(202 posts, started )
Can you do this for the keyboard? I race with a ps2ish controller, with my keyboard right there, and having the lights on my keyboard go would be awesome.
That was the original idea

Oh yea, apparently it isn't a good idea to start lfs together with the profiler, because the profiler doesn't fire up lfs, it doesn't do anything. So I'm back to square one here.

I almost panicked here, after all this stuff my wheel didn't react anymore to the buttons. I could give gass and turn, but couldn't shift... Luckily a restart and recalibration solved it
#53 - Jakg
Quote from Micron88 :try this:
@echo off
start LFSmomoLeds.exe
start LFS.exe

:bowdown:woo! i love you!

i mean that in a perfectly straight way...
#54 - neRu
Does not work with old Wingman Formula Force, now you know.
Incredible its work perfect in my black momo thx man its very good
Just wanted to post here and say thank you to Kegetys for destroying my motorcycle. See, after seeing how cool just the LED on the Momo lighting for the shift light is, I just HAD to try out other stuff and ripped the gauges off the motorcycle to connect to the PC!!! Now I can't ride my motorcycle!! Hehehe.

Seriously, this is really cool. The shift light is now "in your face" and no way to miss it. I don't know what to use the other LED for, but I want it lighting for something. I don't use the pit limiter enough, nor do I use TC since I don't race the BF1.

And, the gauge pack on my bike would be really cool for sim racing. 14,000 rpm tach (again, no need for BF1 for me) and I think a 160 mph speedo with big oil, overdrive, high beam, and neutral lights all in a neat little package.
If someone could create a Dashboard for sale, that worked in LFS, that would be awesome, especially to complement my future purchase of the G15 wheel
Doesnt work on my Logitech Wingman Formula (not force). Good idea though!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :If someone could create a Dashboard for sale, that worked in LFS, that would be awesome, especially to complement my future purchase of the G15 wheel

I think I saw someone who made an interface for Audi/VW gauges over at RSC's controller forum recently.
(Mapsa) DELETED by Mapsa
When does it work, cause i downloaded it, i did:


saved it...
opened momoled
played LFS
nothing happened with lights?
Have you enabled OutGauge, and do you have MOMOLEDS & OutGauge on the same port, and if you have the red MOMO did you change the DeviceID?

LED1=1 <-- is correct, if it doesn't work it's probably something to do with your OutGauge settings.
how to enable outgauge?
how to put them on the same port?

I have momo racing

LED1=1 doesn't woek too...
Enabling OutGauge:

Find cfg.txt in your LFS folder, at the bottom you have lines that look something like
Quote :OutGauge Mode 0 :0-off 1-driving 2-driving+replay
OutGauge Delay 1 :minimum delay between packets (100ths of a sec)
OutGauge IP :IP address to send the UDP packet
OutGauge Port 0 :IP port
OutGauge ID 0 :if not zero, adds an identifier to the packet

Change them to:

OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 56551
still nothing...

but do you have to change:

OutGauge Mode 0 :0-off 1-driving 2-driving+replay
OutGauge Delay 1 :minimum delay between packets (100ths of a sec)
OutGauge IP :IP address to send the UDP packet
OutGauge Port 0 :IP port
OutGauge ID 0 :if not zero, adds an identifier to the packet


OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 56551

or do you must change

OutGauge Mode 0 :0-off 1-driving 2-driving+replay
OutGauge IP :IP address to send the UDP packet
OutGauge Port 0 :IP port


OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 56551
cause i haven't deleted the 2 that you don't have to chagne...
Make sure the OutGauge lines in your LFS\cfg.txt look exactly like in the attached image. There's nothing more to it, the port is what MOMOLEDS uses by default, so if you haven't changed the port in MOMOLEDS config it will work.
Attached images
it works! (and it's not an illusion)
[sarcasm] that was the coolest joke ever [/sarcasm]
Is it possible to make a similar app for the keyboards LEDs ?

At least a low fuel light would be cool...
pls here teach me how to make what mean LED 1 or
2 3 4 5 how to make
Thanks Kegetys for the excellent program
Thanks too NotAnIllusion for you help to configure it.
Quote from ATHome :Is it possible to make a similar app for the keyboards LEDs ?

At least a low fuel light would be cool...

When your fuel is getting low press CAPS Lock. When pitting press it again.
Excellent little prog, Kegetys!
Some suggestions if I may be so impertinent;

Have different lowfuel values for constant LED and flashing LED. That way it would be possible to have an LED come on at say 5% and flash at 2%.

Can the prog sense when LFS is not running? Might be handy to have it flash an LED when I forget to switch wheel power supply off
Ok, honestly this is the first time ever I regret having a DFP and a Wingman Formula Force, and not the MOMO.
I don't have my DFP yet. It's supposed to arrive tommorow. I can't wait. But, I have no way of playing GT4 with it, because I wouldn't have anywhere to mount it.
Wow awesome program... I have a momo but use my DFP..

I was thinking.. since the DFP overrides the command this program uses to control the leds... (or switches control back to the DFP instantly)-
I wonder if it would be possible to just modify this program to control the LEDS on a DFP 100 times a second or something like that.. or more frequently.. so it does it faster than the DFP takes back control..

Maybe a work-a-round so it could work for that wheel?

(202 posts, started )