The online racing simulator
Lesson name translations
(100 posts, started )
Question. Is the Dutch version finished?

E: I already started with some translations. Kinda plenty of work here.
Quote from Scawen :Thank you for that.

I have sent an email to ask the translator of the main Italian files to confirm this is OK with him.

After that I'll put them in my patch folder to be included in the next patch.

I will assume that your name is correctly entered in your LFS account and use that on the credits screen.

Thanks also for pointing out the file name error in the Galego Westhill Test Drive FO8 - that was important as it had the wrong file name, it was not recognised by LFS when loading the Galician training lessons.

You're welcome Scawen, it's been a pleasure, and many thanks to you, Eric and Victor for this great sim !
Yes, my name is correct on LFS account.

P.S. #1 : currently translating the KEYS.PDF, AUTOCROSS.TXT, COMMANDS.TXT files in DOCS folder...

P.S. #2 : I have hijacked at least 10 of my ITAF flightsim team mates over to :lfs: in these days!!
Ripley dai un'occhiata ai tuoi pm
Quote from Ripley :You're welcome Scawen, it's been a pleasure, and many thanks to you, Eric and Victor for this great sim !
Yes, my name is correct on LFS account.

P.S. #1 : currently translating the KEYS.PDF, AUTOCROSS.TXT, COMMANDS.TXT files in DOCS folder...

P.S. #2 : I have hijacked at least 10 of my ITAF flightsim team mates over to :lfs: in these days!!

I had been translating the LFS Manual site in Italian but got hold up. I might start again in the next weeks.
Hi Scawen, FINAL Italian version is up !!

"Garam approved !!!" ™
Italian Training Translations
Thank you for that, Ripley and Garam.

I've saved the lesson translations in my patch folder and added your name to the credits.

If there are any changes, please make a post here so I'll get the notification.
Little updates to several lesson translations
Hello Scawen, I've made some little corrections and updates to some training lessons. Please save them in your patch folder as usual
Attached files
Acceleration - GTI_Czech.txt - 345 B - 283 views
Aston Testdrive - Race About_Czech.txt - 253 B - 281 views
Autocross Course - MRT_Czech.txt - 422 B - 259 views
Braking - GTI_Czech.txt - 660 B - 258 views
Overtaking - GTI_Czech.txt - 490 B - 268 views
Rallyx Overtaking - RB4_Czech.txt - 500 B - 293 views
Rallyx Overtaking - UF 1000_Czech.txt - 422 B - 264 views
Slalom Course - GTI_Czech.txt - 336 B - 279 views
Testdrive - Formula BMW_Czech.txt - 407 B - 240 views
Testdrive - GTI_Czech.txt - 603 B - 237 views
Throttle Control - GTI_Czech.txt - 298 B - 247 views
OK, I've done that - thanks
Gogogo guys!

Your are doing great work people, keep helping the devs improve our lovely game!

I made atleast 8 of my schoolmates from lastyear play the game on demo.
And 3 people actually buy it.
And now I'm playing with some other friends
stop making usless posts...
At least it's less useless than the yours. He just wanted to thank us... so what's the problem?
Good one, Flame !!
#88 - ssm
Do you still need Chinese traditional and Taiwanese?

I can also do some Joke Languages such as South Eastern American and also Gangsta
Quote from Ripley :Hi Scawen.
Here's the final Italian training translation (S2 ALPHA 0.5Z).

(UnknownMaster21) DELETED by UnknownMaster21 : Wrong time to post! Sorry hahaha
De nada !!

I'm still working on all the other documentation files. When I'm finished, I'll post them here.

(Sto ancora traducendo tutta l'altra documentazione, e prima o poi la posterò qua).
swedish lessons? If they don't exist.. I'll create it later this afternoon ^^
still W.I.P .... man .. it sure was lots of writing xD
Im currently translating the lessons to Danish. Will finish it as soon as possible.
Estonian Translation
Tried to fix bmwe30m3's Estonian Training pack. Fixed grammar, wording (or at least tried; somebody should read them over), added headings and missing files.

Havent tested in S2... worked fine in demo though.

Attachment is a .zip archive.

EDIT: Updated wording.
Attached files
Training - 16.1 KB - 272 views
Quote from LFSn00b :I've pretty much now fixed all of the translations.

Here's the new translations with proper Finnish.

W00t nice.

Quote :Ohita AI-kuljettajat ilman kolarointia == kolaroimatta.

Quote :Monet (ajajat) ajavat tällä rata-alueella, koska siinä =sillä on helppo ohittaa.

Quote :Saadaksesi parhaimman tuloksen tällä autolla, sinun pitää ajaa äärirajoilla. == Saadakseen parhaimman tuloksen, on ajettava äärirajoilla.

I've made a tiny correction of FBM Pitstop lesson translation.
Attached files
Pitstop - Formula BMW_Czech.txt - 344 B - 229 views
A little offtopic, but i would just like to give kudo's to all you guys. It feels really nice to see people coming together to make this sim better.

Fantastic work guys.

Sorry for offtopic.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :A little offtopic, but i would just like to give kudo's to all you guys. It feels really nice to see people coming together to make this sim better.

As a translator, it's my duty actally
(MariusMM) DELETED by MariusMM
It could be a good idea to make a sticky a the top of this thread/subforum with all the language translations in progress, to see which one is still missing, maybe with the % of work done...
(MariusMM) DELETED by MariusMM
Quote from MariusMM :Good idea .

I started on some Norwegian translations last nigh - I'll continue after dinner later.

Good to se somebody have startet the translation i started but havent had time to do finish em

edit: added 2 files that you can add to the translation (the only 2 i manage to get finish (if you havent translated em yett.
if you want i can read true it and see if there are any errors in the translation you done. send me an pm whit msn adress and i will add you
Attached files
Acceleration - GTI_Norwegian.txt - 369 B - 217 views
Aston Overtaking - BF1_Norwegian.txt - 200 B - 217 views

Lesson name translations
(100 posts, started )