YOU, don't have to wait at all. Try playing lfs without your mind drifting towards the Scirocco. A lot of us are doing it already and it's fine. Also, nobody has a damn clue when it's out, you should know this by now.
I'm going racing . . . who's with me?
I know I am, in about 2 hours and maybe a little before that, to get warm first.
Quote from Funnybear :I'm going racing . . . who's with me?

Me too! I'm going to race the solstice @ Lowes road course for a bit. I can't wait till the 28th, when the spec racer ford is released
Quote from TiricK :And middle of 2009? When? only 15th of june is middle? :rolleyes:

My birthday ! :banana:

And btw, the 15th of june is not the middle of the year... I don't know where you got that.:rolleyes:

182nd day in the year is 1st July according to Wikipedia.
Quote from Cherry :365:2=182,5=182

182nd day in the year is 1st July according to Wikipedia.

So it's 2nd July, as 182,5 can be rounded to 183
Quote from Cherry :365:2=182,5=182

182nd day in the year is 1st July according to Wikipedia.

182,5 = 183 or is it different in other countries?

Edit: no.
Quote :2. Round it to the nearest whole number, unless it ends in exactly .5

3. If it ends in exactly .5, then add 0.5

EDIT2: OMG shadowww is realy living in this forum^^
Quote from Flame CZE :Yes but ceil(182.5) != floor(182.5);

do i get anything wrong?

3. If it ends in exactly .5, then add 0.5
Umm what I meant with 182,5 is 12 o'clock on 1st July, so it is technically 1st July. It works like that in Estonia.
Place your bets!
When will 0.6A be released? (Don't shout "DEMO RACER!!! GO TO HELL!!!", It's always good to keep an up-to-date gameversion) I bet by the end of the week.
Oh! It seems I've been pwned. Well anyways now we know that it is not 15th June
Quote from Danny LFS :When will 0.6A be released? (Don't shout "DEMO RACER!!! GO TO HELL!!!", It's always good to keep an up-to-date gameversion) I bet by the end of the week.

It is released already! Where have you been, that you dont know that? Oh ur demoer!aksuly its not released yet
Quote from Cherry :It is released already! Where have you been, that you dont know that? Oh ur demoer!aksuly its not released yet

Prove it.

I know it ain't released yet, I am just being sarcastic.
Quote from Danny LFS :When will 0.6A be released? (Don't shout "DEMO RACER!!! GO TO HELL!!!", It's always good to keep an up-to-date gameversion) I bet by the end of the week.

why would you ask such a dumb question... if you read this entire thread, you'd realize that nobody knows. period. except sca/vi/er.
You fundimentalists here can split your days into .5's all you like, but the middle of the year is the exact time when the sun reaches the zenith on the equinox. It's the longest day. From then on it's all down hill till the winter equinox. So it could well be the 183rd, or the 182nd. It don't matter mathmatecally. It's all about the sun baby, yea! Like the calender is right anyway, we have to add a day every four years and we're a 'something' of a second out everyyear anyway. So your all wrong. The Bear is correct. Go by Solar. It works for me. Oh, and I've had beer. Beer in the Bear is a good thing. Because it means I go forth and spout meaningless drivel on the Sim racing forums . . . .

Laters Chaps and chapesses. Meh, I think thats just wishful thinking. Laters Chaps!
God, i wish you'd all shadap!
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[MERGED] Scirocco enquiry threads
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