I want to have a discussion that will strongly educate people in how to race WITH other cars on the track. I'm a bit fuzzy about things myself in turns but do fine on the straighter sections.
1. Person being overtaken - must they ever surrender the racing line?
2. I heard of a rule where if the other person reaches with their nose past the seat of your car before a turn, you should surrender the racing line to them? Meaning you'd brake earlier I presume.
3. Assuming you are equal or nearly equal with another car going into a turn - does either have a right to the racing line? Or do you have to keep the outside (or inside if you are there) line until they are clear? I frequently see cars going up side by side or due to lines ending up that way in a turn. The person on the racing line tends to often force the other out when moving toward the apex, or when powering out of the turn near the edge. Who is at fault? It's very confusing.
4. What are good places to 'assist' making an overtaking safe? Straights are a no brainer. But how do you go about doing this if a turn or series of turns are more convinient (you'd lose less time by timing it at that point)? Do you surrender the racing line, or slow down in the middle of the turn, or what? I've tried braking a bit earlier for a turn and moving over at the same time when they are behind me, they seem to appreciate that a lot and I haven't been in a related wreck ever.
5. If one is doing the overtaking, what are acceptable vs not acceptable ways of doing this in a turn or series of turns? What about if you pass the other car just barely before a turn, but you are on the inside and he's on the outside, and thus your line is all screwed up (he will easily blow back past you if you don't get in his way, which you probably will). Arrgh!
6. There's no word called "wreckless". That suggest they are without wreck. People probably think about "RECKLESS". Remember this
I think F1 will be much more interesting to watch after I learn more about what goes and what doesn't.
1. Person being overtaken - must they ever surrender the racing line?
2. I heard of a rule where if the other person reaches with their nose past the seat of your car before a turn, you should surrender the racing line to them? Meaning you'd brake earlier I presume.
3. Assuming you are equal or nearly equal with another car going into a turn - does either have a right to the racing line? Or do you have to keep the outside (or inside if you are there) line until they are clear? I frequently see cars going up side by side or due to lines ending up that way in a turn. The person on the racing line tends to often force the other out when moving toward the apex, or when powering out of the turn near the edge. Who is at fault? It's very confusing.
4. What are good places to 'assist' making an overtaking safe? Straights are a no brainer. But how do you go about doing this if a turn or series of turns are more convinient (you'd lose less time by timing it at that point)? Do you surrender the racing line, or slow down in the middle of the turn, or what? I've tried braking a bit earlier for a turn and moving over at the same time when they are behind me, they seem to appreciate that a lot and I haven't been in a related wreck ever.
5. If one is doing the overtaking, what are acceptable vs not acceptable ways of doing this in a turn or series of turns? What about if you pass the other car just barely before a turn, but you are on the inside and he's on the outside, and thus your line is all screwed up (he will easily blow back past you if you don't get in his way, which you probably will). Arrgh!

6. There's no word called "wreckless". That suggest they are without wreck. People probably think about "RECKLESS". Remember this

I think F1 will be much more interesting to watch after I learn more about what goes and what doesn't.