The online racing simulator
Nice to hear she found the funny side of it. I think most girls around my town would pull that stupid "your a wierdo/roll eyes" face. Or maybe its my ugly mug making girls do that.
Was coming back from Danny's with Niall... little Scottish kid.. must have been 8.... was being a dick... then he kicked Niall in the balls... LOL...

Then Niall threw him halfway across the carridge.. EPIC LOL
LOL. A guy as huge as niall chucking an 8-year old. O_O

I pictured the kid shouting "Holy jobby mucker! whit th' buck ye daein'!!" as he flew across the carriage.
#54 - SamH
I was in town a few weeks ago, wandering around and doing a bit of window shopping as ya do. Anyway, walking through the shopping centre, I saw my old schoolfriend Jonny Parker, walking out of Halfords. I hadn't seen Jonny since we were in junior school together.

So.. I ran across the shopping centre, half-sneaked up behind him and gave him a hearty slap on the back. "Now then Jonny!! How ya BEEN!?" I bellowed.

Jonny fell to the ground, looked up at me and started screaming "Waaaaah! Mummy! Mummy!" He got to his feet and scrambled off, wailing loudly.

I puzzled for a bit, and then it hit me.. if that HAD been Jonny, then HE would have grown up too!

No he was being a dick... we took loads of gip and a few pushes... we were talking to some guy and this chick talking about Asda and this kid just comes along.. after a while kicks Niall in the nuts and then Niall throws him down the train...

then WE get shouted at... train steward moves the scottish family down the train and the kid keeps flipping the bird to us.. infront of his mother who didn't care.. fatty too busy om nom noming cake.
Quote from SamH :I was in town a few weeks ago, wandering around and doing a bit of window shopping as ya do. Anyway, walking through the shopping centre, I saw my old schoolfriend Jonny Parker, walking out of Halfords. I hadn't seen Jonny since we were in junior school together.

So.. I ran across the shopping centre, half-sneaked up behind him and gave him a hearty slap on the back. "Now then Jonny!! How ya BEEN!?" I bellowed.

Jonny fell to the ground, looked up at me and started screaming "Waaaaah! Mummy! Mummy!" He got to his feet and scrambled off, wailing loudly.

I puzzled for a bit, and then it hit me.. if that HAD been Jonny, then HE would have grown up too!

hard night in the pub or what were you smoking>>>>?
Quote from mrodgers :I find this interesting. Here we drive on the right, and walk on the right. There in the UK you drive on the left. I would have thought that you would also walk on the left. Kind of weird how that is.

What kind of crack are you on! :P You're always supposed to walk facing traffic, in case that a car starts coming at you.. you can react rather than ploughed from behind.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :What kind of crack are you on! :P You're always supposed to walk facing traffic, in case that a car starts coming at you.. you can react rather than ploughed from behind.

He's obviously talking about the way people walk on the sidewalks, corridores, etc. That they stay right in Britain even though they drive on the left.
Quote from Kalev EST :He's obviously talking about the way people walk on the sidewalks, corridores, etc. That they stay right in Britain even though they drive on the left.

Thats how you should walk down sidewalks. If cars in your country drive on the right, walk on the left hand side of the road, so the cars are coming towards you. At least then, if a car is out of control and heading towards you, you see it and have time to move. Proves better then getting hit from behind and not knowing wtf was happening.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Thats how you should walk down sidewalks. If cars in your country drive on the right, walk on the left hand side of the road, so the cars are coming towards you. At least then, if a car is out of control and heading towards you, you see it and have time to move. Proves better then getting hit from behind and not knowing wtf was happening.

He was talking about two people on the same sidewalk, I think.
In Argentina it's very common to greet someone with a cheek kiss, even between men, the problem arises mostly between men as some people don't like to greet in that way, I don't mind but sometimes I see a gesture that someone want to shake hands so I strech my hand, as the kiss in the cheek is usually followed by a gentle touch in the shoulder or side upper of the hip I tend to miss read their intention and give a handshake and a kiss, damn that's akward, we should get rid of kisses between men and only stick with woman!
LoL kissing between men? We'd laugh like mad over here if we saw something like that... now that you're talking about hand shakes, i hate greeting people who uses different "styles" for hand shaking because i only use the common one, a slap and then fist punch (lol didn't know how to explain it) but some guys press your hand or make some strange movements with it! I hate it because i want my hand back and it seems that I don't like them!
#63 - 5haz
Another awkward one was when one of my (sort of) mates shouted out "N1gger!" not knowing that there were quite a few black people standing nearby, needless to say, he was lucky not to get 'shanked', bloody idiot will be the death of us.
Jeeez... Quicksilver was talking about how when two people are going opposite ways they sould pass each other on the right side. Mrodgers wondered why the Brits pass each other on the right side when they drive on the left. And then you lot (all of who speak English as a first language I might add) start talking about oncoming traffic.... Read! Yes, you should face the cars when walking on the side of the road BUT that wasn't the question.
When you're at school, when you're like 8 or 9 years old, and you call the teacher mum by mistake. I havent done it, but i have seen it, and the kid involved was embarrased about it for weeks.
I called a teacher Dad. She was a lady.

I hate falling over infront of people you see regularly, like people that get on the train/bus, or even worse falling into them, and worst taking them down too.
The only way to deal with things like falling over is to laugh at yourself as much as if you'd just seen it happen to someone else. getting embarrased and shuffling away makes it 10 times worse.
Quote from piggy501 :I called a teacher Dad. She was a lady.

I hate falling over infront of people you see regularly, like people that get on the train/bus, or even worse falling into them, and worst taking them down too.

LOL when I was in year 1+2 at Primary School I kept calling all the female teachers Mum by accident
(mrodgers) DELETED by mrodgers
haha, smooth...
I'm telling you guys, ninjas are everywhere.
A couple of weeks ago i went into the shop on a lunch brake and i saw this girl that i knew from years ago and i didn't really want to talk to her so i got my stuff quick and went, up the road i hear my name being shouted so i carry on walking pretending i didn't hear, shouted again so i turned round, shes like 100 yards down the road and she asked if i remembered her, so i said no (i did) just so i didn't look ignorant (which i was being) then had to do the whole suprised to see you bullshit, usually i slip up when faking something but i did pretty well, should be nominated for an oscar and yeah it was very, very awkward.

And no she wasn't hot.
'cause obviously all most British guys think about is how hot a girl is..
Well she wasn't...
And that means you can't at least be friendly to her face for 10 minutes? ....
I was, i was in a bad mood to start with, in a rush to get back and she always was a mouthy little *****, so couldn't be arsed to waste time. Its not like shes ugly, just someone i don't really want to be associated with anymore.