I have bad news, and a rather horrible day yesterday, so I'll write it down here.
I woke up, and was going for the work interveiw. I had spoken with the boss some weeks ago, and made clear what date I could start the work and what days I needed off.
Everything whent smooth, and I got the work with ease, but then at the end of the interveiw the person tells : "But about that date I said you could get off (dutche lan) , I'm sorry but you canot get that friday off. The learning course will have a important day at that day, so you canot affort not beeing there".. I tried speaking with him kind and telling me that I had (a white lie) ordered the plain allready, but it was to no help. The boss even told he could pay the plane ticket if I did not get the money back tho.. so he is a nice guy, but sucks that I have to work on that friday...
So that means I canot come, I just don't have time to travvel, I'll be at work to around 20.00 GMT+1, so there is simply no way for me to get there in time and within reasonable effort...
The other thing that sucked was that I fell diwb the stair and destroyed a toe.. so now I need to go with some special socks to support the toe for some weeks.. suckage..
I am really sorry for this, I really looked forward to meet you guys and to eat brownies.. but due to work I simply canot do, sorry.
If it causes a lot of troubles I can pay the 20E fee, if I managed to cause somewhat problems