Just this morning I was wondering if the tyre physics are ever again updated. Then remembering that I decided to make random check at lfs.net... I had to read that "New tyre physics" twice.
Scirocco is nice but if new physics change the way the 20 existing cars needs to be driven, then that is much bigger thing. I have also always thought that getting the tyres right would really change the experience more than new content or other most often requested features.
this is overall good news
i will love to seen how the car action will compare to the old stuff, if it is getting more and more as real life, this is simply mindblowing.
now about that FIA SuperTruck....
Great to see we can expect serious improvements in lfs in hopefully short time(less then a month i hope???..)
I hope the weird soapy handling on change of direction will be a lot better then it is now.
I'm only not sure about less grip of tyres, 1500kg roadcars nowadays pull well over 1G. Well not with stock suspension but in essence big heavy roadgoing sportscars with upgraded suspension, very limited downforce and not on slick tires. Also the lmp1 one cars are pulling about 4.5g' s on fast corners, which is for the bf1 more ore less the maximum in lfs...all suggests grip levels in lfs are not too high, well sideways at least..
I think the current grip in lfs is actually rather good, but the tyres handling/responses and heat generating problems needed addressing.
But it all looks it will be a lot better drive in lfs in a very short time
It would seem that way. Less weight transfer would mean more weight on the inside wheel, increasing its grip and making it more difficult to spin it. Unless the changes result in so much less grip that fwds just go straight-on no matter what
Real hothatches also tent to be easily flipped, some time ago i saw a real movie of sedan takeoff flipping into the air over a minor bush.... It does really happen irl :-)
maybe take a look at nowadays measurements! instead of theoretical limits of some analyser/website who claimes to have correct figures. Before i posted i dubbel checked the g-loads before posting it. With custom suspension and proper tires(stock tires are rarely any good at all) many cars perform a lot better then stock.
I couldnt find the one i ment, but did get this one, nice flip over from apperently touching inner side curb, just as what happens if you do that in lfs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF1kaiuN4v0
While searching i saw some big flips and flying cars, the crashes in lfs now looks suddenly a lot better to me, cars can get airborne and jump and fly all over the place