The online racing simulator
Quote from Crady :Well there are a few things I would like to see in the !tr display ... A variable to print out date/time to use in custom text, race start message, custom command would be nice too ...

While you know I do not want to go too far with variables, I guess (hope) a few would not hurt. 2.3.3 contains the variables you mention as well as support for custom user commands (output shown only to one driver).

Quote from albevo :I'm having trouble importing Lapper's PB.txt file into Airio.

Hi! Please check what setting you use under EnableStats in CFG file. This says to whom stats manipulation commands (such as !imp) are available. By default there is level 5, while server admins (including the host) have only level 4.

So please either change EnableStats to 4 or define yourself as a super-admin in CFG file like Limad5=your_name. After !rld and/or reconnect the !imp and !exp should work for you.

I will change the value to 4 in default configs, because it is confusing as it is now, so thanks for pointing this out!
Thanks for the quick reply. That's fixed it! I changed EnableStats to 4, imported without problem, then changed EnableStats back to 5, to prevent it accidentaly being done again. I like the way you guard against it happening accidently, so you don't necessarily have to change anything, maybe just put it in the manual? Thanks again, Albevo
Quote from albevo :...I like the way you guard against it happening accidently, so you don't necessarily have to change anything...

Yep, I second that.

Another minor bug found:

When I skip a track in the "lobby" as admin with "/track=*" followed by "/laps=*" airio needs a !rld. Otherwise the Session will be run twice...

Quote :
09.08.01 22:51:18 #1 Reading cross data...
09.08.01 22:51:18 #1 Track loaded
09.08.01 22:51:18 #1 Reading track data...
09.08.01 22:51:18 #1 Current track : AS1 - L:288 SF:250 S1:119
09.08.01 22:51:18 #1 Reading PTH file - pth\AS1.pth
09.08.01 22:51:18 #1 Nodes read from PTH file - 288
09.08.01 22:51:18 #1 Race starting : AS1

admin-cmd, trackchange to SO4, 5 laps ...done by me, still in lobby

09.08.01 22:51:25 #1 Changing track to : SO4
09.08.01 22:51:52 #1 Track loaded
09.08.01 22:51:52 #1 Reading track data...
09.08.01 22:51:52 #1 Current track : SO4 - L:533 SF:455 S1:70 S2:262
09.08.01 22:51:52 #1 Reading PTH file - pth\SO4.pth
09.08.01 22:51:52 #1 Nodes read from PTH file - 533
09.08.01 22:51:52 #1 Race starting : SO4
09.08.01 22:51:52 #1 Reading cross data...

09.08.01 22:52:19 Writing data...
09.08.01 22:52:19 Data written in : 0.54
09.08.01 22:52:19 #1 Server state - Connections : 29 | Players : 13

09.08.01 22:53:14 #1 Reordering : 09 04 18 53 41 43 54 56 66 63 67 68 70 72 73 64 49 52 77 22 20 76 59
09.08.01 22:53:14 #1 Race starting : SO4
09.08.01 22:53:14 #1 Race for laps : 5
09.08.01 22:53:14 #1 Displaying restart/qualification buttons...

09.08.01 23:07:34 #1 Race starting : SO4

09.08.01 23:21:50 #1 Race starting : SO4

09.08.01 23:36:03 #1 Race starting : SO4

09.08.01 23:50:16 #1 Race starting : SO4

09.08.02 00:04:26 #1 Race starting : SO4

09.08.02 00:18:33 #1 Race starting : SO4

09.08.02 00:32:49 #1 Race starting : SO4

09.08.02 00:46:42 #1 Automatic race end approaching...
09.08.02 00:46:42 #1 Race is automatically ending...
09.08.02 00:46:56 #1 Voting : END_RACE
09.08.02 00:46:56 #1 Vote action : END_RACE
09.08.02 00:46:56 #1 Evaluating race series...
09.08.02 00:46:56 #1 Best lap points - blah : 2
09.08.02 00:46:56 #1 Serie points - blahblah : 5 (1-0-0)
09.08.02 00:46:56 #1 Serie points - blub : 3 (0-1-0)
09.08.02 00:46:56 #1 Serie points - blip : 1 (0-0-2)
09.08.02 00:46:57 #1 Adjusting start grid order...
09.08.02 00:46:57 #1 Grid order : 37 03 26 10 24 04 34
09.08.02 00:46:59 #1 Vote cancelled or confirmed...
09.08.02 00:46:59 #1 Race ending...
09.08.02 00:46:59 #1 Server reset timer started...
09.08.02 00:46:59 #1 Reading cross data...
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Track loaded
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Reading track data...
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Current track : SO4 - L:533 SF:455 S1:70 S2:262
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Reading PTH file - pth\SO4.pth
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Nodes read from PTH file - 533
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Server reset timer stopped...
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Race starting : SO4
09.08.02 00:47:00 #1 Reading cross data...
09.08.02 00:47:50 #1 Reordering : 37 03 26 10 24 04 38 39
09.08.02 00:47:50 #1 Race starting : SO4
09.08.02 00:47:50 #1 Race for laps : 5
09.08.02 00:47:50 #1 Displaying restart/qualification buttons...
09.08.02 00:48:05 #1 Points for winning : XFG XRG -> 8

Quote from VoiD :When I skip a track in the "lobby" as admin with "/track=*" followed by "/laps=*" airio needs a !rld. Otherwise the Session will be run twice...

Ah, took me quite a while to see what you mean! You skip a track in rotation manually, but this action is not recogized, and after next race end the same track is loaded. Tracks go out of synch with rotation definition. OK, noted, I will correct this behaviour, it shouldn't be that complicated. Thanks for spotting this!
Noticed another thing, but I´m not sure about it, maybe if it´s the normal AIRIO-behavior. Looks like AIRIO tried to ban itself because of too much kickings

Tried to join a race with disallowed automatic gears and AIRIO spammed the logs with this:

Quote :
Airio tracker v. 2.3.2 FULL by EQ Worry for LR|Lightning Racing
Opening connection : CONN OK
Airio connected to LR|Race Center 1 - 0.5Z15 - S2
Opening connection : CONN OK
Airio connected to LR|Race Center 2 - 0.5Z15 - S2
ERROR: - #2 - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Quote :
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 C07P10 void - Joining race : XFR
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 C07P10 void - SPEC - Setup - AG : True BH : False
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 LR|VoiD : SPECTATED FOR BAD CAR SETUP
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 LR Race Center 2 removed LR|VoiD from the start grid
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 C199P00 LR Race Center 2 - KICK - Remove from Grid
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 C199P00 LR Race Center 2 - BAN - Kickings : # 5
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 AIRIO ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.BanOnAll(String name, Int32 days, Int32 inst, String reas, String admin)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.CheckKicking(Player ply)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.ProcSysMsg(String msg)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.Message_Handler(Connection sender, Message m)
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 C07P10 void - Leaving race...
09.08.04 13:03:46 #2 LR Race Center 2 : BANNED FOR BAD BEHAVIOR

Quote :
Aug 04 13:03:42 Disallowed car setup : Automatic Gears
Aug 04 13:03:42 LR Race Center 2^L removed LR^vVoiD^L from grid
Aug 04 13:03:42 Race setup : data\veh\XF GTR.veh
Aug 04 13:03:42 LR Race Center 2 : BANNED FOR BAD BEHAVIOR

Hmmm, highly interesting, trying to ban the host. What value you have as AllowNoKick in CFG file? If you're using 4 or lower this should not happen. Anyway, I updated the check a bit so that admins can always remove people from start grid... One more question, what value you use as IsAdmin, also in CFG file?
Is there any chance to download the Airio system?... all the web links are broken ...or have i something missed?

Here at spain were testing it to use at our champs ...

Keep up the nice work EQ Worry
Quote from eldraker2 :... all the web links are broken ...

The links look OK to me on the site, which is the only one I keep. Direct download of the current version is right here. If you have any questions/trubles with setup, do not hesitate to ask e.g. via MSN.
Quote from EQ Worry :What value you have as AllowNoKick in CFG file? If you're using 4 or lower this should not happen... One more question, what value you use as IsAdmin, also in CFG file?

We use "AllowNoKick=6" and "IsAdmin=4"

...highest limad is me with limad4 (once in a blue moon using limad5). But I allways login with lfs-Adminpass...
Right, the AllowNoKick=6 was the reason. This your setting means no one is protected from being kicked/banned by Airio for various reasons, not even admins (Limad4 or anyone connected with server password, such as the host) and supads (Limad5 and at the same time with server password), also no one can remove people from start grid then. My opinion? Very strange value you have there.

PS: In case you wonder about supads... I just made up that word, it stands for super-admins (similarly as limads stands for limited admins). Let's see how long it will take before this word makes it into Webster's Online Dictionary.
Thx for clearing this up..!

AllowNoKick=4 works like charm...!!


Problem solved... was my ftp-client!

Ok, here´s the typo free UTF version... (i hope)

changed: Litenzen, dritfs, kmh, manner of address, etcpp
Attached files - 21.2 KB - 288 views
Hmm... the updated language file I sent EQ was ok...

Ah.. I see: If you download it then it is saved as ANSI instead of UTF-8...
I downloaded the 2.3.3 archive and unpacked it on my hdd.

Then I quick-edited the cfg´s and uploaded all via ftp to our host... there´s no other way for me... the msg-files wasnt touched... I noticed it after restarting the new AIRIO...
Quote from VoiD :Looks like AIRIO can´t display Ä, ä, Ö, ö, Ü, ü...

It would be very bad application if it could not display such characters. Airio fully supports all European languages incl. Russian and Greek. Just make sure the MSG (and also CFG/SRV, if you have custom text there) is saved as UTF-8 and not ANSI. The link above is ANSI and if you just use it, the display would be bad. Save it again as UTF-8, upload, type !rld, it will work...

EDIT: Hmmm, it looks the above link contains file completely without ä, ö, ü, which certainly is not OK. My suggestion is NOT to use the adapted GE translation in the form it is, it has some serious flaws...
Quote from VoiD :I downloaded the 2.3.3 archive and unpacked it on my hdd.

I double checked, all MSG files in Airio archives are positively UTF-8, all their special characters will be displayed correctly in Airio. I'm pretty sure of this, it is working for months without problems.

In case special chars are not processed OK, almost certainly the MSG file is not UTF-8 anymore. For example TCAdmin panel will save the file as ANSI if you use it for quick editing, so you do not want to do it.

Please download the original MSG (2.3) again, upload, do !rld, it must work...
Problem solved (i hope), read above...
Hi, !clrc doesn't seem to work anymore, has the command been changed?
Quote from o000o :Hi, !clrc doesn't seem to work anymore, has the command been changed?

I believe the command (to clear all championship data) is perfectly OK, problem could be you do not have sufficient rights to manipulate with statistics. See EnableStats item in CFG file and if it is higher than 4 then change it to 4 or define yourself as Limad5 to have super-admin rights incl. stats manipulation.
Need some help about Licence ranking system

I try to setup the licence ranking system, with points only.
I setup this value in the file Airio.tcd.txt :

Quote :
# -------------------- Ranks, Licences, Ratings ------------------- #

it's correct ? how to see the level of licence ?

Thank's for your help

Eq, one confirmation.
I my server i need that only first 12 start in reverse in 2nd race, other no chance.
Here the srv settings:


# ---------------------- Starting and Ending ---------------------- #

# Time (in seconds) to wait with automatic race restart - integer
# Number of players to be connected for the restart to happen - integer

# Use below defined custom start grid ordering - boolean
# This allows to create grid ordering schemes using last race results
# or achieved lap session times or both in any combination.

# Primary method used for ordering - string
# Available values are 'RR' (previous Race Results) and 'ST' (achieved
# Session lap Time).

# Maximum number of cars to which the primary method applies - integer
# For remaining people the secondary sort is used.

# Reverse primary method results - boolean
# Using this you may have e.g. first 8 cars of previous race start in
# reversed order.

# Secondary method used for ordering (RR or ST) - string
# Reverse secodary method results - boolean


Is it right ?

But what about in setup.cfg of LFS Server ?

I need use:


Thanks a lot.
Quote from jmari :Hello,

I try to setup the licence ranking system, with points only.
I setup this value in the file Airio.tcd.txt :

it's correct ? how to see the level of licence ?

Thank's for your help


Looks good to me, but as fas as I know you need the full version to use names for different ranks.
Quote :
Eq, one confirmation.
I my server i need that only first 12 start in reverse in 2nd race, other no chance.
Here the srv settings:


# ---------------------- Starting and Ending ---------------------- #

# Time (in seconds) to wait with automatic race restart - integer
# Number of players to be connected for the restart to happen - integer

# Use below defined custom start grid ordering - boolean
# This allows to create grid ordering schemes using last race results
# or achieved lap session times or both in any combination.

# Primary method used for ordering - string
# Available values are 'RR' (previous Race Results) and 'ST' (achieved
# Session lap Time).

# Maximum number of cars to which the primary method applies - integer
# For remaining people the secondary sort is used.

# Reverse primary method results - boolean
# Using this you may have e.g. first 8 cars of previous race start in
# reversed order.

# Secondary method used for ordering (RR or ST) - string
# Reverse secodary method results - boolean


Is it right ?

But what about in setup.cfg of LFS Server ?

I need use:


Thanks a lot.

looks good to me too, Airio does not care the config of the LFS server. but if you use reverse in the LFS server settings, then all cars behind place 12 will be reversed too: 12 cars controlled by Airio, other cars by the LFS server settings.
Quote from jmari :I try to setup the licence ranking system, with points only. I setup this value in the file Airio.tcd.txt ... it's correct ? how to see the level of licence ?

Your code is not quite OK, it should be without quotes (") like this:

# FULL: Comma-separated lists achievable ranks
LicenceRanksText=Débutant, Confirmé, Bronze, Argent, Or
# FULL: Comma-separated lists of points for each rank

The other problem is also apparent from the code - ranks (from points), just as licences (lap time) and safety ratings are in textual form available only in the FULL Airio version. That means you may use points in whatever way you wish, but defining ranges, assigning textual descriptions and using those to limit race joining (e.g. by car category) is not available in the FREE compile.

Quote from michele0676 :I my server i need that only first 12 start in reverse in 2nd race, other no chance. Here the srv settings:


With these your settings races will restart after 30 minutes and only if there are 42 drivers - meaning never. Use RestartTime=0 to disable auto-restarts, or turn off advanced checks (!cha off) for the more serious racing, which also stops auto-restarting.

Quote from michele0676 :

I need use: /start=reverse ?

Your SRV setup looks good, custom grid is used, first 12 from last race are reversed, the rest keeps their positions, then follow non-finishers and newly connected basically in random order. LFS server grid setting does not really matter in this case, default LFS arrangement is simply overwritten by Airio.
Quote from EQ Worry :
With these your settings races will restart after 30 minutes and only if there are 42 drivers - meaning never. Use RestartTime=0 to disable

Ehehe, i did know this of 0 ehehh

Quote :
Your SRV setup looks good, custom grid is used, first 12 from last race are reversed, the rest keeps their positions, then follow non-finishers and newly connected basically in random order. LFS server grid setting does not really matter in this case, default LFS arrangement is simply overwritten by Airio.

OK, is that i want know.
How is the automatic track changer operated and configurated on LFS Airio?

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
(2384 posts, started )