leagues and subsections
(700 posts, closed, started )
Hey Victor,

Would you be kind enough to make a new sub-forum called Formula Junior, with me classed as an admin?

Here's the league's current website: http://formula-junior.blogspot.com/

I know it isn't much, but the league shall be run in the forum so the website is just an overlook on the league.

Best regards,
Demetrius Adelin
alright, added
Thanks, deeply appreciated!
Hi Victor,

I know it's not for a league, but could you add a Bean0.com banner please ?

URL: http://www.bean0.com
Attached images
(lizardfolk) DELETED by lizardfolk : Update

I'm starting the league of StigRacers Racing League and I did sign it up but there isnt as of yet a League section and I need to post a few annoucements
Hello Victor, there's a new league running.

May we have a subsection please?

name: I-SCAR
site: http://iscar.webs.com/

Mod: lizardfolk, 88Reasons, Smokey_4643

REPOST: updated banner
Attached images
Quote from (The Stig) :Hi,

I'm starting the league of StigRacers Racing League and I did sign it up but there isnt as of yet a League section and I need to post a few annoucements

You haven't really read the first post of this thread, have you? Besides that I read in another thread you're already cancelling this, so I'll ignore your post.
Quote from lizardfolk :Hello Victor, there's a new league running.

May we have a subsection please?

name: I-SCAR
site: http://iscar.webs.com/

Mod: lizardfolk, 88Reasons, Smokey_4643

REPOST: updated banner

Have you already done some test races and/or have you already got sign ups? In other words, is the league tested and ready to start for real? I cannot find any information on that.
The reason I ask is because I don't want to keep adding subsections for leagues that may not work. A subsection does not make a league successful and I do not want to clutter our forum with sections that become redundant quickly.

You can remove the LFS Ireland subforum. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progression as regards to organising it.

Quote from Victor :Have you already done some test races and/or have you already got sign ups? In other words, is the league tested and ready to start for real? I cannot find any information on that.
The reason I ask is because I don't want to keep adding subsections for leagues that may not work. A subsection does not make a league successful and I do not want to clutter our forum with sections that become redundant quickly.

We've (AW and **) actually been discussing this league for quite a while now. We've been talking about servers, the mod, and tracks.

While we haven't done any online test races, each of the admins (and potential competitors who were interested) have tested the car and tracks offline.

I've also had a few people interested in the league asking me to reserve places and the admin list is basically set and burnsy was kind enough to offer us a server for league purposes (which is currently online now).

So I would say that we are reasonably prepared and ready to go. I would not have asked a section if otherwise. May we have a section please?
Quote from n-murray :Hi victor,
You can find the banner attached in this post, it is attached in .psd and .jpg. Hope its ok. Can you link this website to it please ? http://www.mmscup.experionracing.com/


Hi Victor,

I was wondering if you took my ad down as i have only seen it once and ive seen every other one about 10 times??
It's still there mate. I see it all the time
He's obviously taken it down because your banner is so important it should be there every time someone checks the forum.
Quote from boothy :He's obviously taken it down because your banner is so important it should be there every time someone checks the forum.

?? are you trying to be an ass?, I have seen it once in 2-3 weeks of it being up there and im on the forums everyday, going to different pages about 10 times each visit so i would have thought i would see it more than once.
Quote from niall09 :Vicc,

You can remove the LFS Ireland subforum. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progression as regards to organising it.


Thanks for letting me know. It's moved to the inactive leagues section.
Quote from n-murray :Hi Victor,

I was wondering if you took my ad down as i have only seen it once and ive seen every other one about 10 times??

It's there for sure. There's just quite a lot of banners and they're selected totally random. That does mean that purely by chance some banners can be chosen more than others in what seems a humanly reasonable period of time within one measures. But that's random for ya And that you don't see it often doesn't mean others don't either
Quote from lizardfolk :We've (AW and **) actually been discussing this league for quite a while now. We've been talking about servers, the mod, and tracks.

While we haven't done any online test races, each of the admins (and potential competitors who were interested) have tested the car and tracks offline.

I've also had a few people interested in the league asking me to reserve places and the admin list is basically set and burnsy was kind enough to offer us a server for league purposes (which is currently online now).

So I would say that we are reasonably prepared and ready to go. I would not have asked a section if otherwise. May we have a section please?

Your preparations are definately well on their way. But please try to find out first if there is enough interest. There are already quite a number of leagues with a section and I try to make sure that every league listed here is actually one that works. And leagues should not need a section here for them to work. If a league cannot exist without a forum section, then a forum section will not save it.
That is why I state in my first post in this thread that a league should already be running first.

Quote from Victor :Your preparations are definately well on their way. But please try to find out first if there is enough interest. There are already quite a number of leagues with a section and I try to make sure that every league listed here is actually one that works. And leagues should not need a section here for them to work. If a league cannot exist without a forum section, then a forum section will not save it.
That is why I state in my first post in this thread that a league should already be running first.


Alright victor,

I guess I will announce the league without the section and see how many people are truly interested.

BUT, if we get quite a few sign ups within a week. I will submit another request. While it is true that a section will not save a league. I-SCAR is not a normal league. There will be (if there's interest) a need for multiple threads that would discuss the special rules, mod distribution, tires (completely new car, completely new tires), tracks, setups and even race strategies as the braking points for this car actually changes due to such a high amount of tire wear. (Stock cars are heavy).

In other words, this is a new territory for most of the LFS community and good hard discussions will be needed before and during the league.

However, I do understand your position and concern on interests. So, I'll announce the league and see how many sign ups will follow. But if this league were to take off, a section is important as it keeps things organized and simple...especially since this is a modded league.

alright, that's fair enough.
Hi Victor,

can you create a LFSCART Light Subsection into the New Dimension Racing Subforum? http://newdimensionracing.synthasite.com/lfscart-light.php Moderators should be TFalke55, J@tko, dekojester, JO53PHS, hyntty. Can you also add the attatched banner?

thank you

best regards

EDIT: Corrected Banner
Attached images
Quote from Victor :alright, that's fair enough.


I've given it a day and we've gotten quite a few sign ups already. Even if no more people sign up we will still go forward with this league.

So, I'll submit my request again.

I dont mean to be a pain, but this isn't a normal league. Due to it's modded status it is a nightmare for us organizers to try and set it up properly mainly cause we have to do so many things manually that LFS previously did automatically (such as client sync and skins).

The special rules for oval leagues are also an additional burden (and needs additional discussions).

The admins of I-SCAR have did their best to make sure that signed ups and potential competitors can transition between the normal LFS and modded LFS clients smoothly. Currently there's no hitch, but as time goes by, we will need to be able to sync skins, support threads (for any possible problems with the modded client) and discussions (setups, strategy) easily.

I think the relatively large amount of initial sign ups, as well as the lengths that the organizers went through to test before the annoucement, goes to show that we are very serious and dedicated to see this thing through.

So, victor, may be please have a section?

Quote from lizardfolk :Hello Victor, there's a new league running.

May we have a subsection please?

name: I-SCAR
site: http://iscar.webs.com/

Mod: lizardfolk, 88Reasons, Smokey_4643

REPOST: updated banner

Also. If you decide to give us a section. Please put these two threads in the section



This thread is closed

leagues and subsections
(700 posts, closed, started )