- LFSName : Mustafur
- Name : Luke McVicar
- Car Number : 61(lizards number?) or 77
- Country : AUS
- Team Affiliation : Clockwork Motorsports
Quote from lizardfolk :I am beyond frustrated right now. My K500 was 1 straight and half of T1. Not much of a race . I've lost my motivation to continue and I've just about had it with this horrible luck that's followed me ever since I started Clockwork.

I'm going to sit out for the rest of LFSCART but I will like to participate in the final Clockwise 300 race if Falkes permits.

But for now...car 61's seat will be empty:


Quote from Mustafur :- LFSName : Mustafur
- Name : Luke McVicar
- Car Number : 61(lizards number?) or 77
- Country : AUS
- Team Affiliation : Clockwork Motorsports

If lizard is okey with this, you can take his car together with his number, as #61 belongs to Clockwork Motorsports. For the Clockwise 300 lizard can join again.
Quote from TFalke55 :If lizard is okey with this, you can take his car together with his number, as #61 belongs to Clockwork Motorsports. For the Clockwise 300 lizard can join again.

Ya team signs up the numbers.

Luke you are now in the 61. Falkes james used to have the 102. I would like to retain that number in case he would come back or if there's three people entering for the 300.

I'm still thinking if I'll make a return (which i might cause it's an oval anyways) so I would like to hold that number for Clockwork.

If everything's ok here's the new confirmed lineup:

If any other clockwork members would like to return I'll update asap
Falkes can you make an AUS template for the LFSCART?

But besides that here's Test Driver's #62
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Quote from lizardfolk :Falkes can you make an AUS template for the LFSCART?

But besides that here's Test Driver's #62

I'll be doing tomorrow... as well as uploading the updated sign up list, only showing those who did attend at least one even/qualifying + those who signed already up for the upcoming races...
Opening Post updated with another Non-Championship Event, wich needs to be confirmed on a later date.
(hansonator69) DELETED by hansonator69
LFSCART 2009 Round 6 - Grand Prix of Blackwood - Pre Race Discussion

Personally I cannot be there next Saturday because my sister got married in the spring without telling anyone. Since I'm not really going to actively be around exept every other weekend (or so) after that, I'm half-retired from the series.

What I wanted to have in general discussion was what to do with the broadcasts. We can't have all races live, but as it so happens I have got one race booked for 11.7 and I really don't want to start changing the schedule. So if this was broadcasted live what other races would you like to have live? (All is not an acceptable answer.. :/)

Anyway, some useful info to follow:


Blackwood Grand Prix (BL1) - 3,307km/2,055mi (s:12 laps/f:49 laps)

1755utc Deadline for competitors for server arrival
1800utc Qualifying Part 1 - 10 minutes
1815utc Qualifying Part 2 - 10 minutes
1830utc Sprint Race - Formation Lap - Standing Start - 12 laps - maximum 30 minutes
1905utc Feature Race - Formation Lap - Rolling Start - 49 laps - madatory pit stop with tyre change - maximum 70 minutes
2020utc post-race Interview session

0955 Pacific Standard (e.g. USA (California), Canada (British Columbia))
1255 Eastern Standard (e.g. USA (New York), Colubmbia, Peru, Canada (Ontario))
1755 UTC + Western European Time (e.g. Iceland, Senegal, Togo, Cote d'Ivoir)
1855 Western European Summer Time (e.g. Ireland, United Kingdom, Portugal)
1955 Central European Summer Time (e.g. Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, France)
2055 Eastern European Summer Time (e.g. Finland, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia)
Quote from hansonator69 :- LFSName: Hansonator69
- First and Last Name: Hans Richmond
- Car Number: 43
- Country: AUS
- Team Affiliation: FBI-Clockwork Motorsports

Are you going to be the only one from this team or may another member of Clockwork join this sub team?
Quote from hyntty :Personally I cannot be there next Saturday because my sister got married in the spring without telling anyone.

Awww she's taken? Darn
Unfortunately for me, I can`t participate in this event cause I`m going on summer vacation
OK, it`s not bad to go swimming, fishing, relaxing,... but at the moment I would rather be driving FO8
Good luck to everyone, see you in next event.

About the b`cast: My vote goes to GP of Jamaica (08/08/2009).
Just for everyone's awareness, Falke is having his telecom provider being switched over, since Tuesday. He hopes to be back by the weekend after the providers get their lives together to provide actual proper customer service (Mini-rant brought to you by my experience)

other members of Clockwork join this sub team. its an alliance formed for the Kyoto 500 which now continues into LFSCART because i signed up for a few races.
#43 FBI-Clockwork skin.
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Quote from hansonator69 :other members of Clockwork join this sub team. its an alliance formed for the Kyoto 500 which now continues into LFSCART because i signed up for a few races.

Ok, then please write down which members are in regular Clockworks and which are in your sub team so that I could spread the points the right way.

For clockwork Lincoln Fargo (car 62) and JJ Wang (car 61) were driving
I'm back in buisness now I'm @ updating the sign up list and also doing the missing stickers should be all up by this evening
updated sign up list in the first post... LFSCARTSignUpList_2 is the name... I kept the first one uploaded: If someone is on the first one but not on the second one, it is because he/she did not race during this season. If he/she wants to be part of one of the next LFSCART rounds he/she needs to contact me personally.
Quote from TFalke55 :updated sign up list in the first post... LFSCARTSignUpList_2 is the name... I kept the first one uploaded: If someone is on the first one but not on the second one, it is because he/she did not race during this season. If he/she wants to be part of one of the next LFSCART rounds he/she needs to contact me personally.

Ok, thanks. Now Jack McIntyre's points belong to CoRe Racing.
new skins of L'equipe saucisse de foie - McDonald's car #33 and McDonald's car #36
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All Clockwork drivers are part of the FBI-Clockwork sub-team.
Quote from hansonator69 :All Clockwork drivers are part of the FBI-Clockwork sub-team.

This is like one of those damn IQ questions. You know, the kind where you have to say the hierarchy from the statement "If alll Doodles are Foodles, but some Noodles are Foodles"

It's a silly question the way they do it, but, if I interpret the language correctly:

Main Team == Clockwork Motorsports
SubTeam == FBI-Clockwork

And from then on, I have no bloody idea because I can't interpret what hans said. To quote Timo:

Wait, what?
I usually use this.

#999 - CSF
We noticed.
I think I got it. I made a little diagram to help rationalise this a bit.
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