Maybe... It could happen and a Canadian, Mexican and US Grand Prix would be great. I mean tracks like Laguna Seca, Autodromo Hernandez, Long Beach, Monterrey, Mont Tremblent are awsome, and I think, with some modifications, even the FIA would agree to having them in the carlendar.
Call it by the name... Indy Car Series wich merged with the ChampCar series, and both are based on the old Formula 5000... Calling it an F1 series would be totally overrated for its grid quality, the car quality and its financiell situation. Nontheless it is one of the two Top-Level-Single-Seater-Serieses. I still belive the better series died.

Additionally Edmonton is one of the tracks wich would never get the needed FIA rating to hold a race.
Well... F1 will never ever hold an Oval race... I think that before they include an oval race, they will hold an 24h race at Monte Carlo

Reminds me of a teacher of mine: She told us, that she hates motorsports... well not everything, she really loves rallyes. She even gave a reason "Cause driving in the circle is boring and shows some stupidy"
Well there was an internet petition, wich did not suceed. Well thinking of all petitions I took part, even a proper, non-internet petition, would fail, cause F1 is not a democracy, it's an autocracy by Bernie Ecclestone.
No there won't be a moon GP... cause if a car flips, due to an accident, the driver is becoming a new mayor tom... well exept they are having something like a pod-racer (StarWars Ep. 1)