I figured you did as you are listed as the first programmer

I actually just messaged Sam to see if we could clear up the credit issue, the last time we discussed it things where a bit fresh but that was all a long time ago and I'd like to have it on my cv too.
I code totally differently these days. In my latest cores each server is an object and each packet type a method of that object. This allows me to send the server object to a seperate processor thread. It access the live player list through a similar linked list system except the player objects now have methods associated, and I've included a mutex lock to prevent tread crashes.
What I'd like to do however is to have both a global player list and a player list for each server, as this would increase efficiency when dealing with large server volumes.
Basically I've gone a lot more OO these days, and tend to do most things multiple-threaded. I really would like to get up to date on my 3D coding though, I can do some real nice stuff but with my old OpenGL engine but there's so many new toys in modern 3D engines, but reall life and my partner all but moving in tends to make big projects incompleteable these days.