@Velociround: Great post. LFS is made simple and versatile, hence all the languages it can be translated, all the device it can comunicate, and Scawen's pursuit of a stable sim on ANY OS.
@PjFerreira: Well, i can't really say much about it, i've never run a trackday, the nearest i got to real racing was some kart (RD 135) racing i did with some friends. I think i meant racing that,You're pushing whatever 4 wheeled vehicle to it's limits, despise it's specs.
But damn, more than R$1000 for a day... may be worth, but not at the moment for me

@PjFerreira: Well, i can't really say much about it, i've never run a trackday, the nearest i got to real racing was some kart (RD 135) racing i did with some friends. I think i meant racing that,You're pushing whatever 4 wheeled vehicle to it's limits, despise it's specs.
But damn, more than R$1000 for a day... may be worth, but not at the moment for me