The online racing simulator
First the more simple things, tomorrow I'll write a bit more about those ideas.

Quote from dampez :I keep getting an error INVALID URI on the airio console. Can someone give me a hint.

Well, wrong URI error probably means the address you entered into a configuration file does not have correct recognizable form. Can you post here the error lines from Airio.log file? That would give me a hint what specific item it concerns, and we can see why the entry is not being accepted.

Quote from andRo. :I wanted to ask how can I change the time limit for the AIRIO? For example, it keeps saying that you need to drive some time to get into the Top, but when you put restrictions or use layouts it's sometimes impossible to drive it in that exact time.

What Bunder shown to you was correct, restricted cars often need time adjustments. However if you're using high restriction, you are basically creating a new car type. For that case the best solution is to define custom cars. Some people use for example UFB = UFR+45% or FZ2=FZR+20% intake air restriction.

Once you define such custom car (in TCD file you'll find the above examples), then you gain virtual new car type. Airio will keep completely separate stats for such car, so that you may have in one instance UFR and UFB cars stats kept separately. You may disallow using unrestricted cars, group custom cars into categories, etc. do anything with them just like with standard LFS cars.

My opinion is that custom cars are one of the best Airio features, not used much though. Check out for example the Ready2Roll GT2 Racing server, there is a GT2 category completely separate from standard GTR cars. Try joining with GTR, see what it says, try using GT2s, see how custom cars are handled and reported, try using some car commands, such as !sb or !pb or !pi once you make a few laps.
Quote from Zalex :Hi EQ Worry, first, let me thank you for all the work you do for the LFS cummunity... I use your great add on for my servers and like to test it.

Hi! Glad to hear!

Quote from Zalex :One thing I wander if you will implement one day is a way to update more easily from one version to another, like passing from version 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 by a simple click over a nice GUI.

Right, I realize updating those external configuration files (3 main ones – CFG, TCD, SRV) is cumbersome. Comparison tools surely help a lot, but in case you need to do the update for 2 or more Airio instances it's very boring anyway.

This config problem is closely connected with another one that is bothering me currently: There's no easy way to see current server status, e.g. what checks are actually running (and what settings they use). These matters may depend on several settings and looking them up in configs is not easy.

Naturally the best solution would be to make Airio config completely graphical, right in the game. This would always include all new options, setup changes would be stored temporarily in memory or written to disk into config files.

Well, possible? Surely! Planned? Yes, but in some longer term (several months). Easy? No, not really, because many things need to be considered. Still, for me that is the way to go, rather than creating some external tools...

Quote from Zalex :And while I'm dreaming about improvements, what about having that GUI starting the dedicated servers !?! Something a bit like the good DediGUI New Generation of Holger Reitner was before it came obsolete with LFS Z_patch (FBM sadly not included in the GUI choices).

I'm not sure what it is, I guess some separate tool to set up dedicated LFS server. Well, it would be nice to have something of the sort in Airio too, showing current server state and allowing changes by clicking or typing new values. No doubt it would be nice for those who do not like / commands and config files. This could be part of Airio graphical config, but again it is a question of some later development.

Quote from Zalex :BTW, is donation cumulative for your soft ? I mean, if I give a total of 50 Euro over 2 or 3 donation, do I get a full licence when 50 is reached ? Because for now i'm not sure my GF will approve a one shot FULL donation for a server that only have one or two unknowns visitors a day !!!

Of course it is cumulative, it could come over several weeks or from several people, I only need to know what target licence the particular donation concerns.

Thanks for all these ideas! I'll surely not forget and I'll try to start building the graphical configration options ASAP, so that at least e.g. the filter settings are easily adjustable. But this includes many considerations...
Thanks for explanation, but yeah, I'm not using AIRIO for the first time, and I've been in R2Roll GT2 servers and all the rest, and I also know the commands, I just never changed anything in AIRIO for my server, except for the name, pass, IP and stuff to keep it going in the server.

BTW, good program, definitely the best one so far.

And I already tried what Bunder said, and it worked. Now it asks to put the restrictions every time you join the track and the time limit is just as I need.
Quote from EQ Worry :
Thanks for all these ideas! I'll surely not forget and I'll try to start building the graphical configration options ASAP,
so that at least e.g. the filter settings are easily adjustable. But this includes many considerations...

Good, that just made my day !

I'm pretty sure we can expect something great form you soon...
I never seen so many releases been given on a product in a short period of time like you do for AIRIO,
so it should not take forever for us before we see it released.

I wish we wont have to start a LFS Game client tought...
I'm a bit confused about this part:
''Naturally the best solution would be to make Airio config completely graphical, right in the game''.

If it mean right in the dedicated server, that's GREAT !!!
As long we can start servers without having to run the hole game.

BTW, what is the consequence of running two or more server instances on ONE PC ?
That's what I do right now fro RS1 Demo and RS2 Race, it work great but I get a warn like this everythime I start the 2nd server:
Warning, another Instance of LFS is running.
I get no problem using different IPs and InSim ports but I still get this warn so I wander if the servers can mix up something in the process been runned on same hardware (memory adresses...).

BTW: I'm running it on a Vista 64bit OS.

P.S No rush to answer this, concentrate on the config features and new GUI. :woohoo:
Quote from Zalex :I never seen so many releases been given on a product in a short period of time like you do for AIRIO, so it should not take forever for us before we see it released.

Yes, they've been hectic months indeed. People always come with bright ideas. I have now 2 or 3 preferential things to implement, all of them really nice. But all of them also take many hours to do and twice as much to test and debug. So please calm down a bit concerning the setup GUI, it will really take some time and thinking.

Quote from Zalex :If it mean right in the dedicated server, that's GREAT !!!

Well, the idea would be to manually set connection data (server IP, port, pass) and then do all setup through admin commands and admin screens. Say, you as an admin (maybe super-admin) type !cfg and see some hierarchy of overall instance settings, showing current state, short explanations and allowing easy change. Same with !srv command, this time working on individual server level. But as you may guess, it will not be easy... It is just an initial idea, it might prove as unworkable, but another principle may appear.

Quote from Zalex :BTW, what is the consequence of running two or more server instances on ONE PC ?

I know of none. LFS shows warning whether you run 2 or more graphical clients or 2 or more dedicated servers. I take it as a warning - ignore it if it was your intention to run 2 servers. I've never had any problems running multiple LFS instances at once.
Thanks for all these answers.

I think you miss understood me, i'm not puting pressure... i'm just exited by nature when I see some new stuff coming, even if it's for next year I would be happy !

Enough said, time for me to contribute now ($$$)
and I invite all LFS players that like AIRIO to put the logo on there skins and send a small contribution to help EQ Worry.

AIRIO LFS Tracker Donations
Hi all ,

Recently load up airio tracker to server and exploring its functiones.Need a little help for configuration.I want to set it like ReadyToRool TBO racing , LR Race Center and other well servers which using Airio %100 percent and perfeclty.Pointing system , automatic panalties , filtering , track rotation , pit cheking and other good stuffs.It will good if someone share their configuration data with us , so we can learn more and more quickly.
Quote from Zalex :I think you miss understood me, i'm not puting pressure... i'm just exited by nature when I see some new stuff coming, even if it's for next year I would be happy ! Enough said, time for me to contribute now ($$$)

Well, I'd like to add a few more "standard" features (maybe admin-configurable timetraps similar way speedtraps can be set), clean up some internal inconsistencies. Then it will be time to create in-game state display with update options, starting with filters, adding as much as possible.

Also big thanks for your donation, I've already send you a link to FULL version and I'll generate licence file for you as soon as I know what text (including color codes) it should display.

Quote from Lombardi :I want to set it like ReadyToRool TBO racing , LR Race Center and other well servers which using Airio %100 percent and perfeclty.Pointing system , automatic panalties , filtering , track rotation , pit cheking and other good stuffs.

I just sent you some example configuration files. Generally, when setting up Airio for the first time, I'd suggest the following procedure:

1) After extraction all files from the archive open Airio.con.1.txt and define connection to your server (IP, InSim [not game!!!] port, admin pass).

2) Run Airio.exe, see if connection could be established. If you see system "inicialization error", you probably do not have .NET framework installed. If you see Airio TCP error, then the IP/port combinantion cannot be reached. PASS error means TCP/port exists, but refuses to accept password. This may also be caused by trying to connect Airio to game port instead of insim port.

3) If all runs well, the server is managed with default settings. They are very reasonable, I think, you can test the system without too many restrictions applied.

4) Go through the config files, for a start use CFG and SRV. Read explanations of all items, it should give you a good overview of what is possible. Adjust whatever appropriate, type !rld, see how the change works. Find advanced track/car setting in TCD file...

Good luck!
Hi EQ Worry,


Quote :09.09.08 21:39:32 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag raised < 0
09.09.08 21:39:33 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag withdrawn < 0
09.09.08 21:39:34 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag raised < 0
09.09.08 21:39:36 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag counted...
09.09.08 21:39:36 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag withdrawn < 0
09.09.08 21:39:37 #1 Packet write error...
09.09.08 21:39:37 #1 AEGIO ERROR : System.IO.IOException
Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketWrite(Byte[] pack) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio2\Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:line 285
09.09.08 21:39:37 #1 AEGIO ERROR : Packet not written
4 3 0 0
09.09.08 21:39:37 #1 Disconnected from : GMI-Racing-Germany #1
09.09.08 21:39:37 #1 Closed connection...
09.09.08 21:39:38 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag raised < 0
09.09.08 21:39:41 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag withdrawn < 0
09.09.08 21:39:46 #2 Packet write error...
09.09.08 21:39:46 #2 AEGIO ERROR : System.IO.IOException
Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketWrite(Byte[] pack) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio2\Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:line 285
09.09.08 21:39:46 #2 AEGIO ERROR : Packet not written
4 3 0 0
09.09.08 21:39:47 #2 Disconnected from : GMI-Racing-Germany #2
09.09.08 21:39:47 #2 Closed connection...
09.09.08 21:39:48 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag raised < 0
09.09.08 21:39:51 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag withdrawn < 0
09.09.08 21:39:54 #3 C31P03 scarles - Split 1 : 0:41.32
09.09.08 21:39:55 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag raised < 0
09.09.08 21:39:56 #4 Packet write error...
09.09.08 21:39:56 #4 AEGIO ERROR : System.IO.IOException
Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketWrite(Byte[] pack) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio2\Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:line 285
09.09.08 21:39:56 #4 AEGIO ERROR : Packet not written
4 3 0 0
09.09.08 21:39:56 #4 Disconnected from :
09.09.08 21:39:56 #4 AIRIO ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.ConnectionClose_Handler(Connection sender) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio2\Inits.cs:line 87
09.09.08 21:39:56 #4 Closed connection...
09.09.08 21:39:56 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag raised < 0
09.09.08 21:39:58 #3 C24P20 zerocode - Yellow flag withdrawn < 0



My Website
No, it is not a bug in fact. For some reason connection to servers 1, 2 and 4 was closed in quick succession. Server restart or some kind of communication break is responsible. Airio in that case disconnects from the server and tries to reconnect within 5 minutes. Such things happen sometimes when Airio runs remotely (on another PC, communicating with the server over Internet), very rarely when running locally.
Setup and Gas % limitation
Question and idea mixed...

Is there anything that can be done to force default setup and gas amount, like say 50% gas to all on server on startup grid ?

So all racers on track have the same car and weight... giving no advantage to anyone, winer then only relly on driving technique (and luck as not been crashed by others).

Not my style of play but we do use this for our season tournament and we now have to rely on trust only, so we dont take any outsiders for that reason.

Having something to lock, just like cockpit view forced by server would just make life much easier.

If we cant force it, is there any way to verify that it's applied to all ? (giving automatic or manual disqualification for not folowing the rules)

Quote from Zalex :Is there anything that can be done to force default setup and gas amount, like say 50% gas to all on server on startup grid ?

InSim data offer no information about fuel level in cars, much less about the setup. And Airio depends on InSim data available on the server. So, the simple answer is no, fuel level cannot be checked.

Concerning car setup, there is a single parameter available, and that is if Symmetric Wheels are used. This parameter is used in Airio and you may require all cars to have symmetric wheels (the setting is in Pit -> Tyres). All other car setup things are strictly private, not available to server. So this basically cannot be checked either.

hello,updated to 2.3.3, but for some reason I cannot get AddedMass to take affect. any clues?hopefully i'm just overlooking something.....thanks
Quote from z-ro 8 :hello,updated to 2.3.3, but for some reason I cannot get AddedMass to take affect. any clues?hopefully i'm just overlooking something.....thanks

Hi! I just checked and it works for me as expected. Example configuration in TCD file:

This will require at least 1 kg added to FBM on all tracks. People without this mass are spectated, reason stated.

For the handicaps check to run two conditions must be met: 1) Basic Airio checks must run. You can see that after typing !ch. 2) Handicaps check must be turned on. See CheckHandicaps item in appropriate SRV file.

Otherwise, no one is excluded from this check (but to be sure, try to connect without admin/limad privileges).
Quote from EQ Worry :Hi! I just checked and it works for me as expected. Example configuration in TCD file:

This will require at least 1 kg added to FBM on all tracks. People without this mass are spectated, reason stated.

For the handicaps check to run two conditions must be met: 1) Basic Airio checks must run. You can see that after typing !ch. 2) Handicaps check must be turned on. See CheckHandicaps item in appropriate SRV file.

Otherwise, no one is excluded from this check (but to be sure, try to connect without admin/limad privileges).

both requirements are met, and it is reading the classification (XR3), but will not spectate upon joining.....attempting XR3|XRT,0,113 in tcd file...
Aaaah, that's something different than I was checking, you're using mass to create a custom car. I'll check this in a short while, there may be some hidden bug, I believe no one was using weight this way yet...

To be continued...
aahhhhh. well thx for checking. and thank you for always being so readily available. you must get paid well...lolthx again,k.m.
OK, I checked, this works too as expected. But I think I know where's the trouble.

If you specify XR3|XRT,0,113 in TCD file, you're basically creating a new car type. Anyone joining with XRT with 113 or more kgs of additional mass will be seen as joining with XR3 and Airio will keep separate stats for this type of car. But this definition does not say, that XRT cannot be used, so anyone with less than 113 kgs will be seen as joining with XRT and nothing will be done. Both XRT and XR3 are allowed. There are two options to disallow unrestricted XRT:

1) In SRV file you may use ProhibitedCars item and type there XRT. Anyone joining with pure XRT will be spectated for bad car type. All joning with XR3 will be able to stay on track. The disadvantage of this method is you need to create additional text to explain why is XRT disallowed and what needs to be done. (Experienced Airio users might type !cars and see all defined custom cars and act based on that info, but there is not as many of us around. )

2) In TCD file apply AddedMass of 113 kgs to XRT on all tracks. People joining with XRT will be spectated and will see in big buttons and colors what mass is required. And once they use that mass, Airio sees them as joining with XR3. Understood?

Quote from z-ro 8 :and thank you for always being so readily available. you must get paid well...lolthx again,k.m.

yes understood, thing I noticed is you said change CheckHandicaps in SRV file, but it was not there. it is in cfg.fil.txt. does this matter?if so I shold be able to copy to SRV file?thanks again ;]

*sorted: thanks so much for your help

btw, is there a place to alter the "spectated for bad car setup" text????
Racing on FOX Junkies I jumped the start and it of course gave me a DT. I went in the pits on lap 1 to serve my DT. As soon as I finished it AIRIO gave me another DT for "Drive-through penalty not executed properly..."

What about my DT was not proper? It's kind of hard to know how to correct this when it gives me no useful information.
Attached files
FE2_race_4L_11R_6F.mpr - 647.4 KB - 660 views
Quote from pik_d :What about my DT was not proper?

I looked your .mpr
At the end of pit you run at 81Km/h BEFORE the end line, in fact since pit door number 5.

So you got another DT. lol

No bug there... just a stressed driver who pushed too hard too soon.
The DT was given by administrator, not because I was speeding in pits. If I had hit 81 in what was really the pit lane it would say something about speeding in the pit lane.

Also check out this replay, I'm cruising down the entire pit lane at "81km/h" according to the speedo (it rounds up I believe, where what the pit lane sees from doesn't).
Attached files
FE2_no_extra_DT.mpr - 21.1 KB - 550 views
Quote from z-ro 8 :one thing I noticed is you said change CheckHandicaps in SRV file, but it was not there. it is in cfg.fil.txt. does this matter?if so I shold be able to copy to SRV file?thanks again ;]

Uhm, support for FIL files was removed several months ago, about 6 I'd say. The file contained separate items for filters, but there's been too many external files then and people were a bit lost as to where specific items are. So FIL was merged back to SRV.

I'd suggest you take a look at the current Airio default config files. There are three basic ones: CFG containing data valid for whole instance (several servers), TCD containing (hierarchical) track/car data, and SRV containing server-specific information.

This arrangement has not changed recently and no change is planned, so if you could convert your current files to the format the default files use, future updating (using file comparison tools) will be much easier for you. In case you prefer filers (or anything else, e.g. all custom texts) in some other files, you can always use IncludeFile item and point to custom filename.

Quote from z-ro 8 :btw, is there a place to alter the "spectated for bad car setup" text????

Yes, but need to use at least the EN file from latest language pack. This file goes (after !rld) to msg directory. Open the file, find the text you want to change, change it, save file, type !rld, check...

Quote from pik_d :Racing on FOX Junkies I jumped the start and it of course gave me a DT. I went in the pits on lap 1 to serve my DT. As soon as I finished it AIRIO gave me another DT for "Drive-through penalty not executed properly..."

Hmmm, I must ask Failure to send me the log and check closer what kind of trouble this was. Basically "improper DT" means you've spent in the pitlane surprisingly short time, something less than 5 seconds. It is there to prevent nasty DT cheating possible most notably on BL2. Maybe it could misfire in situations when there's a lag while entering pitlane, or the lane entry packet is lost somehow, and the pitlane is also very short. I'll check and try to correct this...
Someone in that replay (the first one) claimed that they had to do three DTs in one race (presumebly on FOX Junkies and likely at FE2), so yeah it's a pretty nasty bug.
Quote from EQ Worry :
Hmmm, I must ask Failure to send me the log and check closer what kind of trouble this was. Basically "improper DT" means you've spent in the pitlane surprisingly short time, something less than 5 seconds. It is there to prevent nasty DT cheating possible most notably on BL2. Maybe it could misfire in situations when there's a lag while entering pitlane, or the lane entry packet is lost somehow, and the pitlane is also very short. I'll check and try to correct this...

Four weeks ago I noticed this weird behaviour on LR|#1 too... Track was FE1.
After crossing the pitout-line Airio instantly gave another DT...for nothing. No speeding, car was on racepath, no crossing pitlines...
Noticed this in the race before and checked myself (see attached mpr)

Restarting airio cured it...
Attached files
dt sux.mpr - 503.1 KB - 809 views
dt sux log.rar - 41.9 KB - 711 views

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
(2389 posts, started )