The Very End's weekend report (may contain voilent language and alcohol)
Well, I though I was going to share some thoughts and experiences from this week, for your entertainment. It might not be funny at all, but I somewhat like to ventialte some thoughts here and there about what's happening in my life. Why? No idea, and I don't expect anyone to actually read it, but if you got 5 minutes of your life with a cup of tea, it might aswell just be a ordinary story from a random internet person on a good day). Yeah, I am an attention whore it seems..

First I must say, sorry for the most likely messed up language, I just woke up, with a hangover out of this world. (Were drunk, got somewhat sober, then tok the train to my new place, 4 hours of sleep oh yeah, I don't need to tell you how it feels to having the weight of the world on your head)

Well, so, business as usually. Monday to friday it were work, and that was kind of.. well as most of the other work days. It was with a relaxed feel over it tho, because it was my last week at the work place. I will be moving again this weekend (at new place now but more things will be needed to be moved) , and therfor I had to say goodbye to the work, which actually was pretty hard. I liked that job, and specially the people. The last months I have been between two groups. The one group involved testing of a new Broadband TV sollution with Fiber. Due to various things I have agreed on I canot go into detail (who knows, they might just stalk me or have a keylogger on my computer). To sum it up fairly easy it's "TV on demand". The whole concept is about having the custommer beeing able to rent almost any movie, and be able to see it instant, HD or SD. Series, programs, channels, most things that is veiwable is aviable for rent or to buy for the custommers. And frankly, not to advertice or anything, but the price is so far the lowest I have seen, but that might change. More than that I canot say, and it's still in beta/test release stage, so there are things to sort out before it will be out. Again, I am just a tester and have been that for some months, helping out adressing errors and shortcommings.

The other place where I have worked within this company is custommer support for internet and phone. That means support basically most things between email, internet, phone, network and such. I don't hold any deep knowlege within any of the categories, but I have some knowlege of it all, making it a good experience to have, both in work and life situations.
I did not answer the custommers calls, but I called them and worked on "cases" the "front" (the ones that answers the phones) could not find a sollution for. Often it was just a second error search togheter with the custommer and then make a dessision on what to do on in the case. If we found the problem, close it, if we found defect equiptment - new equiptment case to the right people that sorts out those cases and lastly, if we did not find the sollution for the problem I would send it further up the system, to the... "solvers"..
I don't know if you have encountered people like these before, people that likes to think they are the creator, the GOD of internet and everything rellated. What they said, I'd obey. Objections and all hell would break lose. These people are the most terrifying people I have ever meet, aswell as maybe most offendig, rude, downtalking and generally biggest non-humanity beeings aswell. They knew what they were doing, but hell, they freaked me out sometimes. Maybe when I am drunk one time I'll go into more details on why I have a picture like this of them.

But enough talk about my work, lets move on to the thing that probally is the most interesting part of the whole story or maybe my biggest wall of text ever, more pressisely the evening yesterday (to today).

So, me and my buddies at work desided that Friday was a great day to get shitfaced. The skies were gone, the sun shining, no wind and a perfect temperature made this the ideal day to say goodnight to reality. And ooooooboi, we sure lost the rest of our sanity this night.. or well I did at least, I canot speak for the others because I canot even remember what happend on some parts of the evening, but I'll come back to that later in the text.

So we start off, right after the workday is done. I say goodbye to the ones that is not going out with me, since it was my last day, and tok the rest with me over to the local cafee at the workplace. The workplace is rather big, works around 6000 people there so this cofee is at the place, and a natural place to be each day you get your montly income money or when you want to take some beers with good mates.

But get me right, this evening it would be more than just some beers...

I had arranged some delivery of liquior, more pressisely Jack Daniels. I had desided that me and a mate should share one bottle, half of it should be enough to get shitfaced since I am not good at holding alcohol in my body, or not alcohol tollerateable.. not sure how you say that but anyway - plan were to get it delivered when the work day was done.
But problems occured, our beloved person who were going to bring the alcohol were delayed with 3 hours! Horror striked me and my mate. "What the **** shal we do now, we are screwed big time Tor!" were his reply, while I just stared back at him shocked by the news. But at this time I was THIS much ready to get shitfaced, nothing should stop me from having the all-out evening. So, I though "f*ck it all" and whent in, buying beers. And just not some beers, I canot remember presisely how many but on 3 hours we were at least having like 6-7 beers. When the time came and my delivery had arived, I was sky-high allready. As stated before I am not much tollerable to alcohol, so I was allready talking about just how many I was going to "tag" this evening and just how amazingly great I were... Well, in my .. well brain.. if you can call it that.. the JD was not that much fun anymore. Drinking? Naaah.. shoting - HELL YES! Oooooboi! So we shot'ed the whole god damn thing, and jesus christ did it say BANG! I don't know, or have a clue what happend, I whent Ballistic I supose. 3 hours are just wiped out of my memory, but some rather intersting shots have appeared on the facebook, luckly for me the untag function works as charm.

But it's not over there, because even as I most likely drank more, I somewhat starts to remember episodes from later this evening, and, well they are somewhat better to comment with small sentences than describing them.

1 : Trying to get laid with the only girl in the bar that is so "well" looking no-others wanted here - CHECK. Failed horrible.

2 : Poking the ass of a nice looking chick while her boyfriend watches you - CHECK! Luckily a mate of mine were there to talk me out of the situation, "he's just too f*cking drunk to know what he's doing" .

3 : Slip and fall on the toilet that most likely have not been washed since the 80's - CHECK. Still got a soar head and some bruishes (blue marks that are dead blood under your skin)

4 : Calling your mum and tell her she's the worst thing that have ever happend since Stalin and Hitler were born - Check!

5 : Generally beeing an asshat and making more enemies than friends - CHECK!

6 : Did I have fun - YES!!!

Haha, it's so stupid, how can that be fun? Well I don't know, I do not know myself, but I enjoy beeing the fool I am. And why I have used 20 minutes to write this text, I have no clue about that either. I just likes to talk some times, and LFS forum is a nice place to ventialte what I think. I fail at talking anything usefull at most times, but some times I am up for a discussion, like now. Because there is actually some things I can ask you for now.

At the new place I live now, or, basically it's back in my home areas, I currently have no work. I am searching around and are going on an interveiw on thuesday, but not sure if I have a chance on that one.
Either way, what should I search for work wise? What do you think I could try my luck on?
I do not hold any real knowlege about anything usefull, I don't have much school experience too, just the basics nothing specialized. I want to try something new, adventorus, something that will make me WANTING to come to the damn job. I am so tired of going to work just to be borred, I want something new and fresh!

Oh, and yes, I plan travvelig hopefully this year, but if not next year to visit some places in England. I want to visit these small cute towns, get trashfaced on a pub and just generally see the country. Someone that shares that thought / wish?

Week without mean, brought to you by The Very End!
Pfff, child's play.

Skip the beers, move straight to absinthe refills and have someone recording the carnage unfolding.
Did do Absint in Russia, that's why I looked like this 3 years ago :

I think I then realized absint really isn't my thing.

(for info it were not absint in that bottle, that was just ordinary wine I drank after the liquior with absint.
Go Tor!
Pffft, absinthe :rolleyes: Import some quality Irish poitín, makes absinthe look like distilled water

I agree on the "fun getting shitfaced" theory though. When you're so drunk that you need two people to help you walk straight, everything always seems fun Waking up at lunchtime and finding an album of the night before on the internet and reliving all the good times is an ideal Saturday/Sunday morning

E: This should do the trick
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Pffft, absinthe :rolleyes: Import some quality Irish poitín, makes absinthe look like distilled water

I agree on the "fun getting shitfaced" theory though. When you're so drunk that you need two people to help you walk straight, everything always seems fun Waking up at lunchtime and finding an album of the night before on the internet and reliving all the good times is an ideal Saturday/Sunday morning

E: This should do the trick

The link you posted, seems damn interesting but at same time terrifying I allways drink those things too fast, and it goes BOOOM and I am down biting the tarmac..

Yeah, it's allways fun when you are too drunk to work normally, but at least have enough clearness in the head to remember what's going on Sometimes it's fun too when you have no clue what the hell is going on, and whatever people say you simply canot understand anything haha!

Edit : Absint basically makes you.. hallusinate right? At least that what happened when I were in Russia and drink the liquior there. It's hard describing and putting word on, but I saw rather strange things I canot make up a reson for lol.
Quote from The Very End :The link you posted, seems damn interesting but at same time terrifying I allways drink those things too fast, and it goes BOOOM and I am down biting the tarmac..

That's my problem too...I came home from a party (sober, I was driving ) last Saturday at 2am, and I had a 35cl bottle of Tescos value vodka I was saving. Being quite pissed off at being the designated driver, I decided I'd have half of it. But after half of it (in about 15 mins...) I decided it hadn't affected me, so I finished it. A couple of weeks before, I was at a wedding, and we'd hit double JDs at the open bar, and I had at least a litres worth, and even after that, I ended up carrying a girl who couldn't walk when we were going for food, and I was walking in a straightish line. Didn't even get stabbed once, even after walking across downtown at about half 3, which is unheard of. So I figured I'd be OK with another half bottle.

Ended up talking to every person in my MSN list anyway, about nothing in particular, incomprehensibly. So I woke up the next morning with a broken bottle on my floor (which I stepped on when I got up, lovely), and I had somehow gotten sick in my sleep, so an entire side of the bed was destroyed. Also I'd been doing "something" on the laptop before I went to sleep, and managed to put Ubuntu into some foreign Chinese-like language.

Lesson learnt, dilute spirits next time

I've heard about hallucinations with absinthe alright, I've never had enough of it to hallucinate though
That was, a lot of garbage coming from you Tor, but anyways, fun to read
Quote from dougie-lampkin :That's my problem too...I came home from a party (sober, I was driving ) last Saturday at 2am, and I had a 35cl bottle of Tescos value vodka I was saving. Being quite pissed off at being the designated driver, I decided I'd have half of it. But after half of it (in about 15 mins...) I decided it hadn't affected me, so I finished it. A couple of weeks before, I was at a wedding, and we'd hit double JDs at the open bar, and I had at least a litres worth, and even after that, I ended up carrying a girl who couldn't walk when we were going for food, and I was walking in a straightish line. Didn't even get stabbed once, even after walking across downtown at about half 3, which is unheard of. So I figured I'd be OK with another half bottle.

Ended up talking to every person in my MSN list anyway, about nothing in particular, incomprehensibly. So I woke up the next morning with a broken bottle on my floor (which I stepped on when I got up, lovely), and I had somehow gotten sick in my sleep, so an entire side of the bed was destroyed. Also I'd been doing "something" on the laptop before I went to sleep, and managed to put Ubuntu into some foreign Chinese-like language.

Lesson learnt, dilute spirits next time

I've heard about hallucinations with absinthe alright, I've never had enough of it to hallucinate though

You did what with the bed lol!? And the computer part is a classic mistake I allways manage to screw something up if I am sitting on the computer while beeing affected by alcohol. The spamming of friends either on msn, facebook or by a sms is standard for me sadly, and I wish I could stop with it.. but then when alcohol comes into my blood I am done for it

How did your foot turn out? I can immagine that beeing a great morning. Weaking up with a hangover from hell, feeling sick while bed looking like a disaster, cutting your foot on the bottle, understanding 0 of the computer, checks computer logs .. Sounds like an odrinary sunday morning for me

Oh, and remember to check facebook and sms log / call log. That is what I do on sunday as the first thing to save myself

Quote from Dennis93 :That was, a lot of garbage coming from you Tor, but anyways, fun to read

Hehe, yeah, but if I were to keep all this craziness in my head without letting it go (by writing it), I would expload I think
woah.. that was worth the 5mins... now i want to be spammed on msn by a drunk. XD
Can be arranged next weekend Oh wait, that's right, I don't have work now so why wait for the weekend to come?
Quote from The Very End :Can be arranged next weekend Oh wait, that's right, I don't have work now so why wait for the weekend to come?

Add me on msn

It was worth reading.
Quote from The Very End :You did what with the bed lol!? And the computer part is a classic mistake I allways manage to screw something up if I am sitting on the computer while beeing affected by alcohol. The spamming of friends either on msn, facebook or by a sms is standard for me sadly, and I wish I could stop with it.. but then when alcohol comes into my blood I am done for it

Yes, as anyone I talked to will attest, my hand-eye coordination went out the window I didn't want to talk to half of them, and I didn't have anything to say to the other half of them, but I still stayed up for a good 3 hours chatting

Quote from The Very End :How did your foot turn out? I can immagine that beeing a great morning. Weaking up with a hangover from hell, feeling sick while bed looking like a disaster, cutting your foot on the bottle, understanding 0 of the computer, checks computer logs .. Sounds like an odrinary sunday morning for me

Foot's fine, the skin on the bottom of my foot is about 3 inches thick from walking around barefoot I did manage to get the bed sorted before anyone noticed, laptop still makes 0 sense though

Quote from The Very End :Oh, and remember to check facebook and sms log / call log. That is what I do on sunday as the first thing to save myself

I really don't want to, I've already ruined the chances I had with certain people because I decided to text my random musings at 4am Checking the logs only confirms my suspicions...

I have to go to Norway, or better yet, you have to come to Ireland. With a combined night of drinking I'm sure we'd find some crazy shit to do
Quote from bunder9999 :...or ralphed all over it.

Yes, but I'm only responsible for half of it :hide:
Without going into any more detail. 'Nuff said
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Yes, as anyone I talked to will attest, my hand-eye coordination went out the window I didn't want to talk to half of them, and I didn't have anything to say to the other half of them, but I still stayed up for a good 3 hours chatting

Foot's fine, the skin on the bottom of my foot is about 3 inches thick from walking around barefoot I did manage to get the bed sorted before anyone noticed, laptop still makes 0 sense though

I really don't want to, I've already ruined the chances I had with certain people because I decided to text my random musings at 4am Checking the logs only confirms my suspicions...

I have to go to Norway, or better yet, you have to come to Ireland. With a combined night of drinking I'm sure we'd find some crazy shit to do

God save us, haha, you + me + irish pub + a good amount of alcohol = FAILURE, DEATH, PAIN, HORROR.. (insert suitable word here)... Damn it must be awesome beeing drunk in Ireland, I love their acent, specially the way they say telly and mate Alltho when I am drunk I most likely will need to focus my 4 brain cells the best I can do to understand what people are saying

Computer on chinese is however a problem, or how you even managed to change it to that is a mysterie. But as most things you do in alcohol condition - makes no bloody sence.

Did you by accident had anything "going on" with a girl and messed it all up that evening? That allways happens with me, calling 'em and telling completely utterly retarded drunkness talk, which of course scares them the hell away.

Oh yesus christ, had not checked the sent box on facebook, but there is this one message here that really sticks out. Well, basically it's this friend, girl - friend I have had for some years. We have allways had a good tone and by accident almost had sex. Well, what I wrote in this message will make a imbreed monky throwing shit at a other imbreed monky looking like Einstein compared.. jesus christ what the HELL is this shit I have written. Even for my crazyness this is wicked, and I basically don't understand what I am trying to say, and secondly why would I ever want to try saying to one of my best friends (alltho she's a girl) that we should just ..well.. this is it, goodnight and I have some work to do excusing myself later on <.<

Quote from bunder9999 :i'm guessing he shot a deuce or ralphed all over it.

He WHAT lol?
how much did you drink that night, i mean, half a bottle of jackdaniels, 7-8 beers before your beer devilvery, and then the other beers+ possibly some on the bar
Nono, it was first 6-7 beers in the bar, then the Jack Daniels, but after the BANG there I have no clue on how much else that whent down. My visa has later told me it at least was 3 beers, either way, I was drunk as a .. well what do you call it anyway? But for now we just call it shitfaced

when will you be coming to greece?

(yes, it's on fire)
Are you suposed to drink it while it's on fire O_o ?
Velo - I think you added me on MSN, got a spam message in inbox on some foreign language and your avatar

Either way, if the money are at place I hope to travvel a lot around the world, who knows, maybe, maybe one day