True to a point, but this is how the CRC used to run, and it ran very well. Password doesn't change "that often" and we used to have a secure website where you could obtain the latest password with ease, but as I said, and you agreed, it would create an us and them situation, one I would love to avoid.
We wasn't or are not talking about the "good old times" as times have changed and LFS has moved on. What we are covering is the "lack" of respect and variation and choice that is taken away from the driver him/her self. What made LFS, well IMHO is was the fun pick races. If you wanted seriousness and rules and regs, then you joined a league. If you wanted fun fast frantic pickup action, you just raced normally everyday.
IMHO LFS now with all this Insim has taken away the choices of the driver, the license holder, the payer. If I joined a league I expect to be told what to drive, when and what rules and regs. On a public server, I expect to drive what I like, when I like and with what SETUP I like.
Thats the nuts and bolts of this thread I guess, and I am not surprised on how many people agree here, and as you can see, its the guys that picked up LFS 4-5yrs ago.
Some old folk are not so boring or slow road hogs after all