The online racing simulator
As written in my last post: just add the config line I quoted to your Airio.srv.txt and then you can bring the meaning of these shortcuts in to your mind by typing the command !act - this command only works for Limad2 and above.
feature issue
hallo, why i am kicked for swearword by Airio when i say TYPICAL on AA servers?
Oh, lol, I'll add this one as an exception...
Quote from [d9] :hallo, why i am kicked for swearword by Airio when i say TYPICAL on AA servers?

What was the whole sentence?

Airio can sometimes pick up stuff like "push it"
Quote from pik_d :What was the whole sentence?

Airio picked up the word "pica" from typical...I presume.
I believe it is a Polish swear word.
(pik_d) DELETED by pik_d : worked out in pm
(Anthoop) DELETED by Anthoop
Whatever you do, don't say "did you finish it?" on the IHR servers...

For some completely unknown reason to me and the rest of mankind, it seems that shit is a swear word and abusive to those guys

As is cock btw, though both are used EVERY single day to express ones owns failures in a race game, but VERY rarely used in the abusive context...

Then we wonder why people complain about airio....
Depends on swearfilter and even more from Excep="rules"...
"Excep=finish it" e.g.

Btw: I can´t get the new "driver IP address capturing" to work... nearly all guests still using EN as language
What LFSPath is needed: to deb.log or to lfs.exe?
Quote from jasonmatthews :Whatever you do, don't say "did you finish it?" on the IHR servers...

For some completely unknown reason to me and the rest of mankind, it seems that shit is a swear word and abusive to those guys

As is cock btw, though both are used EVERY single day to express ones owns failures in a race game, but VERY rarely used in the abusive context...

Then we wonder why people complain about airio....

shit has been removed for your shit away my friend
Quote from VoiD :I can´t get the new "driver IP address capturing" to work... nearly all guests still using EN as language... What LFSPath is needed: to deb.log or to lfs.exe?

You need the following in the appropriate SRV file:


Also, if I remember correctly, a reasonably recent server Z patch is necessary, at least Z15 or something like this (because the server log file format has changed there).

IP address (and country) capturing will work then.

Thx alot... path was set to deb.log (server-directory). Was a bit confused about it

You should edit the readme
Again I don't know if it has been asked before but is there a way of giving point penalties (removing points) and safety rating penalties (lowering it)?
Quote from EQ Worry :Oh, lol, I'll add this one as an exception...

heh, this is neverending...

why word "Pica" is prohibited, when its regular (even technical word - typographic unit) - 1 PostScript pica = 4.23333333 millimeters - google?

can i talk about Dick Clark or about Dostojevskij's novel Idiot online?


i am not fan of automatic kicking for swearwords, and i preffer rather kicking for acts. often i can see opposite, on aa servers also, unfortunetly...
there are too much of similar word/parts with different meaning in different languages, too much exceptions.

and btw. - people always can find way to swear if they want - you beach!

Quote from VoiD :Depends on swearfilter and even more from Excep="rules"...
"Excep=finish it" e.g.

wish it?
trash it?
smash it?
splash it?
wash it?
fish it?
was hit me?
is this hit?

bit chemical?
rabbit challenge?
want a bit cheese?
64-bit chunk?


happy excepting
Quote from [d9] :
i am not fan of automatic kicking for swearwords, and i preffer rather kicking for acts. often i can see opposite, on aa servers also, unfortunetly...
there are too much of similar word/parts with different meaning in different languages, too much exceptions.

and btw. - people always can find way to swear if they want - you beach!

In Airio.srv.txt you will find the following setting..

# Warn for bad words in messages kick for bad words in names - boolean
# Curses and char replacements are defined in Airio.cfg.txt file.

Should you wish to change your server settings to check for swearing then simply change the setting to true.

You can add or change curses and exceptions in the cfg file....
Quote from [d9] :heh, this is neverending...

Indeed. I have a few comments:

1) If you're unhappy about some Airio config on some server(s), why write it here? This is general thread discussing Airio, solving troubles, giving suggestions. Specific config complains belong to server admins, not here.

2) But OK, I'm the one mostly taking care of AirAtack servers, so I can answer some things here:

I agree the word "pica" is clear overkill, too general, too sporadicaly used in the intended meaning. I agree trying to cover as much languages may and will sometimes give wrong warnings/kicks...

But SO WHAT? Argumenting that you can't talk about Dostoyevskiy's Idiot on AA servers is, sorry, pure and utter rubbish. You must know perfectly well that in 99.5% of cases it is used as an abusive word, so what is the point?

We're not human rights organization nor layers protecting evil based on the fact that with 0.5% probablity the evil is not actually evil. If anyone is warned and on 2nd attempt kicked by mistake, we're sorry. Any automated system will give false alarms, especially if as extended as on AirAttack servers.

Overall the filter kicks correctly in 95% or even more cases. If someone feels entitled (maybe after being crashed) to swear and abuse others and is kicked, that, by AA filosophy, is the correct action, because swearing never helps anything, does not solve the problem, rather escalates it.

Trying to find the cases where the specifically configured filter may fail is prety useless exercise. BTW, none if the "shit" examples you wrote will give you warning or kick, you can test it. On the other hand the "bitch" examples will indeed fire falsely, but I can hardly imagine anyone using most of those.

Considering managing demo servers to the ideal state (clean races, everyone happy): Anyone trying to do that will know it is pretty much impossible, unless you have someone with at least six eyes constantly online. And such people are rare indeed. So we need to rely an automatics as much as possible, and I believe it is indeed doing a good job. Not perfect, naturally, but even humans are not capable of that.

Sorry for this a bit heated answer, I just wanted to make my points clear.
Quote from menantoll :Again I don't know if it has been asked before but is there a way of giving point penalties (removing points) and safety rating penalties (lowering it)?

Currently there is no automated nor manual way to subtract points. They can only rise and only automatically by configuration (races, improvements, series, stunts).

Safety rating is not manually configurable. However it can go both up and down according to positive or negative values configures (yellow flags, finished laps, races, cursing).
Quote from EQ Worry :Currently there is no automated nor manual way to subtract points. They can only rise and only automatically by configuration (races, improvements, series, stunts).

what about editing the STA's by hand?
Quote from bunder9999 :what about editing the STA's by hand?

Yes, of course that is possible. You need to stop Airio, find the correct item in STA files, change it, save the file, start Airio again. The STA files format is in detal explained right here. But this approach is not recommended. [If you try, make sure to have backup copies.]
hallo, you are ofcourse right
i am sorry for posting it there... i did it, because swearwords engine is one of built-in airio features, which is overally part of some "anti-dirty racers system" - in other words something like artifical intelligence, and i think AI should never punish for NOT WRONG behaviour

i was just surprised, because i never use swearwords, i was warned 2 times by airio for 0 swearwords (its 100% wrong in my point of view), and i still cant understand, why cant i say "i am idiot", when i screw my lap or chat nightly about movies or books with buddies on servers (what is not so rare after midnight)...

btw, i am wondering, if you really have statistically documented your 95% succes of auto kicking/warning, i guess it might be even under 50% (in cases when the just words - "%20bitch%20" or "%20****%20" are not used ofcourse)
(i am sorry, if these words can not be used as examples on this forum)
EDIT: hehe, the second - F*** word was starred automatically, duno if its forum or my local system/browser behaviour

one more time sorry for bothering you there, it was not meaned offensive, rather like comment.
i respect and like your work - some of features like watching pit-outs or blue flag management fairly "saved" my car on demo servers few times


Quote from EQ Worry :Indeed. I have a few comments:

1) If you're unhappy about some Airio config on some server(s), why write it here? This is general thread discussing Airio, solving troubles, giving suggestions. Specific config complains belong to server admins, not here.

2) But OK, I'm the one mostly taking care of AirAtack servers, so I can answer some things here:

I agree the word "pica" is clear overkill, too general, too sporadicaly used in the intended meaning. I agree trying to cover as much languages may and will sometimes give wrong warnings/kicks...

But SO WHAT? Argumenting that you can't talk about Dostoyevskiy's Idiot on AA servers is, sorry, pure and utter rubbish. You must know perfectly well that in 99.5% of cases it is used as an abusive word, so what is the point?

We're not human rights organization nor layers protecting evil based on the fact that with 0.5% probablity the evil is not actually evil. If anyone is warned and on 2nd attempt kicked by mistake, we're sorry. Any automated system will give false alarms, especially if as extended as on AirAttack servers.

Overall the filter kicks correctly in 95% or even more cases. If someone feels entitled (maybe after being crashed) to swear and abuse others and is kicked, that, by AA filosophy, is the correct action, because swearing never helps anything, does not solve the problem, rather escalates it.

Trying to find the cases where the specifically configured filter may fail is prety useless exercise. BTW, none if the "shit" examples you wrote will give you warning or kick, you can test it. On the other hand the "bitch" examples will indeed fire falsely, but I can hardly imagine anyone using most of those.

Considering managing demo servers to the ideal state (clean races, everyone happy): Anyone trying to do that will know it is pretty much impossible, unless you have someone with at least six eyes constantly online. And such people are rare indeed. So we need to rely an automatics as much as possible, and I believe it is indeed doing a good job. Not perfect, naturally, but even humans are not capable of that.

Sorry for this a bit heated answer, I just wanted to make my points clear.

Generally speaking, swearword filters are censorship and deprive people of their freedom of speech, they're a complete waste of system resources as far as I'm concerned. You do have the right to install them on your property of course, but what you're essentially saying is that you don't trust your visitors to be able to handle a harmless little argument, which is all that could ensue from verbal abuse over the internet.

Sadly it's not all that wrong. Like any large community, LFS is swamped with individuals who can't be trusted in that respect. Kicking isn't going to do much good in those cases though, banning is, but requires human administration due to the questionable reliability of the filter.

Admittedly, an LFS host is usually not the right place to have an argument, but the number of kicks for what is assumed to potentially start an argument must far exceed the number of times where an actual argument would have ensued.

Ok... let´s hijack this thread again...

Have you ever tried to administrate a Demo server?

Have you ever seen a bunch of kiddies chatting words I never knew before, swearing in the worst way against "normal" guests because they are faster or the just have fun with it?

Quote :09.09.10 08:59:44 #1 C13P00 XXX - XXX : Yesterday I f***ed your mother with a knife!

Have you ever seen a bunch of idiots imitation the tag of a well know LFS team just to purposely crash?

I mean those guys the have several thousand Demo licenses and if they got banned on one server they move to the 2nd - or just change the license?

If EQ could code that I would be happy if Airio could format the hard-disk on the computer of such a kiddie!

Don´t tell me, that I am a bad admin! Even with a lot of team mates and other friends with the right to kick/ban it is not possible to cover one server 24/7 - of course it is more impossible to manage 8 servers then.

So I am happy with the possibilities Airio gives me!
Well Demo is an entirely different story, the kind of people you describe (and quote) cannot be expected to act reasonable. But, like you said, whether AIRIO or an actual person bans them, they will simply come back with a new account if they fancy it, rendering any countermeasures pointless.

And regarding your quote: Yes he's an idiot, but so is anyone who gets worked up over it. If somebody had "****ed your mother with a knife" yesterday, you almost certainly would know today. Chill and ignore, works way better than wasting your time and giving them the reaction they hope for
Quote from [d9] :i think AI should never punish for NOT WRONG behaviour

Well, true, but warning on 1st and kick on 2nd attempt is not exactly a capital punishment, is it? In vast majority of cases the kicks are correct and in the few cases when it is not, well, we're sorry. Overall I see the positive sides of the filter clearly outweighting the negative ones.

Quote from [d9] :i still cant understand, why cant i say "i am idiot", when i screw my lap

This is more about what words some people find yet acceptable. Again, true, you might be referring to yourself, but mostly it is used as an offense. The founding fathers of the AirAttack servers established a strict language policy, we're just following this because it really works.

Quote from [d9] :btw, i am wondering, if you really have statistically documented your 95% succes of auto kicking/warning, i guess it might be even under 50%

I was not doing extensive research, it is just my feeling from what I see. But for the point of argument appended are all captured curses from yesterday's log of the AirAttack demo servers. (NOTE: Do not open if you do not want to lose all the remaining faith in humanity!) I've counted about 120 cases when the language filter fires, 100 of which were warnings, 20 were kicks. I see ONE clearly false warning there, one or two more that are disputable. I see NO false kick. Maybe yesterday was an exceptional day or the filter in fact works with 99% reliability.

Quote from morpha :Generally speaking, swearword filters are censorship and deprive people of their freedom of speech, they're a complete waste of system resources as far as I'm concerned.

Right. I might add that we're not a governmental organization either making sure everyone can say whatever he wants. Most of the people are actually offended when someone is swearing at them or generally using very bad language on server. Giving "free speech" can kill a server, it can quickly deteriorate the atmosphere of the server. Over all, the filter works very well, it quickly ends arguments and for sure the AirAttack people do not even consider the possibility of turning it off. But of course adjustments are possible and necessary, such as the removal of "pica" word as mentioned above...

Quote from morpha :Chill and ignore, works way better than wasting your time and giving them the reaction they hope for

Yes, a loong ban for the guy helps me to chill out quite quickly. And such bans are not pointless, sooner or later the people will run out of their LFS accounts and creating new ones will take them more time than they'll spent online before being banned again and again...
Attached files
Curse.txt - 16.5 KB - 351 views
Quote from EQ Worry :Right. I might add that we're not a governmental organization either making sure everyone can say whatever he wants. Most of the people are actually offended when someone is swearing at them or generally using very bad language on server. Giving "free speech" can kill a server, it can quickly deteriorate the atmosphere of the server. Over all, the filter works very well, it quickly ends arguments and for sure the AirAttack people do not even consider the possibility of turning it off. But of course adjustments are possible and necessary, such as the removal of "pica" word as mentioned above...

As I said, it's entirely up to you whether you run a filter on your server(s) or not, freedom of speech does not apply. Regarding "being offended": Watch me

Quote from EQ Worry :Yes, a loong ban for the guy helps me to chill out quite quickly. And such bans are not pointless, sooner or later the people will run out of their LFS accounts and creating new ones will take them more time than they'll spent online before being banned again and again...

Yeah maybe, I wouldn't really know, I stay clear of Demo. I don't really mean to argue anyway, I was merely providing an additional opinion. You're obviously aware of the advantages and disadvantages of your filter, you're doing the best you can to find the balance, so I suppose if there has to be a filter, it's probably good you're the one developing it.
Hello. Its a small issue, however, could you look into it?
Cyrillic server name showed with wrong characters.

And here it has just |||||| instead of proper name.

Thanks in advance

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