The online racing simulator
Quote from andRo. :Even when you are writing a message, you can see that Live For Speed logo in the left up corner is blurry.

No I do not, because I blindwrite.
LOL, what do you mean by blind writing? You mean, without looking at the keyboard? Well that's what I meant, omg. Or do you close your eyes when you write? Ok, you fail, you will never get it. You are not a human, lets stop offtopic.
Quote from andRo. :LOL, what do you mean by blind writing? You mean, without looking at the keyboard? Well that's what I meant, omg. Or do you close your eyes when you write?

Yeah, he has to close his eyes while typing because even he himself can't stand looking at the nonsense he writes.
Quote from andRo. :LOL, what do you mean by blind writing? You mean, without looking at the keyboard? Well that's what I meant, omg. Or do you close your eyes when you write? Ok, you fail, you will never get it. You are not a human, lets stop offtopic.

I do not look BOTH at keyboard and message input field.
Quote from zeugnimod :Yeah, he has to close his eyes while typing because even he himself can't stand looking at the nonsense he writes.

Quote from Shadowww :I do not look BOTH at keyboard and message input field.

You do not focus on both keyboard and message field. But that does not mean you cannot see the other one like you cannot see something behind you. If you look at the screen you can still see the black of the keyboard, but you can't make out the letters on that keyboard as they are blurry.
Quote from Timdpr :If you look at the screen you can still see the black of the keyboard

No, I don't.
Quote from Shadowww :No, I don't.

On a laptop, anyway, when the keyboard is near the screen.

I give up! I hope you're just not getting it, rather than there being something really wrong with your eyes.
Quote from Timdpr :On a laptop, anyway, when the keyboard is near the screen.

No, I don't see black of the keyboard. I only see white of the keyboard.
Why can't you get I troll you?
May I ask why you were trolling then? That was essentially a successful troll, you had me 'tricked'. But as you do seem to want to be an actual member of this community, not annonymous or wanting everyone to hate you, I ask why you did it. You came off way, way worse in that. You seem like an absolute prick, if you didn't already.
Quote from Timdpr :May I ask why you were trolling then? That was essentially a successful troll, you had me 'tricked'. But as you do seem to want to be an actual member of this community, not annonymous or wanting everyone to hate you, I ask why you did it. You came off way, way worse in that. You seem like an absolute prick, if you didn't already.

First, everybody hates me already.
Second, I don't seem like a prick, I am prick.
Stop acting like it then.
Quote from Shadowww :First, everybody hates me already.
Second, I don't seem like a prick, I am prick.

Do you want to be hated though? Serious question.
Quote from Timdpr :Do you want to be hated though? Serious question.

Don't care. Serious answer.
(Nathan_French_14) DELETED by Nathan_French_14
(Deutschland2007) DELETED by Deutschland2007
Live for Speed in 3D
Just playing around with my gfx card again.

I know they aren't really RAW screenshots but they may aswell go in this thread.
LFS is not fully supported by nvidia's 3D vision, so it doesnt quite work as you would expect. For instance the in-car view doesnt work as the blue and red channels move depending on your FOV.

But if you have some 3D glasses check em out
Attached images
Untitled-1 copy.JPG
Untitled-2 copy.JPG
Untitled-6 copy.JPG
Quote from adamlfs :
But if you have some 3D glasses check em out

How's the colors with the glasses? In the old days, colored stereo looked gray (depended/varied on what colors were used to create the 3D illusion)
Quote from adamlfs :Just playing around with my gfx card again.

I know they aren't really RAW screenshots but they may aswell go in this thread.
LFS is not fully supported by nvidia's 3D vision, so it doesnt quite work as you would expect. For instance the in-car view doesnt work as the blue and red channels move depending on your FOV.

But if you have some 3D glasses check em out

I go to made a 3D glasses now. Sure this is amazing.
Quote from r4ptor :How's the colors with the glasses? In the old days, colored stereo looked gray (depended/varied on what colors were used to create the 3D illusion)

Its not bad, there are some colours that dont stand out that well. I think the blues get lost abit, the already grey areas get darker.. well most the colours are darker. Green seems to stand out well and reds. But it does looks really impressive when you see a group of cars.
very nice screenies ^^

But there's no resolution at 1650 - noob
Quote from adamlfs :Just playing around with my gfx card again.

I know they aren't really RAW screenshots but they may aswell go in this thread.
LFS is not fully supported by nvidia's 3D vision, so it doesnt quite work as you would expect. For instance the in-car view doesnt work as the blue and red channels move depending on your FOV.

But if you have some 3D glasses check em out

do they sell 3-d glasses? i want that same thing, i will just race with 3-d glasses
Quote from r4ptor :very nice screenies ^^

But there's no resolution at 1650 - noob

Quote from logitekg25 :do they sell 3-d glasses? i want that same thing, i will just race with 3-d glasses

Well I bought the new graphics card when UK dealers were giving away free copy of the new batman game and a pair of 3D glasses. You can easily make a pair.

But just one note, it does suck FPS away. Even on my 200 series card you can see its just a tad slower. But on lfs its fine since you do 300fps easy.

BTW, Dmt Those are some really nice shots. That Spdo skin in yellow looks great
Quote from adamlfs :BTW, Dmt Those are some really nice shots. That Spdo skin in yellow looks great

Thanks, not only yellow skin, but these lights make FZR look 100x times beter .
Quote from adamlfs :Well I bought the new graphics card when UK dealers were giving away free copy of the new batman game and a pair of 3D glasses. You can easily make a pair.

But just one note, it does suck FPS away. Even on my 200 series card you can see its just a tad slower. But on lfs its fine since you do 300fps easy.

BTW, Dmt Those are some really nice shots. That Spdo skin in yellow looks great

please pm me the answer...or post it if it is a quick answer...or go to if you want to make an example out of me and make me look like a noob and make yourself look good

Raw Screenshots Thread.
(3332 posts, started )