good programme but i need help
when i load ario up on my server i get a message saying 15-mtc-only for multiplayer host how can i fix this please help
Quote from Ultimate[RUS] :I meen score results, not times table.

I see. I'll put the results & race summary info tables into my TODO list, abut it is almost sure it will not be part of the upcoming version 2.3.6.

Quote from maniek133 :How can I conect forum script with stats files on dedicated server without sharing my passwords? Is it posible to send stats file to another server autoamticly every X minutes?

I'm not sure what is the "forum script". Is it the one made my MCxxxx (can't remember the numbers )? I believe this script is using FTP data to download the files. If such scripts runs on your Web server, there's no one to share passwords with.

It is probable I'll implement regular zipping and uploading STA files somewhere very soon, because I need this functionality for FULL version. But almost surely it will be available only in the FULL version and not configurable.

Quote from shane2k7 :when i load ario up on my server i get a message saying 15-mtc-only for multiplayer host how can i fix this please help

The usual cause is you are not connecting Airio to server, but to your LFS client. Make sure you open the InSim port (as specified in Airio.con.txt file) on the LFS dedicated server, using its console, and not in the local client. That means you need to type e.g. /insim=29999 on the server and not in game.
I am not really good at orientating in Airio, and I've been asking few questions here some long time ago and someone always helped, so I was wondering if something can help me with my new problem.
It's not really a problem, but I was wondering, if it is possible to do with airio, that after the end of the qualification or race, the airio spectates the drivers automatically?

Maybe this have been asked before, but I'm not crazy enough to read all posts.

I hope someone can answer.
there is SpecAfterFinish= command, set to true or false

Quote :# Forcefully spectate drivers after receiving results - boolean
# May be useful e.g. on layouts to keep the track clean.

is in th "Driving Filters" section in .srv file
Quote from andRo. :... if it is possible to do with airio, that after the end of the qualification or race, the airio spectates the drivers automatically?

It is possible to spectate people individually as they are finishing race, by the item in SRV file z-ro mentions... I do not think this works after qualification, because the reported data are strange (for me, that is) and I'm not able to reliably recognize people whose qualification ended. But maybe I was not looking closer yet into this matter.
yes, it does work for qualy, as i used it for an oval event i did.

you make your outlap, one hotlap, and after that hotlap, you get spectated.
Cool, thanks guys.
Quote from z-ro 8 :yes, it does work for qualy, as i used it for an oval event i did. you make your outlap, one hotlap, and after that hotlap, you get spectated.

Ouch, I hate to say that, but I'm afraid it really is not the intended behavior in qualification. Still, it has its positive sides.
Quote from EQ Worry :Ouch, I hate to say that, but I'm afraid it really is not the intended behavior in qualification. Still, it has its positive sides.

yes we discussed this before, and one of my requests was to be able to alter the number of laps allowed in qualy before the spectating happens....if that is possible.
Qualification is a bit difficult to handle, starting with what one would consider the end of a qualification session.
I haven't spent much time on the subject, but my suggestion is to consider a qualification session to be over when
  • The time is up AND
  • every player on the track (existing PLID) has posted a result.
But there are problems with both these conditions:
  1. No packet is sent when the qualification time elapses, the InSim has to perform periodic checks by keeping track of the QualMins (sent via STA and RST) and sending TINY_GTH to compare the response SMALL_RTP UVal with QualMins (RTP UVal / 6000 <= QualMins). If interruptable timers are available, it's best to use those and interrupt the timer if the QualMins change (in which case a STA with the new value is sent).
  2. Not every player is guaranteed to produce results, the race start could be delayed if a player is idle on track. Either make sure players produce results or add a timeout.
Quote from EQ Worry :I see. I'll put the results & race summary info tables into my TODO list, abut it is almost sure it will not be part of the

10q man. Your program is amazing!
Hey, I was wondering, if it is possible to configure it, so that the Airio automatically restarts the race, when there is an exact number of people on the track.

For example: The race has ended, and people have been spectated, but you make it so that, when 4 drivers join the track, the airio restarts the race automatically in some time, for example 5sec or so.
But as long as the 4 drivers are not on the track, but less than that, airio doesn't restart automatically.

I was looking in the airio automatic restarting section, but I didn't find anything like that there, so maybe I need to add something there.

I hope you can help.
Quote :
# ---------------------- Starting and Ending ---------------------- #
# Time (in seconds) to wait with automatic race restart - integer
# Number of players to be connected for the restart to happen - integer

just like that.
won't restart if less than 4 people on track.

look in .srv file
Quote from andRo. :... The race has ended, and people have been spectated, but you make it so that, when 4 drivers join the track, the airio restarts the race automatically in some time, for example 5sec or so.
But as long as the 4 drivers are not on the track, but less than that, airio doesn't restart automatically. ...

I think what z-ro mentions is something slightly different that what you require. It is about automatic restart in case people do not restart themselves, say in 2-3 minutes after previous race finish.

I think I understand what you mean but how would such a thing be used? Currenty I see no point in quick race restart when e.g. four people join. Also it would mean other problems. For example not all from previous race finish are spectated at once, and even if spectated they could join again, so they must be spectated repeatedly.

Anything (almost) is possible, but what would be the point of this thing? Airio is supposed to be racing system, as universal as possible, but...
i think z-ro has the right system intention, But does that system count people on track? or total ammount of people on server.

Lets look at it this way:

there are 7 people on andRo's server,

4 of those are in spec and 3 are on track....

andRo does not want the race to be restarted unless at least 4 are on track.

Thats how i read it anyway... although i could be wrong.
Hm... Well, despite the fact the item is called RestartCons and it mentions people connected, in fact it takes into account only people on track. That means auto-restart will happen only when there are 4 or more people on track, whatever number is spectating. (I'm going to correct the item description now. :schwitz
franky is right. That's exactly what I meant.
z-ro: I did that before I asked here on forum, but somehow it didn't restart it, dunno why.
I might have to check it again...

EQ Worry -
It is needed for an LFS cup, but I don't really have to tell what it is needed for, since that's not important. But I just wanted you guys to help me.

EDIT: Oops, I'm sorry. I had accidentally placed the integers other way around, meaning that I placed 4 at the time to restart and 5 at the players on track, and when I was testing, it didn't work, because there was not enough drivers.
@EQ Worry
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to not only give us Airio but for the ongoing help and support you provide. It's very much appreciated.

I have a query relating to one of the stats files. The information here states that there are 10 fields in the airio.sta.un.txt file yet my file contains 12 fields - the last 2 being a copy of the first 2. I have created new files from the latest version and this discrepancy still exists. Is there some reason for this?
Quote from andRo. :Oops, I'm sorry. I had accidentally placed the integers other way around, meaning that I placed 4 at the time to restart and 5 at the players on track, and when I was testing, it didn't work, because there was not enough drivers.

Ha! It is always pleasure to see some broken functionality is in fact slightly wrong configuration. But I do realize it is currently hard to discover such errors - a simple overview of current server setup would be very helpful in knowing if certain filters run and under what settings. But adding such framework, maybe even allowing graphical config changes, is planned for some later stages of development.

Quote from OldBloke :Firstly, thank you for taking the time to not only give us Airio but for the ongoing help and support you provide. It's very much appreciated.

Thx a lot for the nice words!

Quote from OldBloke :The information here states that there are 10 fields in the airio.sta.un.txt file yet my file contains 12 fields ... Is there some reason for this?

The link you mention actually contains the items 11 and 12 explained. While I'm not capable to update other pars of docs, this explanation is complete and correct. Basically, the two additional items are used only in tab-separated stats and contain nickname in Unicode and username in raw form.

Items 1 and 2 actually have it the other way, that is raw nickname and lowercase username. Having nickname in Unicode is handy for displaying on Web pages - you just need to convert special chars such as /, \ or * (but I plan to convert even these, I just need to consider the consequences) and color codes.
Quote from EQ Worry :... The link you mention actually contains the items 11 and 12 explained. While I'm not capable to update other pars of docs, this explanation is complete and correct. Basically, the two additional items are used only in tab-separated stats and contain nickname in Unicode and username in raw form.

Items 1 and 2 actually have it the other way, that is raw nickname and lowercase username. Having nickname in Unicode is handy for displaying on Web pages - you just need to convert special chars such as /, \ or * (but I plan to convert even these, I just need to consider the consequences) and color codes.

Thanks for the explanation although I have to confess that I'm struggling to find it described there.
Hm, try F5? I see there this:

11. [B]unicode nickname[/B] (only in tab-separated file, for easier display on Web pages)
12. [B]raw username[/B] (only in tab-separated file, raw LFS format, not converted to lowercase)

Any clue about the problem with the .zip file?

We're really looking forward for it, as the .sta are not being uploaded. And when you have ready for release the new version, please let me know. I stay tuned
Quote from EQ Worry :Hm, try F5? I see there this:

11. [B]unicode nickname[/B] (only in tab-separated file, for easier display on Web pages)
12. [B]raw username[/B] (only in tab-separated file, raw LFS format, not converted to lowercase)

Yep. Appeared after a refresh.
Quote from RocksGt :Any clue about the problem with the .zip file? We're really looking forward for it, as the .sta are not being uploaded. And when you have ready for release the new version, please let me know. I stay tuned

I did some changes there, yes. For now try a simple solution: Delete the ZIP file in Airio root folder, I believe the errors will disappear and uploads will work. If you still get the error, log lines describing the problem would be most welcome.
LFS Experience Index in Airio 2.3.6
I'm very close to releasing Airio 2.3.6. I have one major thing to finish and maybe add one or two smaller ones. The major thing is global LFS Experience Index I was working on these past days.

Some people complained that even though they're LFS veterans they must go through slower cars on certain multiclass servers (well, currently only one, in fact, but that does not matter). There was some ideas about using global points to prove your experience once and have it accepted when other ranking servers appear, but it has in fact too many cathes.

So in the end I chose a different solution, the obvious one - using the very extensive online statistics available from LFS World. Online and hotlap data are downloaded, compiled, evaluated and processed. In the end there is a single number which tries to express general LFS Experience and which can be used to bypass rank/licence requirements, if admins choose so.

I'll not go into details here, but if you're interested check out the LFS Experience Index page. To get your own index for some comparisons go e.g. to [AA] Formula BL1R empty demo server and wait a short while. Then try typing !ex or refreshing the experience page, maybe also clicking on your username to get more details.

I realize this thing will be hated by some and adored by others. Its point is to make life easier for veteran drivers on ranking Airio-powered servers, and maybe also bring a bit more competition into LFS for those with competitive mind. The index also encourages variability, so using more types of cars on more tracks is substantially better than doing more and more laps in the same combo.

To make it a bit more controversial the index value will be converted into textual description as well, with optional display on connect to server (running Airio FULL) or on update. I have already created some descriptions, but soon I'll be opening this for discussion, to see what category and/or class names would be acceptable for LFS community in general. Certainly, that will not be easy...

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