The online racing simulator
School project
(50 posts, started )
School project
Just handed this thing in today, was a 4 week Photoshop assignment. I spent about 18 hours on it. Aside from the ALMS and IMSA logos everything is 100% scratch-made in PS by myself. I'm quite happy with the outcome so I thought I'd toss it up on here for everyone to tear apart

Small version in attatchment. Full size (11x17 @ 150dpi) here and full size version sans text here.

Attached images
Wow! really cool. Nicest project for school I've seen!

edit, works in Firefox here.
Lol, pretty nice there.
Dont know why, i cant see it ... Shows me the little stupid X-Box
Run dude, you got conflicker! hahahahaha
Quote from hazaky :Dont know why, i cant see it ... Shows me the little stupid X-Box

Went to look again and the same.
I just converted the files to RGB (this was destined for print so was in CMYK) and am re-uploading. Files should be restored soon.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Quote from Bose321 :Wow! really cool. Nicest project for school I've seen!

edit, works in Firefox here.

Thanks What version of Firefox are you running? I haven't upgraded to the new one yet. If you're running it I guess they added CMYK functionality (finally...)
Looks really nice!
Wow, the lines are almost a copy of mine
[size]just trolling, I made this after yours of course[/size]
Attached images
Looks great!

(BTW the images worked when you first posted it, and it still works on Opera.)
Looks awesome! Did you use a tablet for that?

/me wants in LFS
that looks awesome, nice work
Wish we had it in LFS. So beautiful.
Good work. Very impressive that you did it in PS - I'd have assumed it was done in Illustrator if I hand't known.
Quote from DevilDare :Looks awesome! Did you use a tablet for that?

Nope, all mouse. In fact, just about everything was done with 'vector' shapes. Most of it still is in vector form.

Quote from durbster :Good work. Very impressive that you did it in PS - I'd have assumed it was done in Illustrator if I hadn't known.

I've never been comfortable with a traditional photoshop style (photo manipulation or loose sketchy style). As a result my use of photoshop is pretty much exclusively limited to more illustrative or graphic styles (LFS skins, for instance). That's probably what makes this look more like an Illustrator file than a Photoshop one; it's made the same way I'd have done it in Illustrator.. give or take.

Even the banner behind the car is done (well, started) with vector shapes. The shadows and highlights are just sliver shapes drawn with the pen tool that have had a glow added and transparency reduced. No freehand paintbrush work on that. The only freehand brush work on the entire thing is the paintjob itself, actually.

As for it being in LFS - I'd love that, too. Although, if I were going to design an LMP for LFS it's be more unique; more my own design and less a carbon copy of existing machines. Maybe one day I'll get my hands on some mod tools... Ah, if only.

Thanks everyone.
Your picture was so good, I saved it. That's brilliant work!
Quote from MAGGOT :Nope, all mouse. In fact, just about everything was done with 'vector' shapes. Most of it still is in vector form.

Amazing, simply amazing
Quote from MAGGOT :Nope, all mouse. In fact, just about everything was done with 'vector' shapes. Most of it still is in vector form.

I've never been comfortable with a traditional photoshop style (photo manipulation or loose sketchy style). As a result my use of photoshop is pretty much exclusively limited to more illustrative or graphic styles (LFS skins, for instance). That's probably what makes this look more like an Illustrator file than a Photoshop one; it's made the same way I'd have done it in Illustrator.. give or take.

Even the banner behind the car is done (well, started) with vector shapes. The shadows and highlights are just sliver shapes drawn with the pen tool that have had a glow added and transparency reduced. No freehand paintbrush work on that. The only freehand brush work on the entire thing is the paintjob itself, actually.

As for it being in LFS - I'd love that, too. Although, if I were going to design an LMP for LFS it's be more unique; more my own design and less a carbon copy of existing machines. Maybe one day I'll get my hands on some mod tools... Ah, if only.

Thanks everyone.

It's nice, (certainly a hell of a lot better than I can do), but is your explanation above the reason it looks a little 2D?? Would look so much better if you could get the lighting or what ever better so that it has a more 3D feel to it. Certainly not a critisism, just an observation.
Well, yes and no. With more time I could have more shading for a better appoximation of depth. However, my most-used reference for lighting the design was a promotional image of the new Acura, done in a vaguely similar style. The acura is jet black in most areas so I didn't have any shading reference which is why there is so little on this image. So it's a combination of not having a lot of time (way too much work this last two weeks) and me being too lazy to find good side images of similarly styled race cars.

If I ever do an image similar to this there will be more attention to depth, though.
Wow, that's really really nice
I wouldn't mind having that hanging on my wall here

EDIT: Ok its my new background @ 1920x1080 looks SO nice
Hmm.. Very interesting. Nice imagination!
I'm going to try this too though keeping it private
Somewhere to waste my creativity.
I'd like to see what you come up with Tomba. I know you've got some skills with Photoshop
#24 - 5haz
Really, seriously impressive.

I envy those with photoshop skills, teach me, oh mighty masters.
Wow very cool. And btw, with "vector" shapes you mean something like the path tool? I don't have Photoshop, just GIMP

And is that the Masters Of Endurance Logo (MOE)?

School project
(50 posts, started )