But I guess this sets a precedent... When will the real morons be 999ed from LFS?

Or wait, do I get this right? Is creating a couple new forum accounts and spamming so much worse than speedhacking, and speedhacking is condoned?? And just spamming with your normal account is allowed? This needs a lot of explaining...
(bunder9999) DELETED by SamH
(Gil07) DELETED by SamH
(bunder9999) DELETED by SamH
Quote from zeugnimod :999 in-game ban is "a bit" over the top IMO.

Especially seeing that proven speedhackers were either not banned at all or only banned for 2 or 3 months and can happily join every online server now. It's actually quite ridiculous the more you think about it.

I agree again , and I think that AMB is a little twerp ( inserst harcore profanity here )

not that it counts , but voiced anyway
Wow, zeugnimod and DoC_uk united for a cause, awwwwwwww how nice to see
Quote from Gil07 :But I guess this sets a precedent... When will the real morons be 999ed from LFS?

Or wait, do I get this right? Is creating a couple new forum accounts and spamming so much worse than speedhacking, and speedhacking is condoned?? And just spamming with your normal account is allowed? This needs a lot of explaining...

Too many double standards. It's bollocks now, I tell you..
Quote from Gil07 :But I guess this sets a precedent... When will the real morons be 999ed from LFS?

Or wait, do I get this right? Is creating a couple new forum accounts and spamming so much worse than speedhacking, and speedhacking is condoned?? And just spamming with your normal account is allowed? This needs a lot of explaining...

I just hope this wasn´t supposed to be some kind of twisted way to send a message to the community. Because if it was, it´s the worst one that could be sent at this point...
Erm... what do you mean?

Oh wait, I see now... I think
Well, phlos banned everyone from the forum and made himself a developer, i saw him on a server not so long ago, what kind of messed up crap is this!
i'd sue them if it wasnt in the terms and conditions...

I don't read the forum as often as before, but about the ban thing, i must say that i've never saw the development team making a decision that i thought it was to hard, ever...so i guess there's a point or reason.
About people getting sad or pissed because they say the development speed is too slow.....in same cases yes...they are right, but there's a lot of people that's happy with it too.
So, for those who are more impatient, why don't just chill and for a couple of months, use the time that you used to spend with LFS, to do diferent things? Diferent piece of software, hang out more with your friends or gf, workshops or education updates, something diferent. I'll bet that after a while, you don't remember or think about lfs as much, and after 2 or 3 months when you decide to check out lfs again...im sure you'll be most happy with new patch, and the spark will shine again in no time,
Use the "slow development" excuse to do new things, and when the patch cames out you will get an excuse to come back.

Quote from SilverArrows77 :To hell with AMB and any little protest group about reinstating him...honestly by the looks of it he was being a complete tosser on the forum, and seems it DIDNT stop after he was banned from forum. Obviously this action was taken as he would not stop. He deserves what ever he gets if he was too dumb to get the message, after a forum ban, and still persist with being an idiot.

And as Sam put it, he is just VERY banned right now.... is nothing to say it wont be overturned when he has learnt his lesson and stops being a tosser.

Tosser on the forums. In game he was a fairly decent driver...
Quote from FOX 1977 :hi...

So, for those who are more impatient, why don't just chill and for a couple of months, use the time that you used to spend with LFS, to do diferent things? Diferent piece of software, hang out more with your friends or gf, workshops or education updates, something diferent. I'll bet that after a while, you don't remember or think about lfs as much, and after 2 or 3 months when you decide to check out lfs again...im sure you'll be most happy with new patch, and the spark will shine again in no time,
Use the "slow development" excuse to do new things, and when the patch cames out you will get an excuse to come back.


I had a 3 year break of LFS because I was just bored of it. Last year I came back and I was amazed of the development progress and how much better the physics have got. I took apart in the rookie cup of the vr and finished overall fourth after 4 races. That made me smile and it was already enough for the moment. Therefore I stopped again. Now I'm just waiting for new content, specially tracks and cars! I'm not impatient because I know LFS is worth waiting.

P.S Sun is shining, weekend smiles. Free your mind and your a.. will follow!
Hmm, will AMB be able to unlock 0.6A, at least in single-player mode? :s
Quote from Shadowww :Hmm, will AMB be able to unlock 0.6A, at least in single-player mode? :s

I think so. The ban only effects online features I guess.
Quote from John5200 :like that?

but you can´t open any icon on lfs w = fail

Quote from Velociround :I'm pretty sure you mean like THAT

(and you CAN open any icon on LFS World = WIN)

Haha you two, thanks for xompltely ruining my point but neverthless

Hmm, also catched my notice someone got a 999 ban, well GG lol. Unless you actually do as Plosh and nuke the whole god damn forum I doesn't think that is fair. But again, LFS = Communism, ressistance is futile!

And why does SPEEDHACKERS and exploiters gets less ban. Holy shit I must be brainfuked, but I seriously don't get it. I know he could be a bloody idiot sometimes, but months or even 1 year ban is fair enough, but 999? It's like giving a murder 1 month prisson while you give one who drove over the speed limits death penalty.
Everyone knows im not a messy fan, but what the devs did is way out of order, he has league races to do, and forum bans and supposed to be related to in-game ones. So ill be a member of the free messy club.
I think AMB will be unbanned when the Scirocco is out...

Then, if he is an arse again, he'll be banned again.

I'm not a fan of large measures like this, but I read a couple of his posts, and that was quite annoying... I mean, he wasn't even new to the game, he should be more respectful...
The dev's are just getting annoyed at the whole update debate, hence why I think Messy got banned. Still out of line tho I must say, a month would do for him to calm down.

It's ok though what are they gonna do ban us all for 999 days for voicing our opinion? I dont think so.

Everyone will just jump ship imho.

rFactor 2 anyone?
I can understand the devs getting anoyed by us, hell maybe I deservere more warnings than I do, aswell as you others. But there clearly is wrong banning someone that long when he has not ruined / crashed or done seriously exploits to the game or others. (comparioson speedhack bans and what he got).

Even if they are anoyed they canot start letting their anoyance ressult in undeserved bans, or too harsh reactions. In fact, why have a forum at all? If there were just allowed to be fanboys that not question the game or the development, why have a forum at all?
The updates will not be needed to have a forum for that reason, since they come 3-4 times each year at most, so if this is the future trend they should just close down the whole forum and let the community have their own forums spread around.

Devs do it their way, that's ok, but don't let your feelings let it ressult in unfair things like this (even if it's their forum, their game and all that). Ban for months are ok, not years. In regard that Plosh, the one that wrecked the whole forum got a less ban
Quote from mclarenmatt :
It's ok though what are they gonna do ban us all for 999 days for voicing our opinion? I dont think so.

I don't think so, but there is a difference between voicing your opinion, and creating X accounts to spam a thread...

@SilverArrows77 : Couldn't agree more..
Quote from The Very End :I can understand the devs getting anoyed by us, hell maybe I deservere more warnings than I do, aswell as you others. But there clearly is wrong banning someone that long when he has not ruined / crashed or done seriously exploits to the game or others. (comparioson speedhack bans and what he got).

Even if they are anoyed they canot start letting their anoyance ressult in undeserved bans, or too harsh reactions. In fact, why have a forum at all? If there were just allowed to be fanboys that not question the game or the development, why have a forum at all?
The updates will not be needed to have a forum for that reason, since they come 3-4 times each year at most, so if this is the future trend they should just close down the whole forum and let the community have their own forums spread around.

Devs do it their way, that's ok, but don't let your feelings let it ressult in unfair things like this (even if it's their forum, their game and all that). Ban for months are ok, not years. In regard that Plosh, the one that wrecked the whole forum got a less ban

In fact Phlos and Kidcodea still race sometimes, so I guess Messy is much worse than them
Banned Messy is banned HARD.

kind of harsh!
Quote from The Very End :I can understand the devs getting anoyed by us, hell maybe I deservere more warnings than I do, aswell as you others. But there clearly is wrong banning someone that long when he has not ruined / crashed or done seriously exploits to the game or others. (comparioson speedhack bans and what he got).

Even if they are anoyed they canot start letting their anoyance ressult in undeserved bans, or too harsh reactions. In fact, why have a forum at all? If there were just allowed to be fanboys that not question the game or the development, why have a forum at all?
The updates will not be needed to have a forum for that reason, since they come 3-4 times each year at most, so if this is the future trend they should just close down the whole forum and let the community have their own forums spread around.

Devs do it their way, that's ok, but don't let your feelings let it ressult in unfair things like this (even if it's their forum, their game and all that). Ban for months are ok, not years. In regard that Plosh, the one that wrecked the whole forum got a less ban

No doubt being a mod on these forums isn't an easy job and it's pretty thankless, but based on that, it appears to be too much emotion and not enough measure. And it certainly does send the wrong message and invite reprisal, creating more work for the mods.
Where is Scirocco?


So bad......:Kick_Can_

LOL i cant beleive you guys... i would have done just the same... if he breaks the rules.... fine! if he breaks them over and over and over and over.. i think he got what he deserved... as for speedhack? never encountered it in LFS.. still its just 10 year old boys who uses it anyways.
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