Just got back from the race an wooo it was fun

My seat was at Stowe so i got to see the hamilton spin+donuts, heikki and whoever it was hit each other, and whatever else happened at stowe

. The lead that Vettel made up was just rediculous in that first stint, especially considering his fuel weight.
I must admit, i didn't want Button to win, because he often likes to go into weekends trying to make people think he is the underdog, when he isn't and by FAR. It's all good a driver winning every race, but don't come out with shit like, we don't have the best car or half the crap Button says. The first time he genuinly deserved the win this year, other than in Australia, is Turkey imo, he actually acnoliged that he wasn't the underdog.
Also when they did the track parade and interviewed lewis and Jenson, it was nice to see Lewis supporting Jenson fully and really almost like he himself was a fan of jenson too. The whole crowd almost went aww at that point lol.
The race can't leave that track, Donnington would be worse for overtaking i'd say, not as many long straights, even with the track changes. Also the organisation at silverstone was brilliant, getting in and out, especially saturday, wasn't too much of an ordeal. Although the directions to the park & ride carpark were completely rubbish.