This was the first I had ever made, so basically, it looks horrible. I had used to much carbon on it, and I had to make several versions of the blue painted so that the part next to the intercooler was painted blue. If you want a different color besides blue, please PM me. I will make the modifications to the skin. (plain white) (dull blue)
(bonus: RB4 toy and
RB4 boxes )
Ug ugly ugly copy andd paste jobs and use of filter effects that take like 20 seconds is ugly.
Skining is an art not copy and pasting for serveral minumtes and way to big carbon.
never an adequate excuse. never blame the program for something you did.
you said youre using photoshop so you have a very powerful tool there, you just need to learn how to use it properly. if learn how to use the pen tool, paths, vector and layer masks rather than using the brush and magic wand, it will make your life easier and your skins look much better. also learn how to use the blending modes such as mulitiply, darken, overlay and lighten, as well as where the opacity slider is. also learn to play around with brightness and contrast, hue and saturation, levels and curves methods of changing brightness, color and color intensity
yes, i wont beat around the bush, its a terrible skin, but everyone has to start somewhere whith photoshop so it was a gallant first attempt.
I have made somewhat bof a better skin, modelled after a toy car.
I just dont have a picture of the car or the real thing.
(i'm on a different computer than normal.)
comments, on the skin, are welcome.
that is the original car, my skin is missing two stars on each side and the number three on each side.
As requested I tried applying the Brawn GP livery onto the RB4.
Annoyingly "Imageshack" seems not to allow names containing underscores so you have to rename it after eventually downloading.
(If you can tell me there's a free image host where this is possible, please do so!)
Feel free, it's fully public. You can also edit it (adding Virgin logos or something the like).
As for photobucket... I had an account there and for free use only a resolution up to one thousand and something pixels was allowed... which is not enough for state of the art skins.
Thanks man, I had to make the stripes and everything. I just made one today:
Is it any good either? I know the logos are blurry and the carbon is different shades (which Photoshop Elements 7.0 did that), but it is still good