Ugh, for the first time in 5yrs on this forum i'm actually gonna have to defend the Bible...and not rip it to shreads as normal, thanks for that

But, the unicorn as mentioned in that book is a translation of the Hebrew word Re'em (or Rem), which ostensibly means any untamed or untrainable (i.e wild) animal. Although it's widely believed the biblical unicorn is usually describing the Rhino, and occasionally the antelope.
I'm no expert, but i think the mythical white unicorn with the horn and the flowing mane and all, comes from "Ye Olde Days of Yore" with Knights in shining armour rescuing buxsom damsels in distress (which is a bit of another myth actually). And is probably down to overtly romantic poets getting all slushy and girly and all that bullshit that poets tend to do...
Unicorns may well have existed in one form or another, but have since become extinct, i dunno ? But no, the unicorn of the bible isn't a horse with a horn sticking out the top of it's head.
Although, it is true that unicorns only eat wensleydale cheese