The online racing simulator
Quote from Tazka :Here we go again ;p


btw, fix your website, you slackhead :P
Very nice, Tazka. Lovely edit as always...
Quote from LFSn00b :First time on PS editing a photo, be gentle!

nice except for the should give the opacity of the red brush you used a step down, because they are not as bright as the headlights, and also have it not continue off like the headlights, try to have a gentle glow around the taillights.
you need rain on windows, and get the wipers going if you can but better then i could ever do
Here's something..
Attached images
LFS 2009-07-31 22-22-40-45.jpg
(andRo.) DELETED by andRo.
Made some pictures of 3 guys drifting.



Click for bigger:

Something went wrong with this picture, around the cars it didn't blur. Dunno why, but I had selected it properly, and I couldn't fix it anyhow.

When you're doing motion blur on the background, remember not to select the cars' shadows. The shadows are moving at the same pace as the cars and would be in focus as well. Or were the 2nd and 4th pictures taken in spots where LFS doesn't draw the shadows under the cars?

Other than that, nice work.
In 4th pictures you wouldn't see the shadows, but in the 2nd one I'm not sure. You have to select the shadows, otherwise the surface where the shadow is wouldn't be moving and it would look so wrong. I would have to first blur the place and then make a new shadow by myself, then it could work. Btw, I checked the 2nd picture raw, and there was not shadow, it's LFS fault and I didn't notice it.
Thanks Andro for taking the shots and editing them

thats nice drifting
Since I wasn't happy with those drifting pictures that I made today, I wanted to edit couple of more pictures, and this is the result of it:


I finally decided to make something different/new, so I played with all kind of stuff in PS and this is what came out of it. I like it, but there could of been some things I could of done differently.

Quote from andRo. :Since I wasn't happy with those drifting pictures that I made today, I wanted to edit couple of more pictures, and this is the result of it:


I finally decided to make something different/new, so I played with all kind of stuff in PS and this is what came out of it. I like it, but there could of been some things I could of done differently.

those are beautiful
Quote from andRo. :I would have to first blur the place and then make a new shadow by myself, then it could work.

thats the way to do it, taking 2 shots helps a lot (with and without the cars)
You don't have to take 2 shots, you only have to duplicate the layer.
I always forget to take two shots and it keeps messing me up, it is WAY better to take 2 shots than it is to deal with the cars and all that mess.

Just makes life much easier and you spend less time if you're doing any kind of blurring.
it needs badges, and propor reflections i guess...idk what else
First I thought it's a render, and I'm still not sure if it isn't. The car has been cut out pretty badly, but I like it overall. Wheels could of been high resolution + those "things" (not sure how to call them) on top of the headlights look like they would be glued on the headlights. Make a small shadow below those things, so it would look a bit more realistic. + I don't like how the hood & roof's color differs from the rest of the car. But otherwise, pretty nice work.

Edited pics
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