NO! No that type of crashing, nor the "I accidently crashed into your ****" crash either! :scared:
Sleep over is what I mean you crazy Vittu (horrible wrong spelled)
Exactly; and when she's bugging the shit out of you. I call that this also qualifies as drinking with company... especialy when the company is all up in your face
When you wake up, your vission is blurry, you stomach hurts, the weight of the world stands on your head.. well then youk now it's a propper damn sunday! O' how mych I envy you for not having hangovers!
It's like God were thinking "****! Now I made something that actually is fun, I need to punish those ****faces that actually does it so they return doing things that ain't fun!"
I have been drunk MANY times, and NEVER had a hangover.
One time, I had drank REALLY much, really to much:
2 complete bottles of Baileys, 40 small shot bottles out of germany, and 2 beers.
Was on my vacation, at a party.
Whilst walking back to my tent, I fell over the wires of the tent and rolled into a canal
Luckily people got me out of there. (my tent was close to the party)
When I woke up, I was all wet, but didn't feel bad or had a hang over.
been there, done that. Tumbled over some tents wires on a festival, sliced my shoe open, and started pulling all surrounding tents wires in anger after that.
I only get hangovers if I drink to much wine (sangria...) or everything mixed up:vomit:.
My Maximum has been a night at a friends house before he moved to another place (legendary), a bottle of Genever Korn, several beers, some Baileys and Whiskey and the like, felt surprisingly good the other day. And remember everything
LFS related, even if I'm not even half drunk my laptimes tumble. But I made a great landing in a 747 in Rio De Janeiro once:woohoo: (in FS2002)
Why is everyone so uptight because someone has a few at home?? I'll have a few beers after work (weekday).. Play some LFS, drink a few more since I'm having fun. Good times
Lucky guy. I can't swallow beer after 1 litre, and if I drink wine, I take 1 glass of wine, 1 of coffee. Because otherwise, if I drink wine/champagne only, a headache strikes me in 3-4 hours.
You need to be drinking a lot more non alchoholic drinks, preferably plain water, during the day i would say then, as to get such a headache from a smallish amount such as that then you are either wicked dehydrated to start with, or another possibility, you could be mildly allergic to alchohol.
It does happen, as i have a good mate who is seriously allergic, to the point of where he has to be careful when using aftershaves as he comes out in a rash depending on the alchohol content.
And also, caffiene, as found in coffee, is also an irritant that can cause headaches for some people, so this could make it worse.