Hmm, thanks for the reply but Im not sure I explained what I was trying to say very well, lol..

As an example, we have some RCM messages that we use on our server during qualify, at the moment we trigger these with !commands, for example !pro displays a message for the drivers about the minimum lap time required to enter the next race.

What happens at the moment is, when a driver see's an admin use this command, they then try it them selves, then so do half a dozen other people. As a a result, we have this big PRO SERVER - 1.33.99 IS REQUIRED TO STAY message across the screen for the next minute or so which really puts the drivers off during qualifiy.

Then at other times, idiots and kids just type it in over and over and over because they are being stupid, it's a new form of spam that puts this big message on the screen while drivers are trying to race.

I wondered if the config could be something like

AutoAction = wtf : * | /msg {Nickname} please do not use language like that | !pro : admin1 : admin2 | /rcm This is a pro server - 1.33.99 is required to stay : /rcm_all

In this example, the fist command has a wildcard specified for the authorised user so it will work for any username that typed it in and that same username will be listed in the message, but the second command, it has the driver nick name 'admin1' or 'admin2' specified, so the command will only work for the drivers with those nicknames.

Does that over complicate the configuration ?

Any update for tracks AS6-AS7 and BF1 car tables ?
Possible increase track'list with BL3 and AU1 track ?
thx for this great mod
LFSLapper v3.0
Quote :
|Changes from v2.9 to v3.0|

1.Added support for BF1.

2.Improved drift scoring system + new options.

3.Possibility to specify users that are allowed to execute AutoActions.

Example of Authenticated auto action:

AutoAction = !admin:!adi@username1,username2 | /rcm {Nickname} is authenticated! : /rcm_all

Command above will make big center screen message, if one of users username1 or username2 types !admin or !adi into talk window.

if @ and list of users is not specified, everyone can use command.

Default configuration uses nicknames for authentication. Licensed users should change it to usernames (see lfslapper.cfg).

Drifting points are now calculated as
score = score + angle*speed^2/10000
(in 2.9 it was just score = score + angle)

New car should be supported now.
Quite simply Spectacular ! A huge THANKS ! Im going to try it now !
Monk... grettings for your great work but after last update, Aston GP and Aston North unrecognized by lapper...We cannot save PB on this 2 tracks (AS6-AS7).
Because some drift'races are better if made on AU1 or BL3, Is it possible lapper can recognize layouts on AU1 or BL3 too ?

Very good job, i tried it, it worked very well some times, but then it stopped working. I can't understand why...

F:\LFSLapper\bin>lfslapper.exe a4344.cfg
LFSLapper, Version=2.9.2287.40309, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Janez Cufer
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length

Thats all it says. what have i done wrong?

Hi! Srry for my Englisch

I've problems with the LFS Lapper. There are some errors when i drive.

Can you help me?
Attached images
Quote from henri150 :
Very good job, i tried it, it worked very well some times, but then it stopped working. I can't understand why...

Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length

Cause of this message is very probably error in cfg file. It happens when a line in cfg file does not have = symbol present. Which means you did something wrong when creating cfg file or modifying old one. Check your cfg file modifications and make sure all options are single lined. If you can't find error, use old cfg file and modify it step by step to see where the problem occurs.
Quote from gwendoline :Monk... grettings for your great work but after last update, Aston GP and Aston North unrecognized by lapper...We cannot save PB on this 2 tracks (AS6-AS7).
Because some drift'races are better if made on AU1 or BL3, Is it possible lapper can recognize layouts on AU1 or BL3 too ?

LFSLapper is not limited to tracks. It uses InSim to dynamically create new tables for each track if needed (on finish line). It means that there is nothing for me to add . You said, it stopped saving PBs on 3.0, but it worked in 2.9 ? Can you confirm this ? Are you talking about drifting scores, or lap times ? Or both ? Maybe you have set maximum lap time too low (or minimum drift score too high).
As for layouts, I don't know how does InSim treat them. If they don't differ from normal tracks from InSim point of view, they should already work.
Quote from Crash007 :
I've problems with the LFS Lapper. There are some errors when i drive.

Are you running LFSLapper on your computer but LFS server is on another computer (That won't work and it will write up these messages)? Maybe you have more network adapters ? Was there any other message before that one ? Like "You do not have admin rights" ?
Do you see any messages produced by LFSLapper ?
Hard to say what exactly causes this . A friend had this kind of problems, but managed to solve them, don't know what was wrong tho.

Try running in debug mode: LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg debug
LFSLapper WebStats (MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
#61 - Noxi
I cant get LFSLapper to work
I get the same as ekze posted in his screenshot. It is missing the "InSimInit : port 0, Product : DEMO Ver.0.5Q" stuff...

Quote from ekze :Yes, i am using shortcut method. I start LFSLapper and it stays opened, but nothing happens...

Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :
When LFSLapper is started, you should get in LFS console following message:
InSimInit : port 0
Product : DEMO Ver.0.5Q

I use DediLink to start my server, with InSim local UDP port 29999 and InSim port 7777 (default) and all looks fine on the LFS server screen with InSim listening on 29999.

If I start my server without DediLink and then type /insim 29999 I get "InSim::Initialise : bind failed" Dont know why... and I get same when I try to start InSim from a LFS client via talk.
I have /insim 29999 in config.

I run the LFSLapper on the same machine as the LFS server.

If I try add debug it makes no differens.

Please, any help would be very nice, I realy like LFSLapper and want it on my server
I run the LFSLapper on my computer. I don't know how i start the Lapper on my Server from G-Portal. I saw messages from the Lapper. The PB message, the drift message and the message when the race started. How i start the lapper in the Debug Mode?

Thx for help
and srry for my Englisch
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
#63 - Noxi
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :Are you trying to run more InSim applications at the same time ? It won't work (at least not without gateway).

Try running LFSLapper without other InSim applications at first. You can change insim port to some other number, if 29999 is already used (don't forget to change lfslapper.cfg Port line).

No I dont run any other InSim apps and I have tried change to other port numbers but same thing.
Thx for help Monk but friend of mine as change some code for me on your amazing mod.
Works very well now.
He's named Gai-Luron and i think he have send a mail for you.(plz answer him)
Now i have 2 anothers questions:
-Is it possible we have 2 levels for idling (1 free advise & 1 spectate'action)?...and how ?
-Possible have "DriftTooHighAction = /spectate {Username}" function too ?

Perdon my shamed english...not my own langage
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
while I like the concept of the idling feature, I have had problems with it in action...

On a few occasions, a race has ended, and people chat for a minute or so, then vote a new race, RACE STARTS : 3 countdown begins and BOOM, I get spectated for idling...

by the time I get back out of spectate, the grid is lined up and even tho I won the last race, Im no longer on Pole Position because I was in spectate mode at that moment when the grid was setup by the game.

I had complaints from others that it happened to them also, so I have disabled that feature of the lapper on both my servers for the time being.

I like the idea of two levels, and this may be a great work around for this problem I have had too.

If idle timer = 1 minute, /msg blah blah | if idle timer = 2 minutes /spectate {driver}

or something like that ?

Alternatively, can the lapper detect when the race is over and stop checking for stationary cars until a new race starts ?
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
Guys i can purpose you some add (made by FRH-Gai-Luron him-self) for this great mod.

For have 2 steps to idling add this lines on your .cfg:
OnIdleAction1 = /msg {Nickname}^3 is idle, spectating in 30 secondes!
OnIdleAction2 = /spectate {Username}
OnIdleTimeout1 = 90
OnIdleTimeout2 = 120

For get spectate kids drawing donuts during too much long time add this lines too:
#MaxNbInStunt is Max number of seconds where the player is in stunt mode before MaxNbInStuntAction start, if -1 No MaxNbInStuntAction are activated
MaxNbInStunt = 5
MaxNbInStuntAction = /spectate {Username}

#if MaxNbStunt = -1, "MaxNbInStuntAction" disable
#if MaxNbStunt = 0, "MaxNbInStuntAction" detect directly 180° figure (eg; for KY1)

Others changes inside :
-":" sign accepted now on schedule messages (eg; for TS adress )
-Transfert datas too your own FTP.(eg. for team statisques)

I hope Monk is not wory because we have pain yer pretty soft a little bit for some tests.
I hope too this 2 new functions can help many hosters.
I post zip ASAP (after translation french=>English sentences in messages and only after Monk'agreement).

@Monk this second function is exactly that i will ...get off track childrens dont racing and boring the rest with "Caution crash" message in race because drawing donuts....Now i'm the must happy hoster from LFS
Monk can i post new zip of your mod modify with your agreement ?
Quote from gwendoline :
Monk can i post new zip of your mod modify with your agreement ?

Sure, modify freely. Problem is that now we have separate branches, which is kind of difficult to maintain and it could confuse users. If you send sources with all modifications, I can merge all together. And if Gai-Luron is interested, I can give him access to CVS server, so he can work on main branch. Or maybe he can even take over the project, so I have enough time to start another one .
ok i try to join him for translate.....wait and see

Gai Luron dont speak very well English and i dont speak "coder usualy langage".
This is the source code

I think it's not good have two branch, i prefere you merge my modifications with your programm if you want. Because Gwendoline have good ideas, in the future i can make another modifications and i send this modification to you for merge it.
I don't want have access to CVS server because i do this modifications for my friend and i have another project to finish for LFS. It is a championship application in PHP,Mysql.

Here you can find modified sources

Quote from Shoe Maker :.....Alternatively, can the lapper detect when the race is over and stop checking for stationary cars until a new race starts ?

With latest zip purpose....yes! Racers are not detected idle after end of race. ....They can comments, chat, flirt :lovies3d: and jokes partners and pose for "Race result screenshot" witout getting out spectating.
hi umm im having a problem opening the LFSLapper.exe from shortcut and main file

i have the cfg figured out and have the .PB files in there just cant seem to figure out why the .exe is only staying open for few seconds any help would be great thanks
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :Do you have path to cfg file added to target field in properties of shortcut to lfslapper.exe ? Did you start lfs host with /insim 29999 before executing lfslapper ? There are other possible reasons, why it closes.

You can try first to run lfslapper from command line, so you can see what it writes down before it closes.

Go to lfslapper bin directory and execute it in command prompt with:
lfslapper.exe ..\cfg\lfslapper.cfg
(if you have lfslapper.cfg in other directory change path)

If that works, then you probably haven't added target in property of shortcut correctly.

Alternative of easy executing lfslapper is to right-click on lfslapper.cfg then select Open with, then Choose from and browse for lfslapper.exe. When you make default association of cfg files with lfslapper, next time you want to start it, just double click on cfg file.

ive tried to do the shortcut thing and it comes up with error so i dont know what to add to it

ive tried the other ways but still nothing i load lsf dedi server and then the /insim 29999 but still nothing

with the short cut what sould be in the target ...\LFSLapper\bin\LFSLapper.exe" what do i put in there i have tried LFSLapper.exe"LFSLapper.cfg and LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg" i dont know if i have done it completly wrong or just missed somthing so any help would good and thanks in advance
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :Do you have path to cfg file added to target field in properties of shortcut to lfslapper.exe ?

Why not let lapper automatically load a standard named .cfg if there's none provided by commandline?
Quote from racemania :ive tried to do the shortcut thing and it comes up with error so i dont know what to add to it

If you have lfslapper.cfg in cfg directory and lfslapper is unzipped in e:\temp\lfslapper directory, then target looks like this:

Quote :
E:\temp\LFSLapper\bin\LFSLapper.exe ..\cfg\lfslapper.cfg

If you are using Mono instead of .NET framework, your target should look something like this:
Quote :
"C:\Program Files\Mono-1.1.15\bin\mono.exe" LFSLapper.exe ..\cfg\lfslapper.cfg

@filur: Empty command line is reserved for showing additional options, but since quite a few users have problems configuring lfslapper, it might be wise to do that (on other hand, I had installer in old versions, maybe I should resurrect it)
Attached images
LFSLapper 3.1 (MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :If you have lfslapper.cfg in cfg directory and lfslapper is unzipped in e:\temp\lfslapper directory, then target looks like this:

If you are using Mono instead of .NET framework, your target should look something like this:

@filur: Empty command line is reserved for showing additional options, but since quite a few users have problems configuring lfslapper, it might be wise to do that (on other hand, I had installer in old versions, maybe I should resurrect it)

ok ive been trying this for 2 days now when i try put the .cfg in the target line nothing but a error comes up so how do i put .cfg at the end of the target i have read the readme and even downloaded the new version i have seen this programe work before and i really like it so my team now wants me to set the server up with it.
sorry if i seem like a noob just dont understand how you guys have put a target line like
"C:\Documents and settings\nick\desktop\LFSLapper\bin\LFSLapper.exe"
with the "" in there i have tried to get help from others with this programe and they just get lost in confusion with it so this seems like the last chance i have to get it online
what do i have to change in the cfg to make it work and how do i change the target?

sorry i have troubles thanks racemania

LFSLapper - Another Insim Mod
(616 posts, started )