXO!
Quote from ArosaMike :I'm afraid to say that I personally think until you can do consistant 58s laps or under round I don't think you should race in the same race as people doing 56s, 55s, and 54s. The Super Aguris are 4-5s secs slower per lap in F1 and you can see how much of a hassel those are to the leaders. I don't know any motorsport where there would be such a huge gap as there is in LFS sometimes. I've been on servers recently where someone sets a fastest lap of 55.xs and the slowest person sets a 1min20s lap! You'd be faster and safer doing it in an FXO!

Whilst I think that HugeF1 has come across as a complete tosser with total disregard for his fellow racers with his comments, I don't think we should be putting suggested minimum laptimes on people. I don't race the BF1 all that often and am around the 59sec mark normally.

However I've never taken anyone out on a server, accidentally or otherwise. It's all about attitude, not pace.
Quote from ArosaMike :But to be fair, why go and wreck a load of peoples races by crashing into them?! I practiced offline until I was consistant. There is absolutely NO point in 'racing' on a server when all you can do is smash into everyone at the first corner. And where do you get the idea that you can 'do what you like'. It's a free world yes, but we all need to abide by a few basic rules so we all get along.

I know it's only a game, but can you not see how annoying it is when you've invested 15mins of your life in a race at Blackwood, pulled out a 20s lead and then have somone who has no clue what they're doing try and overtake you into the first corner of BL from 200m back and write your chassis off!...and for what. I don't generally get angry with the people because there is often no point, but it doesn't mean I'm not damn pissed about it.

I'm afraid to say that I personally think until you can do consistant 58s laps or under round I don't think you should race in the same race as people doing 56s, 55s, and 54s. The Super Aguris are 4-5s secs slower per lap in F1 and you can see how much of a hassel those are to the leaders. I don't know any motorsport where there would be such a huge gap as there is in LFS sometimes. I've been on servers recently where someone sets a fastest lap of 55.xs and the slowest person sets a 1min20s lap! You'd be faster and safer doing it in an FXO!

Spot on and amen to that. The only thing I don't agree in is when youre saying people shouldn't race in races with low 55s if they are driving laps of one minute.
I've raced very fast people that have been total jerks and arseholes, and very slow people that have respect for others.
Even that people are slower dosen't mean they don't know how to race and be respectful to others.
When I started in LFS, I learnt the tracks online, but I stayed the heck out of the way of the faster guys until I got decent times.
I just wonder how long will this BF1 hysteria last for. I mean, when i go online and check the servers i rarely spot any fox and almost no FO8 servers.
#14 - vade
Quote from HugeF1 :I do what I like, and I don't want or need the likes of you to tell me what to do. I raced at BW the other night. I crashed lots, took people out and all of it my fault. Not ONE person was immature or stupid enought to call me a noob.

You can hopefully do whatever you find pleasing, but respect for others should come first. This should become obvious along with social maturity.

And, "noob" or not, you can always use the prediction mechanism built into your brain to decelerate early when it seems necessary to avoid a crash. I think it's mostly a case of common sense than skill.
Quote from farcar :Whilst I think that HugeF1 has come across as a complete tosser with total disregard for his fellow racers with his comments, I don't think we should be putting suggested minimum laptimes on people. I don't race the BF1 all that often and am around the 59sec mark normally.

However I've never taken anyone out on a server, accidentally or otherwise. It's all about attitude, not pace.

Did I even say it was ok? Did I even say I did it on purpose? Of course I didn't. I didn't do ANY of the things you mentioned. I appologised after every single crash, I have been racing online for a while now, and I know a lot about racing in general, yes I made a couple of silly errors, but you like all the other tossers assume I did it on purpose. I didn't, they were ACCIDENTS. I know exactly how to behave online, and none of you know me, so how the **** can you make comments regarding my maturity. ok some errors I made were, forgetting to check both sides of the track before I moved (going three wide, me in the middle), a VERY common error, which is very easy to make with no spotter. not moving out the way quick enough when I spun (I had just turned off t/c). crashing into someone who decided to park on the racing line, and stayed there for 3 laps, and I foolishly assumed he would have gone when I came round for the third time.
As some of you don't seem to know english (fair enough, why should you), I will make it a bit clearer. When I said I do what I want, I was refering to when I go out on track, not what I do on track. I hope when I see some of you guys online, we can race fairly and evenly. Hope it clears things up a bit.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
It makes no difference how much experiance you have, or how much practice you have offline, if you do not stack up to these elitist twits then you are fair game.

I am fairly experianced with LFS, and I had done a fair few laps offline on BLGP in the BF1 when I ventured online, ok so I was about 2-3 seconds slower than the faster guys, but was subjected to a torrent of "BLUE FLAG MOVE OUT OF THE WAY" and "GO LEARN OFFLINE NOOB" abuse.

There are just some elitist idiots out there, same as in the real world.

Quote from thisnameistaken :blahblahblah...To the guy who made the comment about how much skill it takes to race at the oval: Try doing something else for a change so you get some perspective. ...blahblahblah

I have met a person online who had at least 3 or 4 different "blueflag-signals"-mapped to his F-buttons. It started like "Blue Flag!!!!!" and after a while it was like "Blue flag you **** noob!!! Let me pass you ****!!****!! ****!!!".

That's what I call patience
hell, as long as you know general race law, like letting faster lapping cars past(unless yoru battling for place) and giving room for cars braking earlier/later for you(be it behind or in front) then i think it dont matter what times your racing. i jumped straight onto multiplayer with the bf1, and im by no means a great driver. but i know how to race, and the rules of the track, so i didnt cause any accidents that first day(maybe from people plowing into me after a spin:oops
Quote from BigDave2967 :This is how BF1 racing should be.

Take a look at this replay (BF1 STYLE) and look at the first and second driver *me* nothing but pace racing, times nearly the same, and not a driver to spoil it. I most certainly enjoyed that race.

Not like this in blackwood. (BF1 TWITS)

Just shows how bad it can be, at the beginning, expecially with lots of newbies on board.

Isn't this a bit... Well... Stereotypical???
Quote from thisnameistaken :When S2 came out we had the same situation, ie: People turning up in the forums babbling on about how they had more skill than everybody else and how "noobs" should stay out of the FO8. I doubt very much that these people are any safer than anybody else. They are probably the same people who spam BLUE FLAGz0Rz!! messages at every opportunity and then blame the guy they hit while trying to lap him in the middle of a chicane.

To the guy who made the comment about how much skill it takes to race at the oval: Try doing something else for a change so you get some perspective. Oh, and "Hahahahahahaha"

I agree! I was once a "noob" and still am quite a bit. I admit, also, at first i couldn't handle the FO8 but soon, wit a bit of practice and the ourchase of S1 and S2... I got the hang of it. Practice makes perfect... So they say
Well your "twits" replay was on BLGP with a load of racers which is never good in the BF1. The problem at the moment is the braking abilities of the BF1, because they are so great people can't react in time so people simply need to predict it and brake earlier than usual.

Your "Style" repay was on a large wide track with a few racers which would help make it cleaner. BLGP isn't really a good track for the BF1 because it's so quick and it's corner after corner after corner.
Its a very sad attitude to turn around to someone and say go practice off line... why should they? and why should I?

Ive paid for the licence and I think ill race online and practice online all I want to. Dismissing new people is not the way.

Dissapointing... but somewhat expected.

Good luck.
And someone asked me why I keep staying on demo servers. I am really disappointed by the kind of macho attitude against newbies that crops up in this forum here and there. I'm not naming names, you judge. Don't ask me, ask yourself. I'm glad someone pointed out that driving skills and decent behaviour are not related.

Reminds me of an old song:
Punk's not dead, it just deserves to die
when it becomes another stale cartoon...
A closed minded self centered social club,
Ideas don't matter it's who you know...

I don't know if LFS is becoming a closed minded self centered social club, but having read this thread (and others) I clearly see the danger. I'm starting to hope the AI gets better very soon because at least they don't make you feel like an idiot. The AI drivers don't need to realise that fresh blood and money keep communities and projects alive. Some other people should.
Quote from Albieg :I don't know if LFS is becoming a closed minded self centered social club, but having read this thread (and others) I clearly see the danger. I'm starting to hope the AI gets better very soon because at least they don't make you feel like an idiot. The AI drivers don't need to realise that fresh blood and money keep communities and projects alive. Some other people should.


BF1 Racing, how it should be
(84 posts, started )