The online racing simulator
Level 42... tips?
I just got to the guillotine level, and I solved it without a rocket too. Not much optimizing either. I'm proud of myself!
Quote from Hyperactive :Level 42... tips?

launch a rox then catch it, along with its cargo
I used a rocket on 42, too.
I was just trying to fish some info, if anyone had done it without a rocket
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Vain :This just made my day.
I sure hope the buy-website comes back soon!


I was serious. :E
Quote from Hyperactive :I was just trying to fish some info, if anyone had done it without a rocket

I didnt use a rocket

Quote :
I made a big pulley with some weight on the end to pull the ball up.

Quote from Matrixi :I was serious. :E

I don't want nkPro, what else do you have to offer ?
But seriously, am I allowed to give away a Reg-Code of this game. I mean, the person who receives it will only be able to unlock it once... I didn't read the license agreement, I just wanted to have the game so fast
(Greboth) DELETED by Greboth
Quote from Highsider9 :I an stuck at level 24 (:tilt any hints?

Heelp! I know the Solution must be really simple but i have no idea how to do this.
I want to buy this but the purchase page is down
Can any1 help w/ level 37???
Quote from spsamsp :Can any1 help w/ level 37???

have you done a single level on your own?
Quote from dUmAsS :have you done a single level on your own?

As a matter of fact, i have... but when i cant do it, i cant do it. If your not going to help me then jsut keep your comments to yourself please
Quote from spsamsp :.. when i cant do it, i cant do it.

Oh but you can, just find a tiny bit of patience. Level 37 isn't hard, if you've not solved it yet you've just not looked at it long enough.

Pulley lifts armadillo with the scoop thing, stop the scoop and make armadillo fall out and into the warp thingie.
Quote from filur :Oh but you can, just find a tiny bit of patience. Level 37 isn't hard, if you've not solved it yet you've just not looked at it long enough.

Pulley lifts armadillo with the scoop thing, stop the scoop and make armadillo fall out and into the warp thingie.

I cant stop the armadillo on the warp... what material did u use under the warp?
Quote from spsamsp :I cant stop the armadillo on the warp... what material did u use under the warp?

Heres how i did level 37. Probably a much cheaper way but im still on first run thruogh.
Attached images
lvl 37.jpg
Cloth or metal, which ever is cheaper with your construction style. Mine was both. Only had $120 though, but first go and all.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I also launched a rocket at Level 42. Missed Mark King but I got that smug-looking keyboard player guy.


Just noticed this tread,

Kev, thats the funniest post i've seen on this forum in a long while, i'm still laughing as i type !!! hilarious:biggrinfl

(not sure anyone else got it though ?)
Quote from Greboth :Heres how i did level 37. Probably a much cheaper way but im still on first run thruogh.

Thanks very much... i've now completed it lol
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I guess we must be about the same age

In my first band i played bass, but found it kinda boring, so moved to rhythm guitar in the next one, and lead guitar in the next, erm then singer in the next , didnt make any difference though, they were all still crap.

I remember at the time Mark King was regarded as the best there was, but, was always followed by the comment, "Except, the music he plays is crap" , could never work that one out myself ?? ( didnt remember the keyboard players name, but he did look like a smug git !)

As far as bassist's went i always prefered the good old "Vulture" Pino Paladino, (not sure on the spelling), and it was far cooler to be into Paul Young than Level 42, at least, if you wanted to impress the ladies
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Ok Kid, seems i got 6 years on you (God i feel old)

And to be honest i was more into The Cult, Echo and the Bunnymen, Cure, Souixie Sioux etc, post punk/Goth stuff

Thanks to your description of Pino's sound i've now got "Come back and stay for good this ti-mmmm" running through my head, with that wailing woman in the background illepall

As far as Norwood and Fishbone are concerned, i've never heard of them ??

I dont really wanna get into a full blown conversation here, but, you seem to know what your talking about, so i'm guessing your involved in the industry in some way, you ever come across a band from Leicester called Prolapse ?, it's basically my claim to fame, a couple of them were in my first band at school, they had a few albums, did ok on the indie scene, John Peel was a big fan, always playing their stuff, not seen them for a few years though, not sure what the're up to now ?
Back on topic for a minute - has anyone got the solution for level 43 cascade. I bin stuck on it for hours i cant keep in budget at all.
Quote from Greboth :Back on topic for a minute - has anyone got the solution for level 43 cascade.

Break stuff.
Quote from filur :Break stuff.

I figured that out, but it never breaks enough or always falls apart
Im too tired to figure it out now, wil have a go 2moro.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :

Nope, sorry. I used to know a lot of the guys in/around Leeds (Bridewell Taxis, Wedding Present, Cud, a couple of the guys from Ultrasound) but didn't really move outside of that scene. Then I moved to the USA to play over there for a few years and lost touch with the UK scene completely. And no I don't work in the industry - I used to play professionally but that was years ago, and I never had a record deal. Got offers from Arista and later Sony in New York but blew both of them off because they were a set of wankers

AHHH, sorry to keep this off topic, but you just mentioned another claim to fame, we supported The Wedding Present at Newcastle Mayfair in about ermmmmm, 19.....something or other, damn those drugs really mess with yer memory, early 90's late 80's dunno ?

Dave was one of the soundest guys i ever met on the music scene, (Julian Cope's cool too, but he's a complete loon )on that tour, they'd invite local bands to support them, and we were the 1st of 5, so there was us, the bar staff and another band backstage in a 2'000 capacity hall , strangely, we were still shitting ourselves before we went on ! Dave managed to catch about 30 secs of our last song, but said some really complementary stuff, so we were all really chuffed, then we split up about two weeks later lol, if you ever see him again see if he remembers Jade Stem from Newcastle

And me and Leeds go back a loooong way, spent many a night in the Warehouse, usually stuck to the floor, trying to spot Eldritch or Hussey.
Used to compete on the track at Carneige college in my teens, and two companies i worked for had large depots down there, i know it well, cool city, but not as good as the Toon though
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

Awesome little physics based game
(312 posts, started )