> > As a sony/PC/360 fanboy, I have to say this..
GT5 is more realistic in physics, track detail, and such like that. But certain aspects are left out or underdone.
For instance, people will agree that collision physics and damage models are more realistic in Forza. But Forza is not called a simulator. It IS indeed an Arcade game. Anyone who wishes to argue can, but it is an Arcade game, no matter how much "betterer" (yes betterer) you think the physics are.
GT5 strives to be the most realistic it can be, while still allowing people to control it using a 20 degree thumbstick. One thing i have noticed is that the "driver" tends to not turn as much as you do. This could be due to turning ability at higher speeds, which might be the cause for "slow turning". They also try to anticipate that you will most likely be using a thumbstick, though hopefully by GT5, they will allow direct access to steering, and the steering for a steering wheel might be more responsive.
Again, they adjust for the 20 degree thumbstick to allow for a little be more precision while driving.
Another problem is that most people driving with a controller thing that they can just go full throttle, and complain that they're always spinning the tires and blah blah blah. With recent additions to "pressure senstive" buttons, switching the control scheme over to use the R2 and L2 buttons will make driving a bit easier.
Lastly, the only problem i've had with the in cockpit views of GT5 is how stiff you feel. If they didn't feel so stiff and added movement of the "drivers view" then it wouldn't feel like crap.

Also, every PS3 fanboy has a big ego, like someone driving a hybrid car. And every 360 fanboy apparenly lacks proper education and should be smacked in the face repeatedly.
They also tend to look like this

(at least at my high school they did..... )
Now i'm not saying that all people who play 360 are like that.
Just... a really... big... majority of you....... > > and the 12 year olds will grow up to be like above.
o.O 360 gaming to begin with is not the way we should be.
Yeah, sure, it's cool, but wasn't that the original point to being a gamer?
We wern't the cool kids. We were the nerdy kids. The geeks, the freaks. The people who were like "I game, and i'm proud. Get over it."
Now it's like vampires and the goth culture, spiraling downwards because more and more idiots are joining in because now we're marketable. Sure, we were before, but now there's merchandise to our merchandise. It's ridicoulous what you can buy for gamers now. We didn't have those products. The only people that used to really target us as consumers were the game companies themselves. Soon they'll all be under one company, and it will be harder for smaller companies to start. Then eventually we'll lack games with creativity because they'll be too much of a 'risk'.
=/ Gaming was founded on invention and imagination, but now be stifled by "what the fans want" instead of "what sounds really cool and if we did it the fans would want"
Sure we still have a few games (little big planet) that are a surprise, but in general, the gaming world has changed forever. Some things for the better, but ultimately it will be us that suffers, not the companies.
I know i went way off topic, but my point is, the 360 is a threat to the gaming community. Sony takes their to the limit. Sure they're business people, but they do care about us. Microsoft is there entirely for business. Sure you have a few random people there that care, but if they truly did care they would be less of a giant company that owns everything, and worried more about a few things.
They arn't monopolizing, technically but soon microsoft will rule the world. You can count on it. (Really, the only person in that entire company i would trust is Bill Gates. He is awesome, but only him. Everyone else in microsoft (in general of course) can be related to the picture above.)