The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Gai-Luron :Can you tell me more with example of code to catch this error before crash

Hi Gai,
I have deleted all logs once I found the error was my mistake, its the one I sent you in MSN so look at your history in MSN and the reason for the error was I have left out the following event from Authorisation..

Event OnAuthReached()
privMsg("^3You have got Authorisation Level " . $level );

Thanks for your help last night.

Can we have an example of the new GLScript commands as not sure how to use them.
lapper is almost like ctra now

nice work, thanx for it, gai-luron.

there left very few things, that i miss:

- areas > to closing shortcuts; coordinates, max allowed speed, penalty, race/qual...
- blue flag management > auto spec blockers under blue flag; duration and decrescent distance under blue flag, action to blue flagger
- grid sorting after race > typically by session pb; maybe other eventuality... by lfsw pb, server pb, inverted?
- action for player removing other players from start grid in end of race screen


I found a little error in the default LFSLapper.lpr. If I use the rotation mode, the values $CurrRotateCar and $CurrLongRotateTrack don't give output. It shows in LFS-chat:

Car changed, go to pit! Current car =
Track changed, please wait!
Current Track =

Event OnRotateCar() # Lapper Event
cmdLFS("/msg Car changed, go to pit! Current car = " . $CurrRotateCar);

Event OnRotateTrack() # Lapper Event
cmdLFS("/msg Track changed, please wait!" );
cmdLFS("/msg Current Track = " . $CurrLongRotateTrack);
Hello, try to change config file with :
Quote :
Event OnRotateCar() # Lapper Event
cmdLFS("/msg Car changed, go to pit! Current car = " . getLapperVar( "CurrRotateCar" );

Event OnRotateTrack() # Lapper Event
cmdLFS("/msg Track changed, please wait!" );
cmdLFS("/msg Current Track = " . getLapperVar( "CurrLongRotateTrack" );

Quote :- areas > to closing shortcuts; coordinates, max allowed speed, penalty, race/qual...
- blue flag management > auto spec blockers under blue flag; duration and decrescent distance under blue flag, action to blue flagger
- grid sorting after race > typically by session pb; maybe other eventuality... by lfsw pb, server pb, inverted?
- action for player removing other players from start grid in end of race screen

Not for the Next Release, i need to do a stable version!. I don't add new spec, i try to finish remote admin control for now and debug LFSLapper.

Thank's for the ideas, Probably in future version

Hi Gai,
I have a problem that I can confirm is on 3 out of 4 of my Servers. Lapper is sending the /End command when Drivers Spectate. I have been told by a few drivers after its happened they used SHIFT+S. I have been looking through ServerLog and found these instances...

May 11 16:52:40 TRTjavitxu^L left the pits (FXR)
May 11 16:52:40 /msg TRTjavitxu = FXR Class B Licence
May 11 16:52:40 TRTjavitxu = FXR Class B Licence
May 11 16:52:40 /end

May 11 17:54:16 Mr[x]Wiggels^L joined the spectators
May 11 17:54:16 /end

May 11 18:15:56 D@GG€®XS^L pitted
May 11 18:15:56 /end

May 11 18:58:22 ~ S i n ~^L joined the spectators
May 11 18:58:22 /end

May 11 21:44:25 ~ T u r 8 o ~^L joined the spectators
May 11 21:44:33 TRTjavitxu^L took the wrong route
May 11 21:44:34 /end

I have searched my config files and includes and cannot find anything related to joining or leaving track that has /End in it. It started with around the time I updated to v5.834 but its not often it happend so can't be 100%. Thanks for any help as this is destroying everything like Events on AKM Racing. Cheers.

Quote :LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

Insim TCP Connection Lost on / 25501
Insim TCP Connection Lost on / 25502
Insim TCP Connection Lost on / 25503
Insim TCP Connection Lost on / 25504

I got this by restarting my 4 LFS Servers, Lapper did not reconnect so I had to manually go to each server and type !start. All 4 servers have AutoWork in LFSServers.cfg.
Quote from Andy King :Hi Gai,
May 11 16:52:40 TRTjavitxu^L left the pits (FXR)
May 11 16:52:40 /msg TRTjavitxu = FXR Class B Licence
May 11 16:52:40 TRTjavitxu = FXR Class B Licence
May 11 16:52:40 /end

Not LFSLapper Trace, Maybe Airio. Anyway Airio can't catch /end command when other application send it.

Quote from Andy King :
I got this by restarting my 4 LFS Servers, Lapper did not reconnect so I had to manually go to each server and type !start. All 4 servers have AutoWork in LFSServers.cfg.

Everytime or only one shoot? This error message happen when LFSLapper try do write on an established connection. A coonnection can be down for a little time can cause this. In this case LFSLapper Reconnect in stand bye mode. If LFSLapper managed to connect in Standby mode is that it is a temporary connection problem.

Edit : I do a modification in LFSLapper for next release. Now it try to reconnect in autowork mode in case of lost connection. In case of Instance crash, go in stand by mode.
Hi Gai,
The log in first error (/end) is the serverlog from LFS.exe as I have /log=ServerLog.log in setup.cfg so nothing to do with Airio. The /end command is being sent via Lapper as no one else has Admin rights to use it directly other than me. I have commented out a CASE I created to change tracks that uses the /end command and asked the regular drivers to keep an eye on it and see if it re-occurs.

I do have 2 LFSLapper.exe's running on my dedibox, I thought as long as the remotePort=3001; where different numbers they would both run seperatly.
The only code who send /end is rotation or Votation. Try to disable rotation then Votation to find wich code do that

On the same Computer, each LFSLapper.exe must have own remote port
Ex:3001 or 3002
Quote :

$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "-";
$VoteRestart = -1;
Event OnVoteRestartChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,"Restart:" );
openGlobalButton( "bargr2",70,1,20,6,6,30,96,"(" . $Vote ."/" . $PlayerOnTrack . ") Need " . $Need );
Event OnVoteRestartReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
Event OnVoteRestartZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
$VoteQualify = -1;
Event OnVoteQualifyChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargq1",90,1,10,6,6,30,96,"Qualify" );
openGlobalButton( "bargq2",100,1,20,6,6,30,96,"(" . $Vote . "/" . $PlayerOnTrack . ") Need " . $Need );
Event OnVoteQualifyReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
No cmdLFS("/qualify"); here
Event OnVoteQualifyZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
$VoteEnd = -1;
Event OnVoteEndChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "barge1",120,1,10,6,6,30,96,"End:" );
openGlobalButton( "barge2",130,1,20,6,6,30,96,"(" . $Vote . "/" . $PlayerOnTrack . ") Need " . $Need );
Event OnVoteEndReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "barge1&barge2" );
No cmdLFS("/end"); here
Event OnVoteEndZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "barge1&barge2" );
$VoteLifeSec = 30;

Hi Gai,
The above quote for voting was taken from default Lapper.lpr in v5.837. The cammands are not consistant as in Vote Restart is has the /restart command but in Vote Qualify and End theirs no command. Which way should it be.

Quote :
On the same Computer, each LFSLapper.exe must have own remote port
Ex:3001 or 3002

Thats how I already have the 2 LFSLapper.exe's setup but still gave me that error and wouldn't reconnect automatically until I typed !start

BUG REPORT: I have nailed the /end issues I am having. I was told it happens when the last but 1 driver spectates leaving a single driver ontrack. We tested this and can replicate it each and everytime as long as theirs 1 driver left ontrack. I commented out just the Voting System and not the Race Rotate System. It stopped the issue. I re-added voting system and the error started again. Hope this helps.

The new GLScript command's in version 5.837 works great Thx

a small bug report:
If in part Race Control the $AutoRestartRaceSec=120; is set to 2 minutes
If qual is in progress and there is only one player online , and when you go to pit and leave pit the qual stops and race will start after 2 minutes.

$AutoRestartRaceSec = Second between the end of a race (last player finished) and an automatic restart

Quote :
The new GLScript command's in version 5.837 works great

Hi Tim, can you show me an example of the new GLScripts as not sure how to implement them.
Quote from Andy King :Hi Tim, can you show me an example of the new GLScripts as not sure how to implement them.

Hi Andy,
I created this to make the new points database.
When somebody connect the old points wil copyed to the new database.

In Event OnConnect()
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total",getUserStoredValue( "points_total" ) ); #Get total points new database
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "tot_points",GetStoredValue( $Username . "tot_points" ) ); #Get total points old databsae

IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "tot_points" ) > GetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total" ) ) #If old data is bigger then new data
THEN #Then set new data with the old data
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total", GetCurrentPlayerVar( "tot_points" ) );
setUserStoredValue( "points_total", GetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total" ) );

And to show the points
CASE "!point":
topUser( "[AKM] Points System","points_total","DESC",argv );
CASE "!rank":
nearUser( "[AKM] Points System","points_total","DESC",argv );

Hi Tim,
Thanks matey got it all working fine, thanks again.
Quote from Gai-Luron :
Not for the Next Release, i need to do a stable version!. I don't add new spec, i try to finish remote admin control for now and debug LFSLapper.

Thank's for the ideas, Probably in future version



thanx for your answer, and your work!


I tried this in lapper:

IF( MSHToNum("1.30.00") > MSHToNum("1.40.00") )
$Level ="Newbie";
$Level ="Prau";

And when i write out the $Level variable, the value was Newbie.

cmdLFS("/msg a " . MSHToNum("1.30.00") );

And here don't write anything.

IF( MSHToNum("1.30.00") > MSHToNum("1.40.00") )
$Level ="Newbie";
$Level ="Prau";
WriteLine( $Level );
WriteLine( "1.30.00 -> " . MSHToNum("1.30.00") );
WriteLine( "1.40.00 -> " . MSHToNum("1.40.00") );

I try this and it work. who have the same issue? and how i can reproduce it? Do you use the last version?

I use the latest stable, 5.716 version.

'WriteLine' is not a lapper function

I think, i must use the beta version?

//Sorry for my bad english
Ok the Stable version don't have MSHToNum function. Beta version is very very different and yes you must use the beta version


Hi Gai,
This version v5.837 seems to be working well, congratulations. Did you find bug in Voting System? and thanks for your time and effort. Come to [AKM] Racing UK and see whats been added.

Feature Request: Can we have a Database Backup System, using some sort of time scale like...

Event DataBase_Backup
Time = 00.00.00 #Time to make Backup
Frequency = 24 #Time in Hours
FileName = $ #File Name
Folder = AKMRacing_Backup #Folder to put it in
FilesToKeep = 7 #Number of Files before Lapper deletes anything over 7

Our databases are getting large, and need some sort of backup system.

At least I keep you busy lol

Help Request: How do I display PBLapTime data from different tracks. I want to use my Licensing System on another track. So if a Driver connects to [AKM] Racing UK 4 which is Westhill International. The Driver connecting has a PBLapTime at Aston National gained on [AKM] Racing UK 2. I want to use that PBLaptime to allow this Driver access to [AKM] Racing UK 4 using track Westhill International.

So basically....

IF PBLapTime @ AS3 <= 1.48.00 THEN
Allow Access
Sorry set a PB below 1.48.00 @ Aston National on [AKM] Racing UK 2 or 3

I cannot seem to get access to the data stored in GripPB.dbs. Thanks in Advance.
Hi all, is it possible to assign stop and go penalty to users who reset their car?

I use Lapper 5.714 (500servers...)

1st of all, sry for bad english.

2nd. .dbs files, how can be read out its entries? example to show them on a site.

3rd. the additional values database, we want to sort by any (points etc.), how can we do it?

pls, if somebody can help, wrote.

(sry, it is my friends questions, he try to do some system)

My friend mackosajt question :
"3rd. the additional values database, we want to sort by any (points etc.), how can we do it?" is solved !

I make small ranked system and problem the reading the additional values database (.dbs) on ex. php website.

(sry my very bad english)
ok i have 5.837 and i wanted to know if there was a way so that i can use \ for commands and it wont flood the message area?:Kick_Can_


cmdLFS("/qual 60");

cmdLFS("/laps 10");

cmdLFS("/rcm ^6Starting a 10 Lap Race");
cmdLFS("/rcm_all" );

Hope that helps.
Hi Gai,
I have my SpeedTraps working so if I go through SpeedTrap 1 at 100mph and go through it again at 90mph it doesn't show, saves best speed to db and only shows improved/faster speeds to everyone on server.

The problem I have is some drivers use kph and some use mph, the speedtraps display the speedraps in whatever the driver has set in Shift+i. I use mph and kmph mean nothing especially when it flashes up on screen Driver - SpeedTrap 1 - 160 kph
Driver - SpeedTrap 2 - 220 kph
and it must be the same for drivers that use kph. I have been sat here trying to work out how to display the SpeedTraps in the Drivers preference Unit of Speed and have a few ideas but very hard to implement. I wondered if it would be easier for you to add or adjust something so I can see a driver who uses kph SpeedTrap speed in my Unit of Speed setting whic is mph and vice versa.

Thats given you something else to think about
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )