The online racing simulator
Is CTRA back up? [ No :o) ]
(137 posts, started )
this thread went into chaos after i posted!
Jeez people must just sit there all day refreshing the CTRA website addy in the vain hope that it comes back ...and the world is well again

Think this is the the 3rd OMFG ctra is back ..quick get the tissues im about to explode thread

If the guy that wrote it is using it on his CV , thats cool , its a nice piece of work ...... but please do us all a favor , and change summit in the addy so the numpties dont post "OMFG CTRA is back boff boff boff boff ahhhhh " type threads
Quote :admins could take shifts or something, plus how many admins would u need to keep everything neat and tidy?

I would say you would want atleast 20 to satisfy the full userbase. The contribution that admins make fluctuates over time as real lives take precedent. To have a strong team capable of handling a popular suite of servers on a long term basis you'd want a good 20 or so admins. CTRA started with around 10 or so, and long term it wasnt enough and not enough fresh blood came onboard to replace admins as they left, which eventually led to the failure of the reporting system and ultimately closing of the system.

Quote :The server software is safely locked away on a server far far away.

I also have the core software (though not the website) and numerous prototypes and variations. The CTRA where using their own branch of the X-System software with a few bug fixes and tweaks but it's fundamentally the same tool as I have here.

Having said that I do not believe LFS would benefit from releasing the core application and I keep it only for reference. If I was to get behind a new system it would have a different focus to X-System, as times and the way LFS is played have changed.

Quote :servers and such are hard-coded in, so you'd never get it to work on your own.

Actually servers are configurable from configuration text files, they're fairly simple text files using a simple script system and easy to edit. X-System used a lot of text based configuration files to make it easily reconfigurable for Sam and the team without needing to be recompiled.
shh... I'm trying to get him to STFU re: the server being hard coded .
Quote from dawesdust_12 :shh... I'm trying to get him to STFU re: the server being hard coded .

Sorry, i'm too proud of what I did to let that one slide - you're suggesting bad code!

(Although when I look back at that code *hangs head in shame*...)
Quote from DoC_uk :Jeez people must just sit there all day refreshing the CTRA website addy in the vain hope that it comes back ...and the world is well again

Think this is the the 3rd OMFG ctra is back ..quick get the tissues im about to explode thread

If the guy that wrote it is using it on his CV , thats cool , its a nice piece of work ...... but please do us all a favor , and change summit in the addy so the numpties dont post "OMFG CTRA is back boff boff boff boff ahhhhh " type threads

This is the first thread of them all, mate. And I don't take any pride in it whatsoever, it just came from a doubt stemming from the website being up, so please read the OP before making stupid, reasonless comments like that one.

A good way to "filter" cheaters, laggers and crashers would be imposing a limit on the number of drivers in the race. Well, it would help with the lag.
Can't think of anything else to lay off the Admins' stress.
Quote from Senninha25 :This is the first thread of them all, mate. And I don't take any pride in it whatsoever, it just came from a doubt stemming from the website being up, so please read the OP before making stupid, reasonless comments like that one.

Ok i was wrong ...there is only 1 , but still my case stands ... ... =60320&highlight=ctra

So how about you get a 'kin clue before spouting off your "OMFG CTRA is back boff boff boff boff ahhhhh " type threads

now stfu and go find a different web addy to sit there and refresh
don't you have anything else to do rather than talk crap all the time? I don't think I'm the one who should stfu when you are going offtopic (I'm being a hypocrit here but I don't go this far).
Quote from DoC_uk :Ok i was wrong ...there is only 1 , but still my case stands ... ... =60320&highlight=ctra

So how about you get a 'kin clue before spouting off your "OMFG CTRA is back boff boff boff boff ahhhhh " type threads

now stfu and go find a different web addy to sit there and refresh

why are u so revolting?
personally im interested in bump n jumps, i could have a go there, the tracks to choose from seems to be wide!
Quote from Senninha25 :don't you have anything else to do rather than talk crap all the time? I don't think I'm the one who should stfu when you are going offtopic (I'm being a hypocrit here but I don't go this far).

1. if its a fact then its not crap

2. its not off topic

3. you just don't like being proved wrong and so lower yourself to mindless random insults ...

Facts are , this HAS been discussed before and you just don't like that being pointed out to you .

suck it up m8
Quote from Steven Seagal Is The Co :why are u so revolting?
personally im interested in bump n jumps, i could have a go there, the tracks to choose from seems to be wide!

wat ?

did you even read the thread ...or this 1 ... =60320&highlight=ctra

im guessing not

Steven Seagal he your hero ? or you just REALLY like him ? I kinda thought he got a little fat in the last few years , let him self go a little .. , bet you would love a 3 some with him and Jean-Claude Van Damme eh ? ...its ok to admit it m8

yay 201 posts in 6 years ...i'm such a forum whore ! Double century ..go me
You're quite possibly the most vile and repulsive forum member I've come across. Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning.

He made a thread because he noticed something regarding a website that is LFS related. I posted in response as to why it's up, and he reminisced about CTRA. Is that such a crime that you haffto go all forum retard on him?

and Becky, somewhere I have 1 or 2 iterations of the X-System code, I actually (shockingly) understand it, but could never do something of the same size. I are weak
In my humble opinion CTRA was the best thing in LFS, it single handidly got me totally hooked on sim racing. I have not enjoyed LFS so much since it's demise.

Ye I know there's plenty of other good servers, leagues etc but none as readily accessible for some quick pick up racing with a goal.

So poodleypips TVM I'll drink wine if I like
I figured you did as you are listed as the first programmer I actually just messaged Sam to see if we could clear up the credit issue, the last time we discussed it things where a bit fresh but that was all a long time ago and I'd like to have it on my cv too.

I code totally differently these days. In my latest cores each server is an object and each packet type a method of that object. This allows me to send the server object to a seperate processor thread. It access the live player list through a similar linked list system except the player objects now have methods associated, and I've included a mutex lock to prevent tread crashes.

What I'd like to do however is to have both a global player list and a player list for each server, as this would increase efficiency when dealing with large server volumes.

Basically I've gone a lot more OO these days, and tend to do most things multiple-threaded. I really would like to get up to date on my 3D coding though, I can do some real nice stuff but with my old OpenGL engine but there's so many new toys in modern 3D engines, but reall life and my partner all but moving in tends to make big projects incompleteable these days.
You m8 can think and post what you like , but I for 1 can't see the point in another " i saw the CTRA site up and i'm gonna post " thread . If that makes me me vile and repulsive then so be it ... I'm not here to make Efriends, i post as i see fit or feel at the time , as is my right as i have paid my £24 (if thats ok with you)

He made a thread about a topic that has been discussed before , then came out with random shit that i can't even be assed to quote , inaccurate and unfounded ( look it up )

Ctra was a nice app , very well programed , and for the most part was very well moderated , BUT ...its GONE ... deal with it and move on

I guess you think I am not allowed to reply to idiots that cant get their facts right ?

stfu you vile repulsive fool
If it wasn't for the off colour discussion of forum ettiquette some of this thread was ok to read. (Like seeing Dustin post repeatedly in a thread without mentioning Macs)
I was waiting to work it in somehow. I've actually just started myself to play more and more with C/C++. Most recently get my SLI-M attached with USB and code my own software for it (particularly to interface with an unsupported sim). It's tough but I'm working on it my best.

But Doc, I'm looking for where it says he can't make posts about whatever he wants.

Oh yeah.. He can post about whatever he wants (within logical reason) whenever and in whatever tone (again, within reason) he would like. It shows your mental capacity when you're unable to recognize this and begin to flame and insult him.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I was waiting to work it in somehow. I've actually just started myself to play more and more with C/C++. Most recently get my SLI-M attached with USB and code my own software for it (particularly to interface with an unsupported sim). It's tough but I'm working on it my best.

that's really weird because I had a conversation with a team mate on facebook today about redoing the code for his dashes and guages if/when Scawen makes his changes to the Outguage protocol and I got geekily excited at the prospect of doing it! I just want to make the little needles go up and down on his dials and come up with a few creative ideas for his LCD readout. I am such a geek :/
Yeah, I'm having a bitch of a time with mine, mostly due to Visual Studio 2008 being retarded. I have a working piece of code, that compiles for someone else, but me, with the identical SDK and such and it won't go. It's very frustrating.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :But Doc, I'm looking for where it says he can't make posts about whatever he wants.

Oh yeah.. He can post about whatever he wants (within logical reason) whenever and in whatever tone (again, within reason) he would like. It shows your mental capacity when you're unable to recognize this and begin to flame and insult him.

No where i guess , but then am I able to make the same posts ? ( my tone being open to discussion)

I see many , many other posts pointing out that that the topic may have been discussed before . But wthout the response that you you so gracefully added to mine .

My original point being , that we have seen the CTRA posts before , and so I find its both repetative and annoying that we have to sit through th same old, same old rubbish as before ..

I am sorry if this offends you

But I stand by my original post ..................CTRA is gone with it and move on
You can post whatever you want, so long as you're not being overly abusive and condecending. Sadly you failed on that earlier.
On the rare ocassions I touch C++ I do it in a third party IDE for Blitz and use bmk to build it (which derives from MinGW). I hate visual studio, I meen I literally cannot understand it. I'm unable to even type a cout in it. The whole thing just makes no sense to me. My idea of project management is an SVN and anything more complex than that just gets in the way of actual coding to me. Mind you if I was any good at C++ I'd be going for jobs doing it rather than making PHP which is, lets face it, an interpreted language. *sniff* it's like being a BASIC programmer in the 80s, I'm only cool in q group of nerds provided there are no REAL programmers present. :/
Quote from dawesdust_12 :You can post whatever you want, so long as you're not being overly abusive and condecending. Sadly you failed on that earlier.

If thats the case , you failed right afer . pot , kettle , black anyone ?
Oh for God*'s sake Doc just move on, LFS is a community not a wiki, were capable of talking the same old crap a few times over just like a bunch of mates down the pub, afterall for many of us we do have drinks together or stay in touch outside of the game - intact I was on the phone to an LFS forum goer just a week back talking about random crap - that's what friends do...

If your contribution to the community is to try and restructure the forum as a time sorted database of available conversation topics then by all meens join a forum of MySQL geeks...

* could also be invisible pink unicorn.

Is CTRA back up? [ No :o) ]
(137 posts, started )