ha, yeah, weird stuff.
I made an XRT setup with ABS on in Z13.
Saved the setup.
Imported that setup to Z version
Drove at AS3 in version Z with that setup.
Made sure I slammed the brakes and ripped on the wheel
Saved that replay, (In version Z)
Played that replay back in Z13.
At the point I slammed the brakes the ABS kicks in 'cause the tyres go orange.
Then boom - replay OOS error.
I think this means patch is backwards compatible, but not forwards compatible. hehe, so lol.
Personally I don't think this needs exact case needs to be fixed. It's a pretty convoluted way to crash the replay, not very common practice. But shows that version Z can transmit some sort of ABS related data to Z13.
Maybe not. Maybe the replay just dies because the Z13 version makes the car do something (physics wise) that didn't happed in actual Z version replay. I don't think version Z applies the ABS in practice. In Todshooter's case, I think his game instance on his end expects ABS to kick in for "havoc" so shows it on his (Todd's) screen. The guy who he is spectating - "Havoc" doesn't actually get ABS, and his tyres are probably locking up. Havoc's car does what it's supposed to do in his version Z, which is NOT get ABS function.
Here is a replay made in version Z with a setup made in Z13 with ABS on (brake assist is off). Play this back in Z13 you will get ABS kick in and then a replay OOS error at 30secs.
I made an XRT setup with ABS on in Z13.
Saved the setup.
Imported that setup to Z version
Drove at AS3 in version Z with that setup.
Made sure I slammed the brakes and ripped on the wheel
Saved that replay, (In version Z)
Played that replay back in Z13.
At the point I slammed the brakes the ABS kicks in 'cause the tyres go orange.
Then boom - replay OOS error.
I think this means patch is backwards compatible, but not forwards compatible. hehe, so lol.

Maybe not. Maybe the replay just dies because the Z13 version makes the car do something (physics wise) that didn't happed in actual Z version replay. I don't think version Z applies the ABS in practice. In Todshooter's case, I think his game instance on his end expects ABS to kick in for "havoc" so shows it on his (Todd's) screen. The guy who he is spectating - "Havoc" doesn't actually get ABS, and his tyres are probably locking up. Havoc's car does what it's supposed to do in his version Z, which is NOT get ABS function.
Here is a replay made in version Z with a setup made in Z13 with ABS on (brake assist is off). Play this back in Z13 you will get ABS kick in and then a replay OOS error at 30secs.